Tuesday, September 16, 2014

“The Angels answer to a private session question” (on happiness) | Angelic Guides -Taryn Crimi

“The Angels answer to a private session question”
 | Angelic Guides -Taryn Crimi
Hi Everyone,

Every once in a while I post an answer that the Angels gave to a private session question.  Of course I have removed the name from the question and answer to provide the questioner with privacy.  I am sharing the Angels answer because I found it to be a great reminder and as always the Angels had a wonderful way of explaining a complex topic in a very direct and clear manner.  So those of you who are drawn to this message,  I hope you find their words to be helpful.

Much Love,


Q. My question for today is: I understand that energy creates one’s circumstances and I really believe that I send out positive vibes most of the time but it still feels like I’m in a battle to stay one step ahead of going backwards.  So my question is:   How much longer for me, in this lifetime, until I can be happy and at peace?

A. "Dear XXXX, we would be happy to share with you our perspective. We will tell you why you are feeling as though you must chase happiness and it is very simple; you are making happiness depend upon circumstances rather than allowing it to shine through you. You see, when you base happiness, joy, peace of mind or inner peace off of the conditions and circumstances that you believe will provide you with those feelings you will always feel as though it is just out of reach. It is the proverbial carrot on a stick which dangles in front of the donkey in order to make him walk.

When you believe that your happiness is contingent upon a certain experience, you will never be able to truly find the inner peace you are seeking. The reason being is that no outside circumstance or experience can bring you joy or happiness, joy comes only from within. So how then do you find joy you ask? To this we reply, very simply, decide to be in a state of happiness. You see, humans regularly try to manifest their desired outcome backwards in our opinion. What do we mean by this? Humans decide upon certain experiences that they believe will allow them to be happy which they wish to manifest so that they can then become happy. It becomes a “I’ll be happy when, I’ll only be happy if, I will feel at peace when” This will always put your peace and joy off into the “future”. You will always be chasing it rather than experiencing it in the now moment.

Regardless of how it appears, happiness is a choice, it is a vibrational state of being that does not depend upon any outside circumstances. There are all too many who continue to amass a large collection of “things” in hope that they will fill the void they feel within, yet with every purchase they are met with the same empty feeling. The reason is because nothing outside of you can make you feel whole, make you feel at peace. Certainly we are not saying that you cannot have material possessions, you are living within a material world. If it is your desire to collect things, then by all means do so, the universe is infinitely abundant. However, you cannot expect any material thing, amount of money or experience to provide you with joy that you don’t already feel within. There are those who find joy in every moment of their lives though from the outside perspective they own nothing, yet there are others who seemingly own everything and yet they wallow in despair.

You see dear, you cannot make your happiness dependent upon a circumstance, an amount of money, a possession, or an experience as none of them will be able to bring to you true inner peace. The key is to choose to be in a state of gratefulness, a state of happiness and a state of peace in this now moment. In doing so, you will attract more to be grateful about, more to be happy about and more to make you feel at peace. Why? Because that’s the vibration you are pulsing out. The universe will only reflect back to you what you pulse out. If you are expecting to be happy later, or believe in the “when’s and if only’s” then that is what you will receive. It is essentially a state of chasing happiness.
You asked us how much longer will it be until you can be happy.  To this we reply, the choice is all yours.  It will be as soon or as long as you decide.  As we often say, what you focus on expands. So choose wisely dear.

We hope that we have answered your question sufficiently and that we have in some way served you.

In love and light, we are your Angelic Guides"

If you wish to ask the Angels your own questions you may schedule a private session with them here @ http://www.angelic-guides.com/private-sessions/
Copyright © 2012-2014 by Taryn Crimi. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included. http://www.Angelic-Guides.com

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