Tuesday, December 16, 2014

What's Happening in the Stars? December 15-21,2014 ~ contributed by Hillory Skott

What's Happening in the Stars?
December 15-21,2014 ~ contributed by Hillory Skott

The Winter Solstice arrives in the Northern Hemisphere, the Sun shifting
to Capricorn marks the longest night of the year on the 21st PST. To be
truly in tune with the flow of the first day of winter we need to stand back
and take notice. The energy is withdrawn now, the real action is internal.

Astrologers look to the Charts of the Solstice and Equinox to get a feel
for the energy of the upcoming season. Winter is a time of retreat. The
light is diminished and it seems as though everything stops growing. But
those seeds are there beneath the surface gathering the energy to burst
forth with the increased light of spring. This process is actually reflected
in our lives. Use this time to be receptive to promptings from within as to
what to create for your greater good. Sometimes we get stuck in a repetitive
loop of meaningless activity which does nothing to bring us closer to our
inner desires. Now, as the Sun enters Capricorn, we have an opportunity
to get a hold of what is of true and lasting Value to us.

As the Sun travels through Capricorn we can get in touch with our deep,
reflective, enterprising selves. All the celebrating and obligation that fill
this time of year runs directly counter to our bodies innate wisdom. This day
has been celebrated by cultures all over the world, with festivals and
ceremonies honoring the darkness and calling the light. In our hurried
western world most of us let this Cardinal time pass by unnoticed.
We are busy with last minute distractions while we attempt "get it all
done" before Christmas.

Because winter is naturally a time of introspection, withdrawing from
activity actually strengthens you. This inward time gives you an opportunity
to reflect on your life and make choices, anticipate outcomes. It’s counter
productive to distract yourself with busywork and obligations.

Mercury moves into Capricorn on Tuesday. This is a great energy for getting
serious. Take stock, take note, generally contemplate. Capricorn energy
loves contemplation. You may find yourself aware of the starker sides of life.
Sometimes life isn't pretty and Saturn ruled Capricorn will point out the darker,
harder facts of life. It's where you roll up your sleeves and dive into the real
work of life. Discipline proceeds dominion. If you want to feel a sense of control
over your life, if you want to step into your Power, then it is usually necessary
to follow a plan and take step-by-step action towards your goals. Worthwhile
things take effort- such is the lesson of Capricorn.

Use the next three weeks to get serious with yourself. Be honest and willing
to implement changes that may take sacrifice now, but will lead to what you
ultimately desire. Perhaps you need to cut out the booze: "Of all vices, drinking
is the most incompatible with greatness." says Sir Walter Scott. Maybe it's
smoking, TV or maybe you like to shop? Now you can harness the willpower
to make positive changes. Educate yourself in your own way and in your own
time- it will pay big dividends.

With all this Capricorn energy coming into focus a fine balance between work
and isolation is needed. Your power to see the larger reality is enhanced with a
steady wisdom now. Discipline is the key that will open all the doors to every
good thing you can imagine for yourself. Call for it. Your guides are available
and waiting to assist you in moving to your next best version of yourself.

Happy Solstice, may you be cozy and content in your contemplation. Namaste

~ contributed by Hillory Skott

However you choose to celebrate the Season, be good to yourself.

Much Love and Many Blessings,
Karen & Salma

Be more...Love more...Live more
and Never Settle for Less
Go Beyond

Unbounded Potential Empowerment Group Inc.

49 Canyon Blvd West
Lethbridge, AB
T1K 6X6


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