Saturday, September 26, 2015

The Galactic Federation. Event Horizon. "Wave X": September 28, 2015. | World Peace Projects

The Galactic Federation. Event Horizon. "Wave X":September 28, 2015. | World Peace Projects (video)

"...In simpler terms, your DNA is being flooded with Light and Love. You are being activated. On September 28th, 2.3 billion beautiful souls will awaken to the 5th dimensional reality. They will experience New Earth in mind, body, soul, through their oracle devices, through their senses, through their hyper-sensory perceptions. They will know it, they will speak it, they will breathe it they will be 5th Dimensional New Earth. This will not be subtle, my children, this will be extremely drastic. 2.3 billion souls "all at the same moment" will open into the amazing paradigm of New Earth. This experience will last approximately 18 hours. Then it will subside. There will be a coming wave of integration, of processing, as it usually is when we receive the Light Code access and the gifts that we bestow upon you. Then within a few months, granted, give of take the level of activation and elevation, to each soul seed, those individuals will open into a dual reality of New Earth and Old Earth perpetuating at the same time. They will bleed through, they will merge, and they will be the new wave of Superhumans who have opened into their truth and helped shift the Mass Consciousness 100%, cellular DNA, into New Earth, forevermore.

This 1st wave of humans and amazing souls that open into 5th dimension will elevate all of Mass Consciousness, so that the 2nd wave in Spring 2016, can open into their experiential divine frequency alignment of 5th Dimensional New Earth.

This acceleration of even more beings, will then propel all of Mass Consciousness to hit a critical mass, elevating the densest of souls into 5th dimensional New Earth by Summer 2016.

We want to be very clear here, this has never happened before in your current timeline, This is massive, even to our standards. We are here with you, we are helping you. In most ways, this shall be perceived to those who awaken in the first wave on September 28th as a Divine, glorious bliss-filled happenstance.

Your lives, to those who are the Pioneers, will be forever changed. Your experience will be unforgettable, and it will move you to the core of your being, to the deepest Soul Level, you will connect with your truth, you will have massive waves of understanding, and re-calibrating, reactivating your Super Human Adam-Eve Kadmon Light Body. Your Kundalonic vibrations will rise up...your Chakras will come on line..."

The Galactic Federation. Event Horizon. "Wave X". September 28, 2015. World Peace Projects


  1. The Galactic Federation. Event Horizon. "Wave X": September 28, 2015. | World Peace Projects

  2. The Event: Requested Gathering by Athena
