14-20 September, 2015 is a big week in the Cosmos!
We are in an Eclipse Portal, doorways to new adventures are opening.
Saturn lightens up and leaves Scorpio behind for another 30 years.
Lucky us! And trickster Mercury is making us second guess everything
during his retrograde. All this while Dreamweaver Neptune is opposite
think Big Jupiter. Big changes are happening be ready for opportunity.
We are in the space between what was and what will be. It’s shimmery
and not quite focused.
After the Solar Eclipse New Moon in Virgo Late Saturday PST we are
reset in a way. Eclipses are portals that usher us along in our growth.
With Virgo being so prominent now our routines and every day details
about health and habits come into focus. You may not be able to un-see
what you have seen. Which is good. Having your head in the sand is
so limiting.
With Saturn in the last degree of Scorpio until it slides into Sagittarius
you have the beginning of this week to clear it up once and for all.
At least until similar issues appear in another 30 years when Saturn
hits Scorpio again.
If there are deep dark difficult issues to clear. Do it now. On Thursday
when Saturn enters Sagittarius you will feel the shift from what's under
there to what's up, up, and beyond here. It's a shift to a much more
optimistic energy. But Saturn is not an optimist, he is a task master.
I suspect there will be a lot of questioning belief systems.
Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter, is the truth seeker of the Zodiac. The
intuition is uncanny and creates self certainty that often borders on
arrogant self-righteousness. Any flaws in your foundational beliefs
are going to be discovered in this next couple of years. New beliefs
are set to take their place. Ones that assist you in creating a more
fulfilling life of truth and freedom.
Also Thursday our connection to the unexplainable, Neptune, and
great Adventurer Jupiter are in a push pull situation. Essentially
stimulating both Jupiter in Virgo and Neptune in Pisces. In the best
case scenario you will be able to bring your dreams down to earth.
Jupiter in Virgo expanding efficiency in the real world. Neptune in
Pisces keeping us aware of the possibilities, glimpsing alternate
realities that would bring us what we seek.
More for Thursday- Mercury is backsliding again- keeping us from
being full steam ahead. Muddling the world of communications.
We have a chance to think differently. With Libra being the place it
back tracks our minds will be on relationships. Our needs, the needs
of others, how to make win/win situations. If things are not fair expect
to be made painfully aware of it. All is well when you face the truth.
Better to clean up tricky issues than stuff them and walk around with
resentment in your heart. Or worse be the subject of someone else's
resentful heart.
Also with Mercury retrograde relationships from the past might show up
for understanding and clearing. And anything that you need to re-address,
re-do, re-vitalize, research, re-affirm, all the re-words work very well when
clever Mercury is in retrograde. But be careful with paperwork and
communications, or purchasing electronics or transportation. Things are
not clear until the end of October when Mercury is full s team ahead until
his next retrograde in 3 months.
A ton of shifting this week. Keep your feet on the ground and be aware of
what is transpiring around you. The Universe is always bringing us what we
need to learn next. Clearing the way for our hearts deep desires. The planets
are helping us to automatically transform. It's more fun to participate consciously,
acknowledging the magic as it happens. Drawing more magic in. May this be
a week of upward shift to the next best place in our most precious lives.
~Contributed by Hillory Skott
Create Amazement!
Karen and Salma
Be more...Love more...Live more And Never Settle for Less Go Beyond!
Unbounded Potential Empowerment Group Inc.
Visit us at: http://unboundedpotential.com
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