Friday, September 19, 2014

Why Discussion of the Events of 9/11/2001 and the Deep State Help Develop the Antiwar Movement | Richard Krushnic

Why Discussion of the Events of 9/11/2001 and the Deep State
Help Develop the Antiwar Movement | Richard Krushnic 9/18/14, with an
Introduction by Christopher Gruener MA, LMHC
(Secretary for the Greater Boston Alliance for 9/11 Truth & Justice)

"Most folks don’t want to know the truth because it threatens their world view, their paradigm for understanding and making life bearable. They can accept that the government does things like this to other people and governments in other lands, but not that it does them here at home. Even considering the possible truth of such things creates cognitive dissonance that is very emotionally disturbing and frightening. All kinds of primitive and sophisticated psychological shenanigans are employed by the person considering such truths to deny their possibility and avoid seeing even the obvious."

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Hello Friends,

As many of you know, the 9/11 Truth Movement has been striving for many years to develop a collaborative interface with the broader Anti-War / Peace and Justice Movement.  Please take time to read Richard Krushnic’s article below and then add your voice to the ongoing conversation on this topic.

Richard is a leading activist in the 9/11 Truth Movement, with a long time commitment to effective peace and justice activism.  He has worked tirelessly for well over a decade to integrate these two arenas for maximum collaboration and impact.

Peace, Persistence and Solidarity,

Christopher Gruener MA, LMHC
(Secretary for the Greater Boston Alliance for 9/11 Truth & Justice)

From: Richard Krushnic []
Sent: Thursday, September 18, 2014 3:56 PM
To: Chris Gruener
Subject: 9/11 Truth, the Deep State and the Antiwar Movement

There has been a discussion chain on the UNAC (United National Antiwar Coalition) discussion group regarding recent possible false flag operations, such as the evidence that the downing of the airliner in Ukraine was a false flag, which Ralph Lopez carried into 9/11 Truth territory.  Ralph posted some of the controlled demolition evidence.  He received the usual negative responses from some of the leading lights in the discussion group.  He has been holding his own without meaningful support.  Only two persons sent extremely brief comments.  Most think 9/11 should not be allowed as part of the discussion.  Today I responded to the chain by posting the following.  I hope the moderator/moderators post my piece to the discussion.

Why Discussion of the Events of 9/11/2001 and the Deep State
Help Develop the Antiwar Movement
| Richard Krushnic 9/18/14

Discussion of the events of 9/11/2011 are relevant to discussions of ongoing and prospective US wars, because all of US foreign policy and wars in the Middle East, Asia and Africa have been and continue to be heavily influenced by the events of 9/11.  If 9/11 was an inside job false-flag operation (an act a nation does itself and blames on another nation or group); this informs us of the extraordinary power the perpetrators have over us, and how manipulable the nation is by those planning and implementing wars.  It also means that false flag operations could be employed repeatedly and at any time in order to manipulate the public politicians into beginning new wars or extending existing ones.  

 I was involved in efforts to introduce 9/11 evidence into New England antiwar movement discussions a few years ago, and found that there was no interest  because most thought 9/11 Truth people were primarily right-wing Libertarians or Laruchites, which was neither the case then nor now.  At any rate, the message didn’t matter because of who it was assumed that the messenger was.  I think the same attitude is still at work today in antiwar circles.  I am a member of the socialist segment of the 9/11 truth movement, and would like to enter the current discussion.

It is certainly deeply meaningful that 2,500 licensed architects and engineers have signed the Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth Petition stating that the government explanation of 9/11 is a conspiracy theory that flies in the face of the basic laws of physics and chemistry and is completely preposterous, and therefore an investigation independent of the government must be done.  The best single presentation of the views of this massive body of expertise is AE9/11 Truth’s DND Experts Speak Out, which has 42 experts in their fields of Firemen, Building Fire Safety, Physics, Chemistry, Architecture, Construction Engineering and Building Demolition. 

They point to Building 7 (47 stories) falling at free-fall speed; pools of molten metal underground under the twin towers for weeks at temperatures double that of the hottest airplane fuel or office fires; thermite and nanothermite residues in the cement powder distributed around lower Manhattan (incendiary and incendiary/explosive burning at 1.6 times the melting point of structural steel); near free-fall speed of the twin towers (all resistance removed below the demolition wave—only possible with controlled demolition); turning nearly a million pounds of concrete into fine powder (only possible with controlled demolition charges on a high percentage of floors); high-velocity ejection of multi-ton steel members; steel members like swiss cheese with sulfur (only possible with thermite or nanothermite); over 200 first responders experiencing and hearing numerous explosions, and many more pieces of evidence.  In the cases of many of these pieces of evidence, any one of them is sufficient to prove that the government’s version is a lie.

But we are not just talking about 9/11 here.  We are talking about the modern era of the US deep state from at least as far back as World War II to the present.  To understand the modus operandi of the deep state, its strength and its membership, we have to understand the main outline of its activities.  So permit this brief reflection:  Pearl Harbor was a partial false flag operation, because an 18-month plan dreamed up by a naval officer found its way to Roosevelt and was implemented.  The objective was to goad Japan into attacking Pearl Harbor in order to overcome opposition to entering the war—the real urgency was to enter the war against Germany.  Overwhelming evidence that this plan was carried out is presented in Day of Deceit, also written by a naval officer, Robert Stinnett.  The key players in the establishment of the CIA were aware of this, and as they organized and executed the coups in Iran in 1953, in Guatemala in 1954, the failed coup in Indonesia in 1958, and a brilliantly executed coup via electoral manipulation in the Philippines the same year, the outlines and strength of the secret deep state developed and solidified.
When JFK changed from a cold warrior to a peacemaker while in office, he quickly made enemies among the most powerful.  The mafia kicked out of Cuba wanted back in and blamed Kennedy for the failure of the CIA’s Bay of Pigs Invasion.  Kennedy refused to bomb Cuba against the wishes of the military and nearly everyone else in his cabinet, and set out to end the cold war and make peace with Russia and Cuba.  He refused to undertake another effort to unseat Sukarno in Indonesia, earning him the enmity of  Rockefeller oil interests and Texas mining interests (Freeport Sulfer, Brown & Root).  He moved to cut the domestic oil depletion allowance, making Clint Murcheson and H.L. Hunt bitter enemies, and put price controls on steel.  When he issued the secret order to pull out of Vietnam after the 1964 elections, that was the last straw.  On behalf of these multinational corporate, military and intelligence interests, and with the support of Lyndon Johnson, he was murdered by the CIA and the Secret Service.  Jim Douglass’ JFK and the Unspeakable:  Why He Died and Why it Matters is probably the best single book on the subject.  There is overwhelming evidence of this from many many excellent sources. 

The same forces executed his brother, RFK, and Martin Luther King.  While researching the Kennedys’ executions is tedious, researching MLK’s is easy—just read Act of State: the Execution of Martin Luther King, by Wiliam Pepper, attorney for the King family for a generation.  The book recounts all of the evidence, and presents the wrongful death suit 1999 trial in which 74 witnesses present overwhelming evidence.  So overwhelming that it took the jury of 6 whites and 6 blacks 59 minutes to return with a verdict finding agencies of the US government guilty of King’s murder.   

The secret FBI sector that is part of the deep state was in charge of the coverups of the state executions of the Kennedys and King.  The deep state component of the FBI has trained small groups in all major police departments to cooperate with them in this work.  The police departments of Dallas and Los Angeles played key roles in the coverups of the Kennedys’ executions; and the Police Dept. of Memphis not only played a key role in the King execution coverup, but also played a key role in his execution, including the actual shooting by the police department’s lead marksman.   The deep state role of the FBI is most present today in the creation of phony or entrapment cases against around  600 Muslims, in order to maintain the public fear regarding Muslim terrorists.  Read Rounded Up:  Artificial Terrorists and Muslim Entrapment After 9/11, by Shamshad Ahmad, PhD, or review the Tarek Mehanna case in Boston, where Tarek is serving 17 years for translating and posting some articles by Al Queda.   There are questions regarding the Boston Marathon Bombings.  For example:  why did the FBI execute the unarmed friend of The Tsarnaevs in Florida.  What about the family’s claims that the FBI continued contact with the elder brother after the initial 2012 interviews?  What about the presence of Craft International personnel and van at the finish line?  Craft contracts to train police departments regarding terrorist acts and may be part of the integration of the deep state’s secret coordination between the FBI and police departments.  There are many other questions regarding the Marathon Bombing.

If we cannot effectively question government versions in public and get media coverage for this, we are doomed to be forever manipulated by false-flag operations.  The current case in point is the downing of the passenger airliner in the Ukraine.  Surveying the information available in the mass media and the internet, there is clearly more evidence pointing to a downing of the airliner by Ukrainian forces than by the rebels in Eastern Ukraine.  Numerous witnesses have testified to the two jet fighters trailing the airliner immediately before it went down.

Some of the persons involved in 9/11 were already in high government positions by the time of the Kennedy killings or shortly thereafter, such as Rumsfeld, Cheney, Wolfowitz and others.  Everybody in the highest positions knows about all of this, and they know that the same forces are at large today, exercising power through the deep state—a network of multinational corporate interests, and key military, political, academic and intelligence players.  Obama’s team, when he came in, had discussions about what the president could do and not do to avoid assassination by the deep state.  Along with the assassinations of the Kennedys and King, and subsequently, the show went on in Vietnam, Brazil, the Dominican Republic, Chile, Argentina, etc.

Part of this has been US government regulation of and participation in the global illegal narcotics trade and frequent use of mafias to perform killings so they cannot be traced to the US government agency in charge: a deal with the mafia for the US heroin market in return for help in WWII in Italy; the Burma Golden Triangle following the Chinese Revolution; Southeast Asian trade in the Vietnam War (Opium and Politics in Southeast Asia by Alfred McCoy); shifting the heroin market to Pakistan and Afghanistan during the effort to unseat the Russians from Afghanistan.  And, of course, the simultaneous creation of Al Qaeda.  The US mafia was hired by the CIA to assassinate Castro, mafia gangs were used to do most of the half million killings in Indonesia immediately after the 1965 coup, etc.  The CIA created the gangs that introduced crack cocaine to the US as a means to fund the Contras in Nicaragua (Dark Alliance by Gary Stephan Webb), etc.

Then there is, of course, the INSTITUTIONALIZED  membership of the key owners and operators of the mass media in the deep state network.  The shining star example for 9/11 is the 2003 Popular Mechanics magazine and book that presented 11 arguments that 9/11 was a false flag operation.  This was the single most effective propaganda against 9/11 Truth ever.  The 11 arguments were all straw men.  The main body of 9/11 truth did not put forth any of these 11 arguments, but Popular Mechanics attributed them all to a unified 9/11 Truth movement.  Of course, none of the arguments that were put forth by the main body of the movement were mentioned.  Sophisticated disinformation technique is solidly institutionalized into the mass media’s deep state participation.

Now briefly back to 9/11: Zbigniew Brzezinski, in his 1997 Grand Chessboard laid out essentially the same plan as Project for a New American Century (PNAC) in 2000 (controlled by the neocons of the Bush Administration): a plan to extend US multinational corporate dominance in the Middle East and Asia for another 40 years.  Both documents clearly state that the plan couldn’t succeed without a new Pearl Harbor.  The plan required enough control over Afghanistan and Iraq, which straddle Iran, to exert enough influence on Iran (sitting on both the Persian Gulf and the Caspian Sea) to be able to play a prominent role in continuing energy development and pipelines.  The plan also requires continual weakening of Middle Eastern societies through warfare.  You can’t get Americans to go fight and die for half a century in Asia without a new Pearl Harbor.

The National Institutes for Standards and Technology (NIST) says on the first page of its 10,000 page report on the twin towers that it investigated nothing after the collapse initiated,  i.e. after the collapse began at the point of airplane entry.   That way, they don’t have to address nearly all of the points raised by the 2,500 architects and engineers who signed the AE9/11Truth petition (check out its website).  NIST didn’t investigate the possibility that preset explosives might have been involved.  Turns out that leaders of the NIST investigation were members of the team that developed nanothermite in the US Dept. of Eneregy’s weapons labs.  We haven’t been able to detect any source for nanothermite in 2001 other than Lawrence Livermore, Los Alamos, and the Naval Weapons Lab at Indian Point.  Nanothermite is so good that it can be disguised as almost anything, has three times the explosive force per unit of weight as runner up explosives, and is replacing former explosives in the US smart weapons arsenal.   See the Greater Boston Alliance for 9/11 Truth and Justice’s Nanothermite Packet.

NIST commissioned a study by Underwriters Labs to prove its hypothesis:  Planes’ impact and fires from the planes’ fuel and office furnishings dislodged insulation and heated floor trusses enough that they sagged 44 inches, shortening them enough to pull in exoskeleton members enough that they buckled, initiating the collapse.  Underwriters Labs created several 60-foot floor trusses to specification, loaded them with twin tower floor loads and cooked them for an hour at the NIST-prescribed temperature.  Nothing.  So they doubled the temperature and doubled the time.  The trusses sagged 4 inches, not 44 inches.  The test disproved NIST’s hypothesis.  You can see the test in an appendix to the NIST Report.  However, the test is not mentioned anywhere in the body of the report. 

Why does the truth about 9/11 and the history and nature of the deep state matter to the antiwar movement?  Because if we do not understand the deep state’s capabilities and propensities for false flag operations on all scales, from a single beheading to 9/11, we leave them the opportunity to use false flag operations at will to start any war any time.  If we don’t understand that every single provocation we hear about (beheadings, suicide bombings, thwarted plans by US Muslims in Albany, the airliner downing in Ukraine), might be a false flag operation; then we throw away one of our potentially greatest tools for peace:  education of masses of people about the modus operandi of the deep state.   I have no idea if the recent beheadings were false flag operations, but they might have been, and just see how a few simply executed beheadings can be enough to start a new level of conflict.  If a meaningful segment of the public is wise to the methods and omnipresence of the deep state, it would be much easier to get government versions scrutinized in the mass media, and much harder to start or extend wars.

The leading response to any attempt to present evidence regarding 9/11 as a false-flag operation is:  In an operation that complex, they wouldn’t be able to keep it a secret—somebody would talk.  Many people talked about their involvement or what they knew about the JFK and MLK executions, but not for many years after the events.  Many people talked about their involvement or what they knew about the plan to goad the Japanese into attacking Pearl Harbor, but not for many years after the events.  Perhaps many will eventually talk about 9/11.  The same is true about nearly all of the CIA coups and assassinations of heads of state.  What is much more interesting and important, however, is that even though there is incontrovertible evidence regarding the assassinations of the Kennedys and MLK and about Pearl Harbor, still, most people prefer to ignore the evidence and buy the government’s version.  Most folks don’t want to know the truth because it threatens their world view, their paradigm for understanding and making life bearable.   They can accept that the government does things like this to other people and governments in other lands, but not that it does them here at home.   Even considering the possible truth of such things creates cognitive dissonance that is very emotionally disturbing and frightening.  All kinds of primitive and sophisticated psychological shenanigans are employed by the person considering such truths to deny their possibility and avoid seeing even the obvious. 

Noam Chomsky, Michael Albert, and others, who have immeasurably benefited the antiwar movement with brilliant and endless work, have failed us on this one score.  They say that these assassinations and false-flag operations are done by small numbers of individuals or rogue elements, and that they therefore don’t matter that much; because what matters are the acts of the totalitarian institutions of the multinational corporation, and the military.  But the deep state is the network by which these corporations, the military and others discuss their long-range interests, develop their plans, and indicate how nice it would be if a group within the military or intelligence community would just kill this person or execute this false flag operation.   The deep state is fully INSTITUTIONALIZED.  The King execution involved coordination among the CIA, the FBI, the New Orleans and Memphis Mafias, the Memphis Police Department, the MIssissipi National Guard, and the US Air Force.  The Kennedys’ executions were coordinated among the CIA, the FBI, the Secret Service, the Dallas Police, the upper political establilshment in Texas, and Lyndon Johnson, with the backing of the interest groups mentioned above.  Some assassinations are done by small groups or rogue elements, but the vast majority are not, they are a major INSTITUIONAL mechanism by which many of the most pivotal events in modern history are carried out precisely at the behest of the institution of the deep state.  The coordination list for 9/11 is longer.

So please understand that people trying to educate about the events of 9/11 are not trying to divert the antiwar movement from its task of stopping or ending wars.  We are trying to broaden and deepen the analysis and understanding of the antiwar movement so that it understands its enemies better and can develop tactics and strategies to counter what may be the single most effective weapon our enemies currently possess—the false flag operation.  If you want to take a peak at one of the most recent works on the subject, go to the Coollidge Corner Branch Library at 31 Pleasant Street, Brooklline, MA Sunday September 1st for the 1:30 showing of Anatomy of a Great Deception, a docu-thriller following a family man turned filmmaker as he unknowingly begins his own 9/11 investigation.  His belief system is shattered, he is tuned-out by his  family, his finances are collapsing, and he is compelled to try to turn it all around by making this film.

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