Saturday, April 2 - Sunday, April 3, 2016
Third Quarter Moon Phase: revise, realign, complete
Moon in Aquarius
Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Saturday: Shodashi, Goddess Who Aligns Us With Our Highest and Best; Sunday: Kali, Goddess of Endings and Beginnings
Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will/Desire): Seth, God of the North, God of Enlightenment
Skill: practice the art of active listening and responding
True Alignments: revelations, creativity, useful, repaired, tethered to a higher power, unwinding, courage, symbolism, emotional equilibrium, independent, pointed focus to complete a task, alluring, security, comfort
Catalysts for Change: dullness, lack, wrong side of the road, routines, feelings of failure, disappointment, minimizing self, temporary loss, tension in romantic relationships, responding from the base or lowest level, emptiness, unacceptable to society, emotionally overwhelmed, blaming others, things coming to a head
Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: "a table set for an evening meal" (re-arranging, setting things in place)
Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: "the music of the spheres" (recalibration of consciousness)
It has been a long week. Let's hit the highlights for the weekend:
INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATIONS AND RELATIONSHIPS ARE UNDER FOCUS (and maybe a good bit of stress) this weekend with Mercury opposing the Black Moon. This is the only major astrological aspect happening this weekend, but it is a big one. The "shadow of what has not been said or considered" comes out of the corner. We can say, think, or do very harsh, hurtful things. Inner demons surface. Things come to a head or to their fullest part. The instinct for self-survival is activated, prompting wild behavior and "tearing through" things.
The exact opposition of Mercury and the Black Moon occurs Saturday at 11:29 am ET/3:29 pm UT, which is when this aspect is heaviest. The energetic is strong and will linger throughout the weekend, with other planets discharging similar themes.
Mercury is at the degree of "the purging of the priesthood" when it makes opposition with the Black Moon at "the sight of an autumn leaf brings to a pilgrim the sudden revelation of the mysteries of life and death." These bring confessions, clearing, feelings of loss, confrontations with ourselves, and the ability to immerse ourselves more deeply in the present moment if we stop long enough.
REPEATS - On Saturday, the Sun is discharging the energetic of "a serpent coiling near a man and a woman," and the Earth is discharging the energetic of "circular paths." The potential to be thrown off of our path and back into the past is very high. Things repeat with this energy, and we can feel like we have failed, are making the same mistake, or are back where we started with something. Overall, wisdom is gained from it.
STORIES AND LANDINGS - On Sunday, the Sun is discharging the energetic of "an Indian weaving a blanket," amplifying what we are weaving into the stories of our lives. What is the story, morning glory? All types of "narratives" are in play. This energetic brings out the desire to express oneself.
Also on Sunday, the Earth is discharging the energetic of "after a storm, a boat landing stands in need of reconstruction." Where have we "landed" or "found ourselves" here at the last days of this astrological year? What has occurred since April 18, 2015? We have all been under reconstruction. Many things have changed. When something is in need of reconstruction, it has an opportunity to be more than it was before the deconstruction. The need to re-do is not necessarily a bad thing. Could it actually be better?
CLOSING - This weekend is the prime time of the year to close, clear, or complete things. Monday begins the Balsamic Moon phase, the last Moon phase of this solar-lunar year. The last Moon phase of the year sends us into the mystic in advance of the astrological/natural new year that begins April 7, 2016.
In closing, we are reminded to be respectful to others this weekend. Shadow sides do not need to be projected or "purged" onto another. This destroys love and is against human nature. We remember that truth and love prevail-- and they persevere, even under the heavy weavings of Mercury and the Black Moon.
See you in the mystic on Monday.
NOTE: In case you missed it, Thursday I guested on Phoenix Rising Radio. The archive is linked below. We discussed MANY topics, including current events and related Sabian symbols, the five overarching themes for the new year, how Archons/archontic programming works and how to interrupt the programming, the ritualistic "load in" of themes prior to the new astrological year, handling the traumatic response of triggers of fear as fear is purposefully amplified, and embarking on the adventure of the new year's magic carpet ride. (After a few early disconnections, we stayed online for the full show, so please pardon the interruption.)
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