Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Removing Obstacles from Your Life by Shanta Gabriel | Inspiration for the Week

Removing Obstacles from Your Life

Inspiration for the Week
For this week’s issue, you are being called to create a more prayerful connection to your Senior Partner in Life.

The Gabriel Message card for this week

Pray to remove all obstacles to the Source of Divine Light.
I have been blessed with a wonderful bookkeeper who also happens to be a Swami I have known for 35 years. One of the creative attributes of our association is that she dispenses really helpful spiritual guidance along with her business acumen.

Recently when I was struggling with overwhelm, she reminded me that I was acting as though I was the only one working in my business life, when in truth I have a Senior Partner — with a capital S!
My Senior Partner, who is of course God, is aligned with the highest good of my Soul, and all I need to do is turn over all that I am working on and allow this Divine Presence to step in to assist me.

In times of great overwhelm, it’s easy to forget the spiritual basics! So I paid attention to her gentle reminder and placed all the myriad needs for my work on my altar. I then asked for Divine Order and Balance to be present in those situations, before placing all my work expression into the Divine Hands of my Senior Partner. What a difference it made! The overwhelming burdens I had been feeling were gracefully uplifted and all that I was working on unfolded in miraculous ways.

I know that miracles are the ordinary unfolding of a prayer-centered life, but still I am always a little in awe when small prayerful actions change my experience in practical ways so gracefully. But truly this is what I want in every area of my life. I continue to ask the Source of Divine Light to work with me in my spiritual, mental, and emotional life. And this recent demonstration reminded me that my Senior Partner will always assist me with the spiritual entrepreneurship that is my work in the world. I need only to remember and ask with greater intention.

My work is the gift I have been given in order to serve God in beautiful ways. Because it is the outworking of my prayers for my Soul’s mission, it is especially important that I remember to include my Senior Partner in all aspects of my life.

Beloved Senior Partner of my Work in the World:

Thank you for lifting the burden of overwhelm that comes from thinking I am doing any of this work alone. Thank you for bringing me the creative solutions, helpful ideas, and revelations I need to expand into greater levels of loving expression in my work. I am grateful for the beautiful people who can support me as well as those who can benefit from my Soul’s gifts.

Thank you for removing all obstacles to clear communication with my Higher Self and my guidance system. Once more I dedicate all that I am doing to creating more Peace and Love within the hearts of all beings; I ask that all of humanity may be blessed to bring their Soul’s gifts forward to be a blessing to the world. Thank you God. And so it is.

Shanta Gabriel
March 22, 2015

The Gabriel Messages #42
Pray to remove all obstacles to the Source of Divine Light.

Dear One,

When you pray to remove all obstacles, you are expressing your desire for full communion with God. You are asking for all that is in the way of your connection with the Divine Presence to be removed, so that you can consciously feel your alignment with love.

God is your partner in life. Prayer is the key to remind you of this partnership. Prayer is a deep and powerful action bringing you into the right frame of mind so your life will work for you in happier ways. Prayer is a tool for opening your heart. It brings love into every situation. Love is the greatest healing energy that exists in the world, so it serves you well to bring love into your life in a conscious way through prayer.

True communion with Spirit is a state of enlightenment. It is fully loving, courageous, free, and filled with joy. It is the happy state of knowing that the Divine Presence is always there to turn to so you never feel alone.

When you achieve the conscious awareness of your oneness with God, you will look at life from a state of joy, not fear. You will feel a sense of peace within you. In this state of Divine communion, your true freedom exists.

Pray with your heart, open your mind and be willing for miraculous changes to take place in your life. You were meant to be happy and at peace. You deserve all that is good. Know that you are a beloved child of the Source of all Light.

It is possible to live in love and full communion with God. The Angels are assisting you to make this deep connection at all times. You can call upon their grace to make joy your ever-present reality.
To have more harmony within yourself today, remember this simple suggestion:

Pray to remove all obstacles to the Source of Divine Light.

Shanta Gabriel, for Archangel Gabriel Copyright, March 22, 2015


Planting the Garden of Your Soul – Spring Equinox Teleconference Recording

Did you miss our wonderful gathering to celebrate the arrival of spring? You can still enjoy the empowered gifts of the Archangels as they assist you in planting seeds for your most Abundant Future and sacred work in the world.

The teleconference recording is available here.
“Thank you for leading such a beautiful and powerful equinox teleconference. It was very empowering and I look forward to doing the meditation work again!”
“I was on the call and it was so beautiful. I feel as if we are on the cusp of something extraordinary and you confirmed this feeling. I like many have worked so hard and now we will see changes and have the life we have dreamed of.”
“Thank you, Shanta. That was beautiful. My Heart is full. You, We, created One Pillar of Light, I felt, for All our Dreams and manifestations to move even more quickly through this funnel of Light for full Manifestation on our Earth plane and in Our Lives and in the lives of others.”

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