Monday, March 30, 2015

NorthPoint Astrology Journal March 30 to April 5, 2015 ~ by Pam Younghans

Highlighted Aspects:
MON: Pluto trine Venus, Sun conjunct South Node, Mercury enters Aries; TUE: Mars enters Taurus; WED: Chiron sextile Venus; THU: Saturn trine Mercury, Jupiter trine Sun; FRI: Ceres enters Aquarius; SAT: Lunar Eclipse/Full Moon 5:05am PDT, Mercury conjunct South Node; SUN: Pluto square Sun

meets the future this week, urging us to make intentional choices in how we go forward from here. The energies of the Choice Point are centered in the powerful Total Lunar Eclipse on Saturday.

In the chart for this lunation, the Sun in Aries is aligned with Uranus, Mercury, and the South Node; the Moon in Libra is aligned with the North Node; and Pluto in Capricorn is squaring all of the above. This creates a cardinal "T-square" in the chart, with Pluto at the "apex" of the formation.

IN HIS BOOK Dynamics of Aspect Analysis, astrologer Bil Tierney writes that a cardinal T-square provides:

"... growth-accelerating lessons concerning personal energy expenditure applied toward major here-and-now objectives... We will need to develop greater self-discipline, inner timing, outer patience, and a general sense of thoroughness and organization to succeed... We must consciously analyze the practical facets of our own impulses to see if they will actually help us move ahead toward the realistic attainment of our goals. The more self-aware we allow ourselves to become, the more purposeful our live changes become."

With Pluto at the apex of the cardinal T-square, its influence becomes even more powerful. As Mr. Tierney explains:

"With apex Pluto, life forces us to undergo explosive endings of one phase of our personal development in order to make fresh new starts in another phase."

CHANGE seems to be the strongest theme here -- but Mr. Tierney cautions us that successful change must be well thought-out and implemented, not arrived at haphazardly.

This may be harder than it sounds. Not only is Pluto at the apex of the T-square, but this Lunar Eclipse fully engages the vibrational field created by the Pluto-Uranus square. We can expect that the unstable energies we've been feeling recently will increase this week. But, through situations that unfold, we should gain even more clarity about what systems are no longer sustainable and where change is imperative if we are to make forward progress.

THE NORTH AND SOUTH NODES always play an important role an eclipse chart, since it is the proximity of the Sun and Moon to the nodes that is a characteristic of an eclipse. This means that every eclipse, especially a Lunar Eclipse, propels us into the future, and challenges us to let go of our attachment to what has been. Adding the Pluto-Uranus energies to this mix amplifies these themes even further.

This particular eclipse has not only the Sun, but also Mercury and Uranus aligned with the South Node. To move forward now, we will need to become especially aware of how our thought patterns (Mercury) have been taking us down roads of conflict (Aries) instead of ways of harmony. We will also want to watch for the knee-jerk "my way or the highway" reaction (Uranus in Aries) to see if it is really benefiting us in the long run.

The North Node, always pointing us toward the best route, is in Libra, and aligned with the Moon for the eclipse. We are directed to make our emotional balance a priority now, with the awareness that finding peace internally is a necessary first step to creating harmony in our relationships and in the world.

THE SABIAN SYMBOL for the Moon's location at the time of the eclipse reads:

"Circular paths: Coming to terms with the inevitability of establishing steady rhythms of social activity."

The image of "circular paths" at first sounds very different from the way we've been describing the transformational energies of this Lunar Eclipse. In comparison, a circle sounds calming and perhaps even boring in its repetitiveness.

And yet, because eclipses activate the North and South Nodes, they often require that we revisit the past before we catapult into the future. As we circle back through old patterns of behavior, we will want to a maintain a heightened awareness of who we have become and where we want to go to from here. This self-awareness will help us create those "purposeful life changes" that this T-square Lunar Eclipse requires.

In peace,

Photo: The Solar Eclipse on March 20, 2015, as seen from Adventdalen, near the capital of Svalbard (credit: Ivar Marthinusen, posted on

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