Monday, April 6, 2015

THE ALCHEMY OF EASTER | Marianne Williamson

Brilliant insights, especially the 3rd paragraph...  ~PB

THE ALCHEMY OF EASTER | Marianne Williamson

The resurrection is not an article of faith, but rather an existential fact. As in the words of Jack Kerouac when asked about the veracity of the story in his novel On the Road, “It’s true even if it didn’t happen.”

The resurrection is a description of how the universe self-corrects, life always reasserting itself even when forces of death and darkness have temporarily prevailed. Like a tiny flower growing through cracks in broken cement, peace of mind emerging at last after periods of deep grief, or people continuing to fall in love despite the ravages of war, love always gets the final say. To lean on the resurrection is simply to recognize what’s true; that if happiness hasn’t arrived yet, then the story isn’t over.

Easter isn’t the story of something that happened to only man over two thousand years ago; it’s the revelation of God’s eternal imprint on every moment, for every life. It is the potential for light that exists within even the deepest darkness. It is the reason to hope when all hope seems lost. It is the possibility for a new beginning that seems impossible when all has gone wrong. As a principle, resurrection does not require our recognition in order to exist. But as a practical reality, it requires our willingness in order to become fully activated in human affairs. Our openness to infinite possibility – a willingness to consider that there might be another way – is the mind of man allowing itself to be illuminated by God.

At Easter, we celebrate our ability to rise above the consciousness of darkness, ignorance and death. As we do, something begins to change within us; our very openness to the deeper meaning of the resurrection opens doors within the mind and within the heart. Jesus died and then he rose. And now it’s our turn. Where parts of us have died -- to hope, to growth, to new life forces -- may our own crucified selves be restored to new life. On this day, may we each rediscover at the deepest level the meaning of “Hallelujah” and the reason to praise God.

(Register here for Monday's free live streamed talk on THE METAPHYSICS OF EASTER )

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