Friday, September 26, 2014

The manuscript of survival – part 425 | aisha north

I can relate: “…And so, look upon this as a kind of shaking of the
tree, an impetus to give yourself that extra push you need to push
yourself off that branch you have been clinging so tenaciously to for
such a long time now.

For you are more than ready to fly dear ones, but like a timid
fledgling, you sit there waiting for the right opportunity to do so…”

The manuscript of survival – part 425 | aisha north

Originally posted on aisha north:
This message will perhaps shake up a few of those old misconceptions
that still survive even in some of the enlightened circles. You see,
this has very much to do about the very nature of things, and when we
say that we are actually referring to the state that makes everything
come about or rather come into existence in a way that enables you to
perceive them. For existence and the definition of it is indeed a very
convoluted subject, as what seems to exist to a human, is merely the
tiniest tip of the proverbial iceberg compared to what really is out
here. You see, or rather, you cannot see so much of what truly IS, and
even with the most sophisticated of your equipment, you have only
started to scratch the surface of Creation. Or perhaps we should say you
have only seen one tiny layer of that…

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