Friday, March 20, 2015

What's Happening in the Stars? March 16-22, 2015 ~ Contributed by Hillory Skott

What's Happening in the Stars? March 16-22, 2015
~ Contributed by Hillory Skott

Holds the equinox...the sun enters Aries marking the start of a new
Astrological year. This is the beginning -the stuff that change is
made of. A potent Solar Eclipse is occurring along with a new moon
in Pisces all on the same day. The changes made now will be most
obvious six months from now. Compassion, insight, creativity and
connection want to make a place for themselves now, a cozy well-
deserved space to dream a little dream into reality.

The last of seven rumbling squares between rebel visionary Uranus
in warrior Aries and exposing Pluto in take care of business Capricorn
happens on the 16th in the evening PST. We should now be clear
about what needed to go and what needs to be implemented. Life is
likely different for you now, deeply bette r somehow. What you have
been wrestling with will have created foundational change inside you.
You are stronger than ever now. You can do anything you set your
mind to.

Venus will move from Aries to Taurus on Tuesday PST. Cozy up and
be still if you can. Appreciate the simple things this wonderful planet
offers us, the smell of the earth, the feel of the Sun, the taste all the
yummy nourishing food. Ground down now. You are safe-so much
safer than you ever realize. We all are. With Venus in Taurus for the
next three weeks you can make things solid. You can relax. Gratitude
will multiply the effects of this energy. Beam it back to the great beyond
for best results.

On Friday March twentieth PST the Solar Eclipse an d the new Moon
usher in a wonderful infusion of higher energy to propel us in the
direction we choose. If you are not consciously choosing a direction
you might feel anxious on some level. If you input your desires with
focus and intention the Universe knows what to bring you. Pisces is
a direct link to the cosmos. The most feeling of feeling signs. If you
have a goal you can relax into reverie for a while.

The opposite of Pisces is Virgo. Virgo is wired to be of service in a
more practical way than Pisces. Together they can be immensely
creative and productive at the same time. The great novel imagined ..
needs also to be written word for word, hour by hour. The movie first
has to be made by real people working sixteen hour days. Virgo can
apply the pressure to bring it down to earth that Pisces lacks. Pisces
is a dreamer and Virgo a doer. It is time to walk the talk. Put into
practice all you have learned and make your dreams real.

A tangible way is to actually discipline yourself to sit and visualize
every day. This is laying energetic groundwork that will consolidate
your desires. Imagine the feelings, smells, ideas, and circumstances
that will surround you when it all works out for you, happily ever after.
Even three minutes a day of focused intention and visualization will
change your life dramatically. We all know this, but now is the time
to practice. You can do it right now-imagine things as you wish them
to be. Do this with a timer set at least once a day. It's Best when you
wake up and when you are about to sleep. Invest in yourself; this is
an act of Love easily accomplished every day. You are worth it; your
dreams are worth it. What you focus on will grow.

Your need for Love and Understanding and to Love and Understand
is now manifesting around you. Around all of us. Old structures are
dissolving, new supportive foundations are forming. Yippee!
Until Next week. Enjoy your powers- you really can do anything.
Also, send Love. Much Love to you.

PS. I will be releasing one section of my book per month. As the Sun
moves to Aries I will release the section on Aries, a book on it's own.
Then, when it moves to Taurus I will release that section. Until next
February when Pisces is released. I decided on this approach to al low
my creative energy a whole month steeped in each sign. It makes the
creation process more manageable for me too. Aries is the first sign
of the zodiac, the beginning. I do hope all you Aries Lovelies will find
The Astrological guidebook to self-love ever so helpful and filled with love.

~Contributed by Hillory Skott


“Like the warmth of the sun
And the light of the day,
May the luck of the Irish
shine bright on your way.”

Many Blessings,

Karen & Salma

Be more...Love more...Live more and
Never Settle for Less
Go Beyond!

Unbounded Potential Empowerment Group Inc.

49 Canyon Blvd West
Lethbridge, AB
T1K 6X6
Hours Monday-Thursday 10AM-4PM Mountain

    Karen & Salma

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