Monday, September 15, 2014

NorthPoint Astrology Journal:Your Guide to Planetary Energies for September 15 to 21, 2014By Pam Younghans

Photo: Auroras on September 12, 2014
over Acadia National Park, Maine, USA
(credit: Jeremy P. Gray, posted on

NorthPoint Astrology Journal:Your Guide to Planetary Energies
for September 15 to 21, 2014By Pam Younghans

Highlighted Aspects:
MON: Uranus opposite Pallas Athene; TUE: Mercury conjunct North Node, Venus sextile Ceres; WED: Neptune sesquisquare Mercury, Chiron opposite Venus, Uranus quincunx Venus; FRI: Chiron trine Ceres; SAT: Uranus quincunx Ceres; SUN: Saturn sextile Venus, Neptune square Mars

THE CHANGE OF SEASONS is upon us. As we traverse this last week of summer in the Northern Hemisphere and winter in the Southern, we are also working with a strong Pluto effect, due to that planet completing its retrograde (backward motion) phase next Monday.

In mythology, Pluto was the god of the underworld, and so ruled over the process of literal death. In astrology, Pluto reigns over endings and beginnings, symbolic death and the rebirth that follows.

This is a powerful time for everyone on the planet, as we consider what old structures to leave behind and what new foundations will most support us going forward. It is an especially potent time for those who are working with direct transits from Pluto to their natal planets, in particular planets between 10 and 12 degrees of the cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn).

MERCURY is conjunct (at the same degree as) the North Node early in the week. This is not the type of alignment that creates headlines, but it is an opportunity for us to consciously realign our intentions with the higher purposes decreed by the North Node in Libra.

My favorite expert on the meanings of the North Node is astrologer Jan Spiller. She writes, in her book Astrology for the Soul, that the North Node in Libra is directing us to develop the qualities of "cooperation, diplomacy, tact, awareness of others' needs, and creating win-win situations."

These qualities can seem out of place when we look at the actual headlines in the news right now. The themes of "us vs. them" is strong -- much more in keeping with the intensity of Pluto than the harmony-seeking qualities of Libra.

AND YET, the global imperative is there. The North Node, signifying the path of our collective soul growth, is in Libra, the sign of the Peacemaker, the Lover, the Artist. At the same time, Libra is represented by the Scales, and so also has a stake in fairness and justice. How do we navigate what seems like a contradiction? How do we make peace while also making sure justice is served?

I think each of us has to come to terms with that paradox within our own lives -- and for me, the answer needs to be based on what feels Right. Not based on what I've done before in similar situations, perhaps, nor what satisfies a certain egoic need of the moment. Those solutions can feel right, but with a lower-case "r."

What we're looking for is what feels Right in the capital "R" sense. When I choose an attitude or an action that feels Right, I am in alignment with the highest vibrational response.

IT GETS TRICKY, because so much depends on where we are as we begin the process. If we are in depression or victimization, then choosing attitudes and actions of revenge can actually feel "right," because there is some relief in those thoughts that move us beyond the role of victim.

But we can't stop there, because there are still ways we can adjust our attitudes further, ways that help us find more relief and greater alignment with the higher vibrational aspects of our being. And, we also know that if we get into the "eye for an eye" version of justice, we'll stay stuck in the never-ending feud. We've all done it -- said the words in anger that felt "good" in the moment, but later found that having said those words just served to keep us in the loop of negative thoughts and feelings.

It can be very complicated, and may at times seem a circuitous or lengthy route. But if we faithfully follow the trail that leads us ever-closer to the feeling of "Right" in its largest sense, we'll be satisfying both the intentions of the Mercury-North Node alignment in Libra and the directives for transformation being megaphoned by Pluto.

URANUS forms a short-lived yod ("finger of God") configuration with Venus and Ceres this week. The implication of this yod is that a change is required in our attitudes toward relationships/values (Venus) and self-worth/self-protection (Ceres).

Uranus is at the apex of this configuration. Astrologer Bil Tierney explains in his book Dynamics of Aspect Analysis that apex Uranus requires us to:

    "..alter our willful temperament before we can expect to [take advantage of] the new direction indicated by the Yod. Our innate detachment from involvement needs to be transformed into an impersonal yet humanely-concerned drive to reform for the betterment of all."

CHIRON is not part of this yod configuration, but does get involved in the process this week, through aspects to Venus and Ceres. Chiron brings in the themes of wounding and the healing of that same wound.

With Chiron in Pisces, the wound can manifest as a fear of letting go of control, fueled by a resistance to fully trusting that the Universe is taking care of things. This wound has us continually seeking for, figuring out, and implementing solutions, but rarely pausing long enough to really allow ourselves to hear on different levels.

And the healing? The possibility of stepping into a new perspective that incorporates a deepened faith in -- and allowing of --  the assistance we receive from nonphysical realms, even if that assistance looks different that what our conscious minds expect.



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