Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Childhood Memories and a bit of Nostalgia

Phoenix Boulay's photo.Phoenix Boulay's photo.

 Phoenix Boulay's photo.

This year is the 50th anniversary of the debut of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, my favorite. I first remember seeing it when visiting my Meme & Pepe Boulay in Fall River, MA. We were very small and would crawl up onto the leather furniture in the den to eat candy -those Lifesaver "books" they gave us...and watch it with our cousins. Meme & Pepe had color TV! In that room, Meme had one of those skinny silver trees full of large lights and glass bulbs, with the color wheel flashing on it..remember those?  and the big old box TVs? Ah, Nostalgia, we never know when you are going to show up and surprise us with a trip down Memory Lane...

Phoenix Boulay's photo.

Phoenix Boulay's photo.

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