WOO~HOO~! We are on the verge of a major paradigm shift! Pluto-Uranus square exact just after midnight EST on the 15th. -Global synchronized meditations...LET'S DO THIS! ~PB
GAIAPORTAL: Co-opted Energies have been returned to valid energetic “owners”
11 Dec
"Co-opted Energies have been returned to valid energetic “owners”.
Placations no longer effective, at any level.
Fortifications continue as the new realms are prepared.
Gaia collective stands ready for eruptive Energetic and consciousness ascension.
Flash points have passed. No longer required.
Spreading of wings takes place at this moment."
My interpretation: Behind the scenes, the Light Forces have taken control, and cabal arrests are imminent. Attempts to delay the inevitable or to maintain the Status Quo are over with. Preparations are continuing for Announcements and Disclosure. Compression Breakthrough can happen at any time. We are now out of danger of any major catastrophic event or world war erupting. Ascension process is in full swing, we are ready to fly!