Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Compassion, Refugees, Rape and Magic | Laura Bruno's Blog

Thank you for speaking out on this controversial and disturbing
topic. If anyone has any doubt about the horrors of Sharia Law and how
it has inflicted itself on innocents around the world, visit which appears to mirror the website

Just as anyone speaking out against Netanyahu and the harsh policies of
Israel can be labeled anti-Semitic, any outsider challenging Sharia Law
can also face criticism, or worse.

What people need to understand is that this is about basic human rights, and
specifically about the rights of oppressed women in a culture whose
belief system is imposed on the world much like the Star Trek anomaly,
The BORG. Refusal to assimilate in host countries is a big problem, and
one of the reasons people fear immigrants. The U.S. was meant to be a
melting pot of blended cultures, celebrating diversity, not segregated
cultures of disparate ideologies bumping up against one another.

Thank you for this powerful piece.

Compassion, Refugees, Rape and Magic | Laura Bruno's Blog

Originally posted on Laura Bruno's Blog:

Last night, I somehow found myself clicking on the following David
Icke video, which addresses many layers of the carefully orchestrated
refugee crisis. I don’t often do much with Icke, but I really
appreciated him addressing the hypocrisy of David Cameron (and others)
talking about how “the solution to the refugee crisis is to bring peace
to the Middle East.” The words sound nice, and most of us would probably
agree with them; however, Icke highlights the actions behind the words
and how collective outrage over the photo with the little boy is being
propagandized to bring “peace” to the Middle East by forcing Parliament
to allow the UK to join the US and Turkey in bombing Syria.
Into peace. Arming “rebels,” aka ISIS, aka fundamentalist Muslims from
whom the refugees are fleeing. Orwellian doublespeak to the max.

The cognitive dissonance is beyond staggering whenever I mention to “peace lovers”…

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