Monday, September 21, 2015

NorthPoint ASTROLOGY JOURNAL: Your Guide to Planetary Energies for September 21 to 27, 2015 By Pam Younghans

Photo: Auroras over Lakseltindan, Lyngen, Norway 
on September 17, 2015 
(credit: Christian Uhlig, posted on

Highlighted Aspects This WeekMON: Mars sesquiquadrate Pluto, Venus quincunx Chiron
TUE: Venus trine Uranus
WED: Sun enters Libra/Equinox 1:20a PDT, Mercury semisquare Mars, Sun sextile Saturn
THU: Sun conjunct North Node, Mercury square Pluto, Mars enters Virgo, Pluto stations direct 11:57p PDT
FRI: Mars square Saturn
SUN: Lunar Eclipse/Full Moon 7:50p PDT

"A TEST OF FAITH." These are the words that astrologer Bil Tierney uses to describe the effects of Saturn in Sagittarius. Given that Saturn fully entered the ninth sign last Thursday, each of us is now working with that basic lesson in varying degrees.

We will have something of a "pop quiz" this coming Friday when Saturn forms a square with Mars in Virgo. This aspect will challenge us to see where we may be lacking faith, and have been over-relying on our abilities to analyze and control.

WHILE THIS "pop quiz" will be given to everyone, those of us with natal planets located between 0 and 5 degrees of the mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces) are actually wrapping up a longer-term course. For the past 9 months, the issues of faith and belief have been a part of our lives, on a weekly if not daily basis.

Those who have been participating in this 9-month course may be feeling rather tired at this point, since we've been working with this same test (or variations of the same test) since Saturn first ventured into Sagittarius last December-January. Thankfully, we are in the last stages of this particular lesson, and should be wrapping things up in the next four to six weeks, depending on the degree of our mutable natal planet.

THIS WEEK is a very active one astrologically -- in addition to the Mars-Saturn square on Friday, the Libra Equinox occurs on Wednesday (1:20am PDT), Pluto stations direct on Thursday, and we have a Total Lunar Eclipse/Full Moon on Sunday.

Astronomers know to predict Northern Lights around the equinoxes. Auroras are always stirred into action at these times, when the Earth is tilted at a specific angle to the Sun and our planet's magnetic field connects more easily with the Sun's energy field.

Since astrology is based on the premise "as above, so below," it makes sense that for centuries, humankind has created rituals around the time of the equinoxes, understanding that it is a time when we, too, are in position to be more in touch with our own nonphysical Source of light and energy.

An equinox is therefore already a potent time for insight and transformation. When we add to that Pluto's station less than 48 hours later, and a Total Lunar Eclipse by week's end, it's clear we have a powerful fortnight ahead!

IF YOU'VE BEEN READING this Journal for a while, you're already familiar with my train-in-the-station analogy about the effects of a planet's change of direction. In a nutshell, for new readers:

When a planet changes direction (going from direct to retrograde or vice versa), it virtually comes to a standstill when seen from Earth's perspective. This increases our awareness of that planet's influence. It's like when we're standing on a train platform and a train is pulling in. As it gets closer, our awareness of the sound and the vibration increase. While it's sitting in the station, we both hear and feel the engine very strongly. Once it starts to move off, the vibration and the noise gradually fade.

PLUTO is basically "sitting in the station" this week, which means we're very aware of its vibrational effects now -- especially if we happen to have a natal planet at 12 or 13 degrees of a cardinal sign (Aries, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn).

Whereas Saturn is the lesson-bringer, Pluto is the great transformer. This "dwarf planet" often brings important changes into our lives, with the ultimate intention of moving us beyond places where we've been stuck. Pluto requires that we gain new levels of mastery with respect to issues that have previously incurred negative, visceral reactions from deep within us.

ASTROLOGER Bil Tierney writes that "Pluto is only concerned with confronting us with the essence of that which we have not transformed to a higher level of expression. It only forces us to transform that which is in dire need of rehabilitation."

In other words, if our life experience has been limited by lower-vibrational reactions and motivations -- such as a fear that drives us unconsciously and causes us to feel powerless -- Pluto will ultimately help us move through and beyond that automatic response and into greater empowerment.

With retrograde Mercury forming a square aspect with Pluto on the same day as the station, some of the issues that we address may be ones we've already been reviewing. They likely will be related to Mercury's basic themes: logic and intelligence, speaking and writing, or perhaps short journeys and other forms of communication. Depending on where we need rehabilitation, we could confront old patterns of worry or nervousness, of not speaking our truth, or not feeling "smart enough."

THE TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE on Sunday occurs at 7:50pm PDT. The Sabian symbol for the Moon's location at the time of an eclipse gives insights into the higher intention of the lunation. The symbol for this Sunday's eclipse reinforces Pluto's themes of moving us into "a higher level of expression":

"A triangle with wings: The capacity for self-transcending."

While we can each utilize and interpret this image for ourselves, as food for thought, here is a slightly abridged version of Dane Rudhyar's interpretation:

"This is the symbol of the desire to reach a higher level of existence, or pure aspiration or devotion, of bhakti. The principle of 'levitation' is seen as one of the two essential factors in evolution ... the whole being experiences a childlike longing for its eventual realization. A NEW DIMENSION of being is envisioned mobilizing creative endeavors."

TWO ASTEROIDS are strongly involved in the dynamic of this event: at the time of the eclipse, the Moon is aligned with Vesta, and the Sun is almost exactly aligned with Juno.

Balancing polarities is always part of any Full Moon experience, since the Moon and the Sun are by definition in opposite signs. For this Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse, the Sun in Libra brings forward the themes of partnership and cooperation; the Moon in Aries supports individuality and self-determination. The two asteroids happen to nicely emphasize the themes on both sides of the equation: Juno, named for the Roman goddess of marriage, conjoins the Sun in Libra and underlines the need to work cooperatively with others. Vesta, representing spiritual commitment and dedication, conjoins the Moon in Aries and highlights the need to stay focused on what we know is most important.

It appears that this eclipse will require us to soften our "go-it-alone" stance, if that has been working against us, or to strengthen our commitment to our ideals, if we have been sacrificing our truth to keep the peace. The point of balance is found in creating partnerships that honor the contributions of both parties in equal measure, and that are motivated by mutual devotion to a cause or purpose.

In peace,
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