Thursday, September 10, 2015

HILARION 2015: September 6-13, 2015 + June 28-September 6, 2015 by Marlene Swetlishoff

    HILARION 2015

September 6-13, 2015

Beloved Ones,

There has been a shift in the energies of the Earth and within you. You have stood on the threshold of two worlds, and have made your choice. You have recommitted to the growth and evolution of your soul and this has brought you to the greater frequencies that now enfold you. There is a new aspect of your total being that is now coming to the surface. Many of you are still in the throes of purification, the purification of the four lower bodies and will continue to experience the effects of this cleansing process. Some of you are sometimes shocked at the words and thoughts that come into your awareness…this is your ego mind trying to bring you back into its control through the attempted distraction of your renewed commitment to self. The good news is that you now recognize what is occurring and are able to counteract by changing those thoughts as they happen. You are truly becoming the alchemists, changing the lead of the lower dimensions of life experience into the purified gold of your Holy Christ Self.

Loving others is an integral part of your spiritual being. Sometimes, your words and actions may seem to you to be rather extreme, but then you are surprised by the positive effect that these produce in others. This is you speaking your truth, without heat, in total detachment, and you are being heard. For some of you, this is a new experience, being heard and seen by those who surround you in the physical realm. This is a direct result of you giving love and kindness to yourself, knowing that you are worth it. When one loves self in a non-egotistical way, only good can come of it. By balancing the energies of duality in all facets of your inner and outer being, you are creating a new you. By embracing the light and the dark aspects that comprise the spiritual being that you are and coming into balanced acceptance of it, you are achieving mastership of the lower dimensions and moving into the next phase of growth on your spiritual evolutionary journey back to oneness with Source.

There is an element of the miraculous in the energies that enfold you now. Each moment is alive with infinite possibilities as you expand the magic that is within you. You are reaching inward to enter new realms of joyful creation and are filled with the anticipation of victorious achievement. There is a sense that something wonderful and totally unexpected is about to happen. As you go within daily, give thanks and acknowledgement for the countless miracles and blessings that now manifest in your life. As you listen to the promptings of your physical body and your higher guidance and allow the deep rest and relaxation to take place as needed, healing within is achieved and this gives you renewal and strength in the manifestation process of your deepest dreams. The higher aspects of your being bring forth the wisdom of your soul and you view the world from a higher perspective.

There is an ongoing shift into higher frequencies taking place within you and while this is occurring, new levels of perception are gained and this will help you to achieve a deeper understanding of the current situations manifesting in your life and you will be better able and equipped to deal with them. There is a coming together of all aspects of your being and this will eventually assist you in your return to the oneness of Source. You have been learning that in order to create, one needs to be involved in the experience in a personal way. You rise above the mundane realities of your daily life and see what is required of you to overcome them. You now use the energies that flow through you as an authentic expression of your soul. You are finding the joy in this process of surrender to the higher workings of your life purpose and realize that your soul and higher self truly do have your greatest blessing and well being at heart.

As you move in the direction of the great potential that lives within you, you gain awareness of the way to allow this process to unfold. You know you cannot remain in the place of comfortable sameness any longer and that you must allow the inner growth you have experienced to expand outwardly into all facets of your life. All that was is now being changed and transformed on your life path. Be at peace with this process, for it is part of your divine plan and an outward reflection of the inner commitment to the growth of self that you have consciously chosen.  Stand in your truth of this perspective and move forward into the new direction towards the achievement of your highest potentials.  You have all that you need ever available within you. You have all the wisdom of the ages within you which your soul has gathered and learned throughout its many experiences on Earth and in the cosmos. Continue to steadfastly follow your own star as it shines ever more brightly upon this planet!

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

©2009-2015 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
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June 28-September 6, 2015

Beloved Ones,

As life on the planet continues to evolve and expand, many are being called to align to their reason and purpose for this particular incarnation. It behooves each individual to seek within themselves for the answers; for the unfolding of this preordained service to the divine plan and to consciously and with intention, align themselves to it each day. When you do this, events begin to occur that seem to be divinely directed. There will be more information about this that will come to you through various means such as, bringing people into your awareness and sphere of influence who resonate with your soul’s purpose and those who can give the assistance that helps set you on your true path. There will be brought to your awareness information; in the form of books, websites and people which will activate your remembrance of the work you have come to do. You are now opening to your highest potential, one step at a time so that it does not overwhelm and overpower you. Your path must feel good to you.

There is a new dawn on the horizon, a time of fulfilling and positive experiences which help to cement alliances that will be beneficial to you in the future. When confronted with a situation that you have not foreseen that requires making a choice and decision that overwhelms you, do not rush into action but bide your time and wait for signs that will lead to the highest outcome. Take time out to relax, to play, to laugh and just be. When you do this, you are immensely renewed and equilibrium is restored. This leads to greater clarity in all the situations and events that you encounter and you will be more in touch with your core essence, and that which is right for you to do. Others around you have their own paths to follow and this is to be respected and honoured. It is true that All is One; however, each individual is a unique spark of the divine and has their own purpose. They must allow the divine to express and manifest through them in a way that is empowering and uplifting to them. In this way, all are being served.

You are now beginning to come into your personal power. You have done the majority of the work of clearing old thought patterns and ways of being that are not conducive to the path you have chosen and have let them go. Now you are like an empty vessel which the universe seeks to fill through opportunities and encounters that are more in alignment with your soul’s true calling. Like is beginning to attract like – those who are resonating at the same frequency and purpose. People will come into your life through chance encounter, through pre-destined agreements, through soul group activities. Your lives will take on the appearance of the miraculous at times, for when an individual is totally aligned with their divine essence and follows its directives, the appearance of the manifestation of their dreams and desires happens much more frequently in an ease and flow that feels natural and harmonious.

You have established a firm foundation and now there will be no one and no-thing that can sway you from your true purpose and this is as it should be. On the higher realms, the workings of divine will are in effect and each soul is apprised of their role in the outer manifestation of it. Do not doubt your part in it but rather, trust that all is as ordained and follow your inner guidance as to what to do. Let the divine’s will be done in and through you. Be aware of the fact that the divine will for your life throughout the ages was and is always, that you experience the bounty and beauty that is available in co-creatorship in all its activities. Take the gifts that are offered to you in full confidence that it is in your highest and best interest. Align your heart to the well of love and abundance of the universe and drink deeply of it.

Keep in mind that the deeper you ground your roots into the Earth, the higher you will go. Allow your gentle soul to expand into everything you have asked for. Be the incredible brilliant star within the heart of the Infinite One. Be the chalice of pure light overflowing with glory and grace. Drink in the nectar of joy flowing to you from your divine essence. The inner expansion of your divine essence within you will require physical action in the next steps of your blessed journey. Stay in tune with the perfection of all life. When you make the time for creative work, it is like making time for prayer, it is a unification activity which involves the visible and the invisible, the known and the unknown. You are worthy of the time it takes to create whatever you feel called to create.

Until we meet again…

I AM Hilarion

©2009-2015 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

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Permission is given to share this text message on other blogs and websites as long as the text message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and author/channel/scribe's credit, copyright and live website links are included.

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