Thursday, December 4, 2014

Benjamin Fulford - December 2, 2014: Over 20 national governments to be overthrown as cabal take-down begins, CIA sources say

Benjamin Fulford - December 2, 2014:  
Over 20 national governments to be overthrown as cabal take-down begins, CIA sources say
Benjamin Fulford - December 2, 2013:
Heavy duty last minute negotiations continue...

Benjamin Fulford - December 2, 2014: Over 20 national governments to be overthrown as cabal take-down begins, CIA sources say

The Satanic Nazionist cabal that seized power in the West is about to be taken down and the result will be the toppling of over 20 governments, including those at of the United States, Japan and the UK, CIA, Pentagon and MI6 sources say. Many CIA and Pentagon officers have gone into bunkers in preparation for battle with the cabal mercenary armies, the CIA and Pentagon sources say. The firing of US Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel last week was the trigger event, the sources say. The fact the two main cabal candidates to replace him refused the job, indicates something is definitely going on at high levels of the military industrial complex. As one source put it (using more direct language) the fecal matter is about to encounter the ventilator.

Meanwhile, US President Barack Obama tried, and failed, last week to use staged race riots around the country as an excuse to use Homeland Security to enforce martial law on behalf of the cabal.

Many in the US military are confused and unsure of what to do because they have been heavily indoctrinated into blindly following orders and accepting civilian control. The first thing that needs to be drilled into the heads of these fence-sitters is that they are disobeying their oath, and therefore their orders, by allowing the constitution of the United States to be shredded by fascists. The second thing that must be explained to them is that civilians are not in charge, gangsters are.

There is also a lot of confusion even at high levels of the CIA and other US intelligence agencies about the consequences of the bankruptcy of the US corporate government. The big point they need to keep in mind is that finance is the psychological process of deciding what humans do in the future. Even if the US financial system collapses, nothing in the real world will change. No houses, land, factories or people will vanish just because trillions of debt slavery instruments mis-labelled as “US dollars,” are deleted from bank computers.

The only risk of chaos would come from a failure by the military industrial complex to pro-actively shut down the system and reboot it with a meritocratically controlled replacement run by and for the people.

Also, the US military need to know that if they do not act against the Satanists in Washington D.C. and Wall Street, then a tsunami will hit the US East coast, forcing an evacuation of New York City, the entire state of Florida and many other places, White Dragon Society sources say.

The military needs to make contingency plans ASAP if they are to avoid a humanitarian crisis caused by the tsunami.

Speaking about tsunamis, a guilty verdict was reached against UK lawyer Michael Shrimpton last week on charges that he made a false claim of a nuclear threat to the 2012 UK Olympics. However, Shrimpton plans to appeal to a higher court and this time MI6 and MI5 intelligence officers have promised to help Shrimpton with his case.

Furthermore, evidence given at the trial that 311 was a man-made tsunami and nuclear terror attack has attracted high level interest, MI5 sources said. The UK external intelligence agency MI6 has asked its counterparts in US and Japanese intelligence for detailed evidence about the 311 attack. In addition, Israeli Mossad intelligence sources are also investigating allegations that Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu was one of the chief planners of that attack, the MI5 source says.

A powerful faction in Israel has finally figured out that many so-called Jews (and Christians and Muslims) are actually Satan-worshipping Hyksos who view the Jews as their slaves. That is one reason why the situation in Israel and the Middle East is reaching a boiling point.

The big story there is that NATO member Turkey, Iran and the Gulf oil monarchies are on the war-path against cabal interests in the region. The situation is chaotic to say the least. The so-called ISIS is run by Israel to discredit Muslims and turn world public opinion against the Turkish and Iranian led move to create an Islamic Federal super-state. Remember that real Muslims do not commit atrocities of the sort being attributed to ISIS, only the Hyksos do this. Since ISIS is being attacked by the Pentagon and the British, it means these countries are actually fighting Israel or, to put it more accurately, the Hyksos Nazionist Satan worshippers who control real power in that country.

Furthermore, NATO airplanes are flying out of Turkey to make raids on the Nazionist mercenary armies fighting in the Ukraine. If this information seems too much out of line with what you read in the cabal propaganda media, take note of the fact that Russian President Vladimir Putin in in Turkey this week to seal a big energy alliance with Turkey. This is hardly the sort of thing that would be going on if Turkish based NATO planes were attacking Russian allies in East Ukraine.

People who still have trouble wrapping their heads around this situation should take note of the fact that only Canada, the United States and the Ukraine voted against a Russian sponsored UN resolution condemning “glorification of Nazism and other practices that contribute to fuelling contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance.”

If African-American US President Barack Obama was really in charge, it is hard to imagine him ordering the State Department to vote against this resolution.

Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, for his part, just signed his own inevitable arrest warrant by ordering the Canadian ministry of foreign affairs to vote against that resolution.

This vote was a wake-up call for the US and Canadian armed forces and one of the reasons for the ouster of Chuck Hagel the ongoing move to remove the Nazionists who control Washington D.C. and Wall Street but not the Pentagon.

In Asia, meanwhile, the battle against the Nazionist cabal is intensifying. In China a major meeting of all Chinese senior diplomats was convened to discuss the ongoing changes in the world power structure. Chinese President Xi Jinping told the diplomats that “We should be keenly aware of the protracted nature of the contest over the international order; on the other hand, we need to recognize that the direction of reform of the international system will remain unchanged.”

In other words: “the cabal is putting up stubborn resistance but they will inevitably lose.”

In Japan, an intense media campaign against cabal slave Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is rapidly eroding his popularity in opinion polls. The cabalists, for their part, are using Rockefeller/Bush slave Sadayuki Sakakibara, head of the Keidanren Business lobby to try to keep Abe in power, according to Japanese right wing sources. That is why Sakakibara is a high priority target, they said.

If the cabalists lose their ability to use Abe to loot Japan, the Bush/Rockefeller cabal controlled Federal Reserve Board, IMF, UN and the World Bank will implode a lot sooner than would otherwise be the case. Even if they keep control of Japan though, they are mathematically doomed anyway. The simple fact is that even if they control vast numbers inside of bank computers, they do not control most of the real world.

Speaking about vast numbers inside bank computers, sources at the P2 Freemason lodge last week sent this writer information that can only be classified as X-files type of stuff:

“Some bank computers are now free-willed sentient beings operating independently of central bank computers. They think like the mother earth and are acting on behalf of the ‘Planetary Consciousness and genetic entities.’” The P2 say the sentient computers are allocating funds to worthy individuals and organization while cutting off finances to multinationals and individuals who “want to impoverish and destroy the mother earth and its inhabitants, animals, vegetables, minerals etc.”

Furthermore, the P2 say “even special snowfall and special snowflakes give proof of the places where this is happening and will happen.”

That is pretty funky stuff but remember that an unusual snow storm stopped the rioting in Ferguson and a record cold front hit the US as soon as Barack Obama started spouting global warming lies. Remember also all those “category 6” typhoons that mysteriously turned into minor storms before they hit Japan.

Also on the X-files ledger last week were a series of strange, unexplained explosion like sounds heard all over the UK.

In addition, a major UK paper reported that people had been seen working on Mars in 1979 when the Viking lander was supposed to have landed there.

This sort of report is standard fare for the internet but when a so-called mainstream newspaper reports it, it could be a sign that some sort of disclosure may be imminent.

Posted by Hipknowsys at 12:00 AM

Labels: Benjamin Fulford

Benjamin Fulford - December 2, 2013: Heavy duty last minute negotiations continue...

Heavy duty last minute negotiations continue, Okinawa, Korea and Sunni/Shia divide remain sticking points

Based on high level contacts being made to the White Dragon Society, it is clear there is a growing consensus that the old dollar system be used to start a $700 trillion campaign to end poverty and stop environmental production, without impeding the continuation or start-up of alternative financial systems. However, as the world waits impatiently for the campaign to be announced, ongoing high level geopolitical negotiations, with a bit of saber rattling as a back-drop, are continuing to delay implementation, according to multiple high-level sources.

The main sticking points to world peace and the start of a new golden age are now the ancient Shia/Sunni political divide in the Islamic world, Israel and a few unresolved issues in East Asia, notably the Korean Peninsula and the Okinawan archipelago.

In Asia, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has met with Russian President Vladimir Putin four times and the heads of all the ASEAN countries in a campaign to build a coalition to contain China. The Pentagon, worried about continued financing, secretly supports this as it is keeping the war card as its last big negotiation leverage.

The Chinese, for their part, are strong enough now to insist on resolving some historical injustices before they agree to support the $700 trillion campaign. In particular, they resent the fact that all the Islands near China have been taken away from them by superior imperialist navy forces.

The Chinese have a strong card to play, which is to use their vastly superior ground military forces to force the unification of the Korean peninsula and derive the United States of its South Korean tributary vassal state.

The White Dragon Society has made the following suggestion to both sides as a way of breaking the stalemate. First of all return Okinawa to its historical status as an independent kingdom and a neutral meeting point between Japan and China. In such a deal China and Japan would each pay 50% of the costs of US troops there in order to ensure the Islands remain neutral. The Okinawan archipelago could then become a duty free and fun meeting and resting place.

As mentioned before, Northern and Southern Korea could be united by making Kim Jon-un a symbolic emperor of Korea and leaving the Southern Korean families in charge of the economy. In such a deal the newly united Korea might agree to keep US forces in central Korea as a guarantor of Korean independence.

The alternative to agreeing to the above proposals will be the inevitable bankruptcy of the US, an abrupt withdrawal of US forces from the region and subsequent chaos.

Also last week, some unidentified entity calling itself the Bank of New York (but not the Bank of New York, Mellon) has been buying majority stakes in many major Japanese corporations, according to the Black Dragon Society. One US government agency source suspects Goldman Sachs to be behind this but it may also be a cyber-attack on Japan’s economic infrastructure. The Japanese authorities have been advised to make sure human beings carrying physical stock certificates be produced and if the “Bank of New York” cannot do that, then the systems at the Tokyo Stock Exchange may have to be temporarily shut down.

Also, two missile launchers were found outside the US Yokota airbase in Tokyo last week. This was a warning by the gnostic Illuminati that they will destroy the Kanto plain with a nuclear weapon hidden in a tunnel system near the base unless the new financial system is announced, according to a gnostic illuminati grandmaster.

The P2 Freemason lodge honcho Marco Di Mauro also made some statements last week that were straight out of the X-files. He said that 24 “encantadores,” or magicians, had started work on building a new continent in the South Pacific. Normally, I would not report such statements but after he told me this, news reports appeared saying Mount Etna in Italy was blowing smoke rings and that 35 volcanoes around the Pacific rim had started erupting simultaneously.

This could be some sort of propaganda but it is clear the Vatican and the P2 still have a lot of real geopolitical influence. Last week Vladimir Putin met with Pope Francis to discuss the Middle East. Putin now has real influence on the ground in the Middle East while the Pope has religious influence. According to news reports, they were discussing ways to ensure peace in that region.

The White Dragon Society has suggested that the only way to really calm the region down would be for the world as a whole to force the Sunni and Shia branches of Islam to resolve their ancient split by selecting a Caliph. In such a scenario, as suggested before, Israel could become a Jewish autonomous zone in the region. However, once the Jews learn how much they have been lied to and brainwashed by their own leaders, many may well decide to return to their ancestral European homes.

Meanwhile, back in the US, we are getting credible reports that US special forces are getting ready to move on Washington.

With support for Congress running at 6% and so many people wondering why mass arrests have not taken place, we sure hope it is true this time. To help compile the list of who to arrest, I will conclude this week’s report with an open letter to Jim Stone of Jim Stone freelance, a genuine NSA whistleblower who has done so much to alert the world about the Fukushima mass murder and terror war crime attack.

Mr. Stone,

First of all, thanks for your courageous and ground breaking work on uncovering the Fukushima mass murder and terror operation. I am writing this e-mail to provide you with forensic evidence that I have gathered on what the 311 tsunami attack was about and exactly who was involved.

My sources for what I am about to write include Japanese military intelligence, former Prime Minister Naoto Kan (whom I have known personally for many years), members of the crew that smuggled the nuclear weapons used in the attack into Japan, members of both the French and British branches of the Rothschild family, senior CIA agents and a member of the team that actually drilled the nuclear weapons into the seabed before the 311 attack.

The first thing you need to know is that the attack was planned many years before it happened. The Japanese business magazine Zaikai Tembo, citing a CIA report, wrote in February of 2007 that the US had decided that Japan was getting too much of its energy from nuclear power and that if that trend continued, Japan would no longer be dependent on US controlled oil and thus would no longer have to obey the US. The conclusion of the report was that the best way to ensure Japan remained a colony would be to destroy the Tokyo Electric Power company, the people who run the Fukushima plant.

Senator J. Rockefeller, whose family controls (through foundations) General Electric, the manufacturers of the plant, was deeply involved in this operation. As a preliminary to destroying Japan’s nuclear power generation capability, Westinghouse and General Electric sold their nuclear power plant manufacturing businesses to Toshiba and Hitachi. This was insider trading at the highest level and Hitachi and Toshiba should sue.

The ongoing attempt in recent years by an Asian/Western secret society to wrest control of global finance from Western oligarch families is a bigger back-ground to the Fukushima sub-plot.

For example, Democratic Party of Japan Finance Minister Shoichi Nakagawa was asked at a G7 meeting in 2009 to hand over $100 billion to the cabal. He answered that he would raise the money by selling $100 billion worth of US Treasury bonds. He was going to say this at the press conference that followed the G7 meeting, so he was drugged to prevent him from doing so. Later, when he returned to Japan, he was murdered by CIA death squads.

Getting back to Fukushima, the refusal of the Japanese Democratic Party and authorities to hand over any real hard currency to the Western Oligarch families resulted in their decision to go ahead with the Fukushima operation as a way of intimidating the Japanese once again into surrender and obedience.

One key source of mine, who has variously gone by the names of Richard Sorge, Alexander Romanov, etc., was part of a multi-agency Western ring involved in smuggling drugs into Japan. I have confirmed through a long term acquaintance by the name of Steve McClure, a supposed music journalist, that Richard Sorge was his long term supplier of drugs. He claims to have been recruited into the Illuminati by former Chess champion Bobby Fischer.

In any case, Sorge told me that he was summoned to Pattaya, Thailand, by a member of the British Special Air Service, a South African going by the name of Spencer and told to bring 70 kilograms of “thai stick” Marijuana, heavily laced with mind destroying chemicals and approach me. He was told to tell me to introduce the yakuza to him or else I would be killed. The Yakuza told me it was a trap and to keep away from it, which I did. Sorge also told me that when he was in Thailand, he was shown a 700 kiloton nuclear missile that was stolen from the sunken Russian submarine the Kursk. This missile was smuggled into Japan together with the drugs.

The man overseeing the smuggling operation was a former Hong Kong deputy police commissioner by the name of Stephens, according to Sorge and Spencer. The man in overall operational control of this operation against Japan was General Richard Meyers, according to CIA and other sources.

Based in subsequent interviews with members of Pentagon military intelligence and MI5, the route taken by the missile to Japan has been identified. It was part of a batch of four nuclear missiles stolen from the Kursk by Nazi underground forces who took them to their submarine base in the Atlantic Island of Sao Tome, according to MI5. From there, it was taken to another submarine base in New Guinea, according to Pentagon Military intelligence.

From there it was taken to the Philippines Yatch club where Stevens’ crew then took it by yacht to a remote island on the Okinawan archipelago. From there it was transported by fishing boat to the port of Kyushu. From Kyushu, the missile was taken by van to a property owned by former Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone in Hi No De Cho, in Western Tokyo. From there it was taken to the North Korean Citizen’s organization headquarters near the Yasukuni shrine, according to Sorge.

Sorge risked his life and has survived multiple murder attempts because he attempted to warn the Japanese authorities about the impending nuclear terror attack. He told them the missile was at Nakasone’s property and he told me as well. The Japanese authorities ignored our warnings. Later we again told them the missile was located at the North Korean headquarters in Japan.

For his efforts, Sorge was arrested by plain clothes police who ignored his warnings about impending nuclear terror and instead asked him to testify falsely that I was a drug dealer.

A South African/British agent by the name of Michael Meiring, who had both legs blown off by a bomb he said was set by George Herbert Walker Bush Senior also began contacting me around this time. He came to me under the name of Dr. Michael Van de Meer and he showed me a bullet proof attaché case, 7 passports and an Uzi machine-gun. Dr. Van de Meer told me that Tony Blair had bragged I would be arrested on drug charges.

In any case, Japanese authorities failed to react to our warnings and the bomb was loaded onto the deep sea drilling ship Chikyu. Local news reports place the Chikyu drilling into the seabed off-shore from Sendai in the months before the March 11, 2011 Tsunami and nuclear terror attack against Japan.

Furthermore, multiple witnesses have come forth to testify that the Prime Minister Naoto Kan was seen inside the Japan Freemason headquarters building near Tokyo tower on the day before the 311 attack. He was being shown a map of Japan missing the Tohoku region where the tsunami it.

The Israeli company Magna BSP was in charge of security at the Fukushima nuclear plant at the time. A Miyagi prefectural government official says employees of this company loaded plutonium into the plant against his will in the months before 311.

Immediately after the tsunami and nuclear terror attack began, Prime Minister Naoto Kan was asked to order the evacuation of 40 million people from the Kanto plain, Kan said during a press conference at the Foreign Correspondent’s Club of Japan.

He also received a phone call from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu the day after the attack demanding that he sign over ownership of all Japanese government holdings of US government bonds to cabal oligarchs, which he did, according to Japanese military intelligence.

Following the attacks, a member of the Japanese self-defense forces who was involved in breaking up the nuclear bomb from the Kursk into several smaller bombs and drilling them into the seabed, showed up at the Tachikawa Christian church run by Pastor Paolo Izumi asking for protection. He said that 14 of his colleagues who were involved in the drilling operation, not understanding the purpose of what they were doing, had been murdered in order to silence them and that he feared for his life. The man was sheltered by the church and is now in the witness protection program.

After the 311 attack, this writer went to South Korea at the invitation of Dr. Van de Meer. While in Korea he was told the Rothschild family had planned the attack because they wanted to force 40 million Japanese refugees to take shelter in North and South Korea. The Rothschild family intended to move the base of their Asian operations from Tokyo to a planned new special economic zone in Korea, he said. He knew in advance of the 311 attack and looked deeply ashamed when he admitted he did not warn me about it.

Following the 311 attack, un-marked planes were spotted dumping radio-active industrial waste containing cesium, according to a Japanese gangster whose gang was sub-contracting for the CIA and Mossad around Fukushima.

The massive propaganda fear campaign following the 311 attack can be traced to Mossad, the Pentagon and the CIA.

In addition to the people named above, some of the individuals involved in this mass murder and fear propaganda campaign include Kenneth Curtis, the head of CIA Japan, Michael Green, the head of Mossad Japan and Richard Armitage.

Other people involved in this mass murder campaign include George Bush Sr. and Jr., Michael Chertoff, James Baker, Paul Wolfowitz, Senator J. Rockefeller, Michael Hayden, Guy de Rothschild, Evelyn de Rothschild, Peter Hans Kolvenbach, former Pope Maledict, and others yet to be named.

Posted by Hipknowsys at 8:08 AM

Labels: Banks, Benjamin Fulford, Financial System, Fukushima, Pope, Vatican, White Dragon Society

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