Friday, March 27, 2015

Steve Rother: April 2015 Predictions,Comments and Questions | Lightworker via Spirit Library

The notes included in the transcript below are my own, and reflect my interpretation of the messages from Steve Rother and The Group.  -Phoenix Boulay

April 2015 Predictions,Comments and Questions by Steve Rother |Lightworker via Spirit Library

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Phoenix Boulay: MY NOTES:

Steve channels The Group: (15:00)

- Solar Flares very active lately but none have been Earth-facing

- The Internet "Wars" (a different level of Security problems and hacking coming our way, that won't be discovered for years, the dangers of leaving it on all the time, etc. due to how it was set up in the beginning, practical precautions and technology that sometimes gives us convenience over safety, especially regarding finances.) The energetic shift to a time of No More Secrets means revelations, hacking but also the hackers getting caught down the line. The dangers are temporary and will eventually be a non-issue as new developments correct them.

- The Timeline Cross - what it is and how the timelines are merging us into multidimensional beings/reality. "Bleedthrough" of dimensions/overlapping realities.

- Financial ups and downs, instability.

- Volcanoes, earthquakes and movement of the magma and tectonic plates, especially on the Ring of Fire. Tsunamis are the larger danger.

- Pole Shift potentials and how to Be in the Right Place at the Right Time, volatile energy shifts and how to transcend them.

- The Group praises the Lightworkers for the great job they are doing.

Q & A. topics (34:20) Although specific questions are answered, often the topics are something the reader or listener can relate to their own life. You may well see some of your issues mentioned here:

- Self-Healing and setting the energy to overcome health issues.

- Indigo incarnates & collective energy shifts 12-12-12 and beyond..a seeming step back before leaping forward, forward movement and resistance to feeling the magic. -END OF MARCH -DARE TO GET OUT AND TRY SOMETHING and FAIL 3 times :D

- Concern about Governments/clampdowns - DARE to get out and be vocal, speak your mind, sharing your feelings in talking to others.

- Electricity/Energy TESLA/Alternating Current -60-cycle electricity magnetic energy and how it impacts Crystal Children and incarnates: overheating is an issue and they also must drink lots of water, be in water/baths, stay grounded (hugs), diminish SALT intake due to it's tendency to conduct electricity, especially in Crystal Children, to slow them down/ calm down/ adapt.

- Gracefully facing challenges, and why do they come all at once? You asked for the fastest path to your goals, you are completing sacred contracts, so things can accelerate. Losing a pet..they can return to you by over-souling another animal who comes into your life. As for job loss, we clear the ground and adapt, and create anew. World is not crumbling, it is opening up -this is major change.

- AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDER and what is behind it, what is going on.  COMMUNICATION is the biggest challenge in the Spectrum. Disassociation, small tasks despite genius level on other things. they are bringing in the Parts of New Humanity. We will discover the  physical reasons for Autism. Monsanto, GMOs, the USE of ROUNDUP getting into the environment and aquifers is a big factor. MIT is currently studying that potential connection. We must demand labeling and end to the use when it come up for a vote.

- Seeing patterns, intuitive impressions, seeing 11:11: "THE 3AM CLUB" A triad of sleep, sleep for 3 hours, awake for 2, sleep for 3 more, where humans wake up at 3 for a few hours and goes back to sleep.  ELRA says our Circadian Rhythms are changing, our consciousness is raising, making it harder to go into DEEP SLEEP.  This is OK, as it means we will have more REM SLEEP and DREAMS which are part of our evolution....we are returning to a healthier way to sleep, very creative 2-hours in between, write, create during that time. Our ancestors had special dressing gowns for walking in public at 3am.  (Note: This phenomena is also known as "Two Sleeps" and was very common last century before electronic devices.)

- is more about the Tsunamis, and rising waters. California..We are trying to release small quakes...the tectonic plates will be moving, and that is a good thing as it releases pressure so we don't have a bigger quake if it builds up too long. Let your daughter live her life and don't worry about where she is living, let her make her mistakes and learn from them.

- Bringing The 5th Dimension here now into form. Yes, correct, we do not need to go anywhere to experience the 5th is here, we are living 5D now but trying to use 3D rules. (example: grandparents WORK HARD. Parents: WORK SMART. Us: WORK PASSIONATE.) In about another month or two, we will have a seminar on Multidimensionality, Circular Time, the Torus, how everything connects together, etc. and our new relationship to time.

-Feeling "HOMESICK" and struggling to enjoy this time of change we have waited so long for.  Steve: There is some scar tissue (probably punishment from a past life for knowing these things) and you ARE a teacher, whether you know it or not. THIS IS WHAT UNDERMINES YOUR CONFIDENCE- A FORM OF THE FEAR (opposite of LOVE) FROM THE DARK SIDE. The more we can live in the middle,  the easier life will be.

- Feeling "STUCK" and disconnected, lost. Find Spiritual Family and make bonds. SEPARATION ANXIETY -we sense we are from somewhere far away and we are sad we are not "home". We see a bit through the veil, so it makes us sad. FIND WAYS TO LIVE NOW AND NOT WAIT TO RETURN HOME TO BE HAPPY.  You are not alone and will find new friends who resonate with you.

- Going through a Spiritual awakening and influence of the family dynamic as catalyst: Healers come in all forms, sometimes it is words that heal. Scar tissue from past life experience, emotional level.  Resistance to stepping into the work. Sometimes we incarnate into a family that was not our first choice, we are the Black Sheep and they do not understand you, but you understand THEM, a gift to them. Gifts come effortlessly, it will feel like you are remembering something. You can help a lot of people if you can get over your lack of confidence. It's all you need.

-  Life lesson of TRUST: The way to get past your blocks is to help someone else, you open the door for someone else and in doing so, learn how to open your own door to Mastery. Claim it, step into it. You can heal with your words and ideas. Amazing.  Speak out from the heart!  Let your feelings come through you. A beautiful combination of Love and Wisdom.

- Raising frequency/vibration for healing. Is illness stuck energy surfacing for healing? You answered your own question. Our medical system is changing. Medical Doctors are starting to reach outside of their teachings to find solutions that work. They are opening to the Mind-Body connection and the role of the patient in his own healing. Medical doctors are dropping out of the system, can't make a living,  due to insurance/ regulation. They are seeking alternative healing expressions.

- Pain in leg. Pinched nerves -difficult- challenging.  Emotion, right side is Mother's energy, left side is Father's energy. (Hmmm!) Something to look at..could lead to an Epiphany.  Can also be a repetitive stress. Change behavior.

- Flight 370 Why do they tell us things we know are not true? The whole incident was a very sad situation. Something was set into motion..a young person?  and everyone was unconscious, and the plane was on autopilot. Attempt was made on this side to reach them and wake them up, they were flying through a portal. It did not succeed. Should have been found by now. They will find them eventually near where they have been looking. Unnecessary loss. Sadness.

- Life changes, adapting to new job, situation, environment. Should I change my environment? CONTRACTS -you are there to complete 3 but only 1 so far. However, if you do not fulfill them, it is optional, you can change your mind. NO PENALTY FOR NOT COMPLETING A LIFE CONTRACT that you made prior to incarnating. You can adapt, change or stick it out. Leave if you want to, you will find a way to fulfill the contracts elsewhere.

- Singing: A voice from within -incredible, everyone was amazed..why have I lost it? -where did it come from? Your body hit a perfect harmonic resonance. You draw in life lessons and that is part of the challenge, to get it into motion and attract the things that resonate.

- Relationships: Some of the most difficult things you will experience on Earth. Love and life lessons take WORK! "RELATION-SHIFT" it ebbs and flows, some people grow apart and stop trying. Some need to end, but many can work by adapting to the shifts. Happiness is what determines your success. Communication, conscious choices are better than letting things happen by default. Go forward, not back. Build together with excitement or let it go.

- Money/new cost of access to the information and seminars:  MONEY is an Energy Exchange. We charge more now as we spend a lot of time/energy and gave away about 60% of our efforts. We have bills, too!  We are not obligated to offer all of our services free of charge. We offer ways to connect that do not require money, so everyone has access to our concepts and ideas. It's there and perhaps we need to do an Abundance seminar. We do not judge you for paying or not paying. We are trying to balance the energy exchange.




Lightworker is a non-profit corporation dedicated to spreading Light through Empowerment. Lightworker is a place to help you re-member who you really are and why you are here.  Our greatest hope is that we may help you to re-member what you planned for yourself before you were born into this life.

The Group first came to Steve Rother in 1996 and since then has given information for a evolving planet that has filled several books now translated into 18 languages. The monthly Beacons of Light ~ Reminders from Home are translated into 21 languages each month and have been presented at the United Nations five times on two continents.

At Lightworker we will not tell you which way to turn or if you are right or wrong as those concepts are an illusion of the polarity that we are now leaving.  What we will offer is a view of humanity from the perspective of spirit, not to help you ascend off the Earth, but rather to help you have a wonderful human experience while you are here.

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