Sunday, December 21, 2014

Soulstice Rising ~ Ascension Notes: The Soulstice Gateway - 12/18/2014 by Kara Schallock

Soulstice Rising ~ Ascension Notes: The Soulstice Gateway - 12/18/2014 by Kara Schallock

We are getting ready for another big Gateway…the Solstice (Winter/Summer) on the 21st. Just last week we had the 12-12 Gateway, which was about stepping more into the Power of being our Authentic Selves and more into the energies of Freedom and challenge. During this Gateway, which takes us into 2015, we continue with this theme plus more. Specifically, and potentially, we are preparing for beautiful opportunities in 2015. These are opportunities that are manifest to anchor New Life and crystal clear consciousness from which we create and manifest what we choose…either Freedom or challenge.

Look around and see how much has shifted. Even the old guard is exhibiting change and Oneness. In fact, as I bypass what most consider terrible world circumstances, I see how beautiful things are and it brings tears of Joy to me as I witness the changes. When things transform, there is a period of uncomfortable shifting, as we well know. Yet the shifting brings a beautiful New World. So you are encouraged to use the Power of the Soulstice to shift your view into seeing the Beauty rather than the destruction. As you shift your perception, you then are one of the many who are bringing Heaven to Earth.

The Soulstice (I use this term to suggest that the Solstice is more of a merging with Soul, which it is) brings about an energy in which our ‘inner” creates our “outer” in a more powerful way. It is true that who you are inside is what and how you experience your outer world and this will be more powerfully obvious in 2015 and what this Soulstice Gateway helps with.

The Soulstice is a Gateway of the culmination of the old (death/rebirth)…as long as we keep our focus and attention on the New. It brings more Balance; a coming together of Spirit and form, Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine, and a “flying off point.” I picture each of us jumping off a cliff while our wings unfold, giving us flight. During the Soulstice, ponder what you want to create and how you want to live. The Soulstice also is during the New Moon, which as you know, is a perfect time for choosing what you want to bring forth. Doing Ceremony is most powerful for you. Here is one for you, if it resonates…

Set your Sacred Space up with many candles (Solstice symbolizes the return of Light for those in the northern hemisphere and for those in the southern hemisphere, the lighting of candles empowers the Light) and place evergreens around your space (they symbolize life after death). Think of what you want to create and empower. If you want to empower your inner Abundance, place shiny coins about. If it is for more Love or Joy or whatever, choose a symbol to add to your Ceremony to enhance the energy. You may write out what it is you are empowering and then set it free by burning it in one of your candles. You might want to have your most special candle in the center and light all other candles from this main one. You may place your crystals in a guided grid of your choice as well. Invite any Guides and Angels you choose, and then go into a meditation, placing your hands over your Heart Chakra or High Heart Chakra and give thanks for all in your life. Forgive anyone that comes into view and open your Chakras to receive the Light that is present for you. Bring this Light throughout your being and then be in Silence, receiving all the Love you intend to receive. Have this Love/Light move through you and include your cells and DNA and then bring it into Gaia. Call forth your Divine Feminine and Masculine and have them marry. Finally, be in Stillness as you receive and give forth to Gaia.

As I have shared, this Gateway is also about death and rebirth. It has us with continued ebb and flow energies. One day we feel high and the next day we drop down a bit in energy. This is the continuation of being downloaded with high vibrational Light, which then shines a light on anything still lingering to recognize, accept and release that is not Love. We can most definitely experience this with a good night’s sleep one night and being sleepless the next night. Just remember that however it is manifest in your life is perfect for your evolution. Staying focused on the positive helps transform any old energies. And certainly practice Forgiveness if there is anyone in or out of your life that is still reminding you of old life. Remember that Freedom to be more and Freedom from the old continues to be flushed out as we move toward 2015.

Have a powerful, purposeful and aware Soulstice. This is the Gateway in which Soul becomes much more powerful and thus, you become more powerful in and as Love.

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I post small inspirations on my Facebook Page between writing the Ascension Notes, if you’re so inclined...Ascension: Soulstice Rising.

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