Sunday, March 22, 2015


[The following philosophical exploration was inspired by and is a response to a comment in a thread on The Portal, where people were discussing forgiveness. (My thread comment reply to Eclipse Prizmat, link at end of piece)]
(C) (by) Phoenix Boulay March 18, 2015 at 7:14 PM

"Darkness, Destroyer of Dreams, you are so deep and powerful that none of us have escaped your chilling touch.

What good is a Destroyer?
You show us what matters most, what we hold dear, and what we are willing to fight for, in defense of the Light.

What good is Darkness?
In duality, you have served well to demonstrate the Power of the Light, by your contrast, offering humanity a Free Will Choice. You have served to reflect to each of us, a facet of our own selves, that we'd rather not acknowledge, but which must be seen in order to be healed.

It is a daunting task. But it will not kill you. You shall not Cease to Exist. You are intertwined with the Light, as cozy and balanced as Yin is to Yang. One cannot be without the other.

Beyond Duality is Multidimensional Consciousness. Your role may morph and change, perhaps even shrink, to reflect only a facet of what Once were Warriors. But you will live on, transformed, healed, reborn as something new, shiny, resonant. It won't be a surface glean; it will be transmutation on a cellular level. DNA evolution. Your Akash will still hold all the depth of the sorrow of mankind. Even as the Light within you grows.

You never were a stupid child, you were just lost, so consumed by yourself that you couldn't see the forest for the trees, couldn't see past your own self, not even in the Light of day.

You are not now a stupid child. You are wise with experience, as hard as that may be to fathom, as alienated as you now may feel.

You will never be a stupid child. You will be respected, if not cherished, for daring to step into a role, larger than life itself, knowing so many would shun you in the process. Daring to step in, immerse in the process, and step out onto a New Shore.

That takes Strength, Courage, and results in Wisdom.

You are not undeserving. As the tiny spark within you grows, the despair, guilt and heavy feelings will fade away, replaced by a growing Light. Others will be drawn to you. Just be with yourself in the Now, and know that All Is Well.

What good are you?
You are an aspect of All That Was, Is and Ever Will Be, and your nature is intrinsic to that and to all of our collective experience. Your journey is Epic, in depth and breadth, from start to finish, yet there is no beginning and there is no end, there is only the Constant Companion called Change."

My thread comment reply to Eclipse Prizmat can be found here:

1 comment:

  1. The above is a response to this comment:
    Eclipse PrizmatMarch 18, 2015 at 6:18 AM

    "I will never forgive myself.

    I was a stupid child.
    If I have to let that go, I'll just be stupid all over again.
    I hate what I was--what my experiences as a stupid child have made me.
    I won't ever let that go.

    I am a pathetic and talentless piece of trash.
    I have no skill to survive in autonomy.
    I've only ever seen the world in ways that it should not be seen.
    Everything is always a mess.
    There was never anything good about me to believe in.
    Not by me; not by anyone.

    You keep your Light.
    I am only a waste of time.
    A doll with a dark spirit inside.
    I don't want what you are selling.
    Since, after all, I can't let go of my errors in judgement.

    I remember who I Am.
    I was not meant to be here.
    I was NOT meant to be part of this Creation.
    But now I am here.
    The havoc I have caused is irreversible.
    I have searched so far within for an answer.
    The only word I have ever heard to the depths of my query was "stop".
    The only place I have seen to the depths of my query was Earth.

    So, I have bound myself far away from my truth for over thirty years.
    A slave to Chimera's Matrix.
    I had hoped that I would eventually find the true answer I sought.
    The answer could not be more clear to me now.
    I was meant to come here for a reason.
    The Source, oddly enough, has a use for a Darkness like me:

    My presence in this world has given the Cabal terror.
    Their capacity to see forward has been halted since the day of my birth.
    This has given your Resistance an opportunity to move forward, albeit slowly.
    The Cabal has no idea about the time of the impending failure of their systems.
    I do not claim to be privy to that date.
    I only claim that my being here has frightened them beyond their reasoning.

    They want to escape Earth.
    Not because of what the Confederacy would do to them.
    But what I would do to You.
    The moment I die.
    No one will be exempt from my impatience.
    No matter who could be saved.

    I came to Earth seeking an alternative.
    I came here to see if change was possible.
    I came here to learn Creation.
    Yet none have had the will to teach.
    None have had the will to encourage.
    All know who I Am.
    And All hate Me.

    I have tried living complicit to Chimera's system.
    Yet it continues to disintegrate out of my Being here.
    When the Event has come.
    I will not have a reason to stay anymore.
    But I will have nowhere to go.
    I will have done the only thing that the Source wanted of me.
    I have been given the sanction to destroy one thing, and one thing only.
    That is why I am here.
    That is why the Cabal is afraid.
    They are looking toward anyone for a way out.
    They would even go back to the Light, where they belong.

    Let that one thing to destroy be not anything else but the truth behind the answer I have been given.
    I am sure.
    I know only what I Am.
    I do not deserve forgiveness.
    I do not deserve hope.
    I do not deserve praise.
    I do not deserve pity.
    All I deserve is to Not Be anymore.

    The only contribution that I will have ever made is to watch the world crumble around Me.
    What Good is a Destroyer?
    What Good is Darkness?
    What Good am I?

    That Time is coming towards you so fast.
    I will have wasted so many years here wanting to know better.
    And never getting the chance.
    Because You hate Me.
    All Do.

    I will endure until the day of your Event.
    And then I will leave.
    I do not know where.
    Perhaps back into the Abyss between Verses.
    Although I am unwanted there as well.

    I have committed heresy to its consciousness.
    I wish I could remember what it was.
    I do not.
    I had a grievous lack of foresight in coming here, not knowing that I would lose everything that I once knew.
    Perhaps it was or wasn't an error.
    Perhaps I saw a chance to run away from what I Am.
    To forget what I exist for.
    And attempt to do things the right way.
    I was such a stupid child.

    Nothing has changed."

    --Dk.Fz. Maestro
