Money & Spirituality | Love Blog - Emmanuel Dagher
Hi my friend,
Recently, it has been brought to my attention that there’s still a strong notion, especially in many spiritual circles, that money somehow is not spiritual. I can completely empathize with this notion, because it’s one that I used to carry with me.
When you think of, hear about, or see images that depict financial abundance, do you cringe, get triggered or offended in any way? If you don’t, then I am so grateful to know that you have done the inner work to expand yourself into greater states of understanding when it comes to your experience with money.
However, if you do get triggered or offended when something having to do with money enters your experience… maybe it’s time to take a closer look as to why this may be happening?
To heal the triggers we may have around money, it’s important to understand what money actually is, and to know its purpose.
Everything in the Universe has a unique energy signature, meaning that everything in the Universe is a living breathing entity. Some energy signatures may appear to be more alive than others, because they manifest themselves in louder ways. We clearly see this in human beings and the animal kingdom.
However, even though the plant or mineral kingdoms may not have as ‘loud’ of a personality, they are still fully alive and thriving.
So if everything is alive, then money itself is not a lifeless object. It’s actually a living, breathing energy here to coexist with other living, breathing beings.
Wow, this realization for me completely changed my life. I started to see that by projecting my own judgments on to this living, breathing energy…I was in fact moving myself away from the spiritual path I so desired to experience.
Imagine if you had a best friend, and you projected the beliefs you have around money on to them. Things like: You are not spiritual, you cause problems, you are bad and evil, you are not enough, you’re just a lifeless object, I feel guilty for being around you, people have to struggle, fight, cheat, steal and work very hard to have you in their lives, etc... Wow! Think about how traumatized your best friend would be if you projected all of this on to them for years and years! I know that if this was happening to me, my desire would be to run in the complete opposite direction of the friend who was abusing me in this way.
Well my friend, this is exactly what we having been doing to money, especially when we see it as being anything less than spiritual.
After going through a grieving phase as a result of realizing how awful I was treating money, I started forgiving myself and asking the energy of money to forgive me for not knowing any better at the time.
I then began asking money itself questions like, “How can support you, love you, nurture you, serve you, heal you, and bless you even more?” I had never thought of asking these types of questions before! Up to that point, it was always about me, me me, and focusing on my own insecurities when it came to my relationship with money.
Imagine asking your best friend questions like the ones I just mentioned? They would probably want to be around you all the time! Well, this is exactly what began to occur in my life with how I experienced money. I started attracted more of it, because I was treating it like I would a kindred friend.
Money itself is a living, breathing energy that is here to fulfill its purpose of being the embodiment of giving and receiving, just like we are here to fulfill our own purpose.
Like the principles of gravity, aerodynamics, attraction, and much more…there’s also a principle of circulation. Money is the physical representation of the exchange that takes place during the principle of circulation which is all about the natural flow of giving and receiving energy. That’s it!
So with this new understanding, we actually see that money has been spiritual all along!
All of those misconceptions we placed around money, had absolutely nothing to do with money and everything to do with our own behavior towards it.
The next time a thought come up in your consciousness that money is anything less than spiritual, use it as an opportunity to experience a huge breakthrough. The mind likes to stay in its comfort zone, and many of the misconceptions we have around money are just the minds way of protecting itself by remaining in its comfort zone. The triggers we feel when ‘money’ comes up, are an indicator that something within us is looking to expand.
It’s our birthright to be abundant and prosperous. It is part of the well-being we get to experience in this world. The Universe itself is a vast, unlimited and ever-expanding energy, so why would we think we are anything less than that?
I hope these words has given you a new perspective to consider that will ultimately support you in finally being at peace with your experience of money and financial abundance. Money needs our compassion, support, and love. This is what will heal it from the trauma it has endured for thousands of years, and what will heal our relationship with it once and for all.
May prosperity rain upon you always!
©2009-2014 Emmanuel Dagher All Rights Reserved You are absolutely welcome to share and distribute this blog with others as you feel guided. Please make sure to keep the integrity of this article by including the author & source website link.
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