December 22-28 2014
~ contributed by Hillory Skott This is the first week of a new winter in the northern hemisphere. Uranus and the new moon on the Solstice have launched us in new directions. We are hurtling through space and time. Exposure therapy. Gratefully Stern Saturn is moving out of relentlessly intense Scorpio and into philosophical Visionary Sagittarius who has no time for the past. "Ain't nobody got time for that!" Right now Saturn is moving through the last critical degrees of Scorpio after over two years travelling this intensely probing sign. This is a penetrating energy, expressing the fullness of Scorpio. You will be able to see behind the curtain. The veils of illusion lift and you can glimpse the roots of everything that gets in your way. The Scorpio energy is always itching to grow, evolve, transform. Serious Saturn has been nose to the grindstone, cutting things loose, situations or relationships that hold you back are likely gone now. This energy is loyal yet willing to ruthlessly cut away that which will make it fall. I get the image of rock climbers all tied into each other. One of them falls, threatening to pull the rest of them down, in an instant someone has to decide to cut the rope on the one that has fallen and dangling loose or risk all of them falling to their deaths. Can you imagine? How dramatic, just like Scorpio. Have you been called upon to cut things loose in the last two year? On December 23rd, 2014 PST Saturn will be moving into Sagittarius. I have great expectations for this. My own moon is at the last critical degrees of Scorpio and Saturn has been showing me all the grief on the pla net. I want to curl up and cry and cry even though nothing is wrong in my world. It's as though I feel everyone’s pain, and all the suffering is so so sad, all this grief, we all have it somewhere." The tears stream down your face when you lose something you can't Replace", So it's all of ours to feel, we all lose something sometime. But thank goodness we are almost done with all this terrible fear and sadness. Just one aspect of human experience. When Saturn moves to Sagittarius we will all feel the shift. We can see the Future with no interest in looking back. We are all embarking on a great new adventure. Our big thinking philosophies can get us far now. New ideas and understandings are there to lift us up and out of the dark. Uranus too is helping to liberate us from that which is constricting our freedom to grow. Watch for sudden flashes of brilliant insight. Sharp turns in new directions make sense with this energy. Don't be afraid of the new- it keeps us alive. Much shifting is occurring now. More is going on behind the scenes than in physical reality. It is still a time to withdraw from the outside world and cater to your deeply personal needs. Shelter yourself. You are Loving. You are Loved. You are Love. Thank you so much for giving me a reason to write every week. It truly is an honor and a pleasure.
PS: I am going on an adventure and leaving the west coast of BC for sunny Arizona. I am finishing up my first book:" The Astrological guidebook to Self-Love". I have decided to take the month of January off from my weekly forecast to fully focus onthe book. I will be back in February. Many Blessings and Merry Christmas ~ contributed by Hillory Skott Sending you much Peace, Joy and Love! Karen & Salma Be more...Love more...Live more and Never Settle for Less Go Beyond!
Unbounded Potential Empowerment Group Inc.
49 Canyon Blvd West
Lethbridge, AB
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