Sunday, June 11, 2017

NorthPoint Journal: Your Guide to Planetary Energies for June 12 to 18, 2017 by Pam Younghans

by Pam Younghans

Highlighted Aspects This Week 
TUE: Mercury semisquare Uranus, Mercury trine Jupiter, Pluto quincunx Ceres, Mercury square Neptune
THU: Sun opposite Saturn, Venus sesquiquadrate Saturn, Mercury quincunx Pluto
FRI: Neptune goes retrograde, Mercury conjunct Ceres
SAT: Last Quarter Moon 4:32am (11:32am GMT)
SUN: Sun sextile Uranus, Mercury opposite Saturn

THE COMING WEEK sees us being strongly influenced by both Neptune and Saturn -- a complicated scenario, given that these two planets have such different lesson plans. Neptune's intention is to help us transcend the dramas and difficulties of the physical plane through developing stronger trust, faith, and compassion, and by spending time in meditation, surrendering to the flow of our lives, and letting go of the ego's need to always be in control.

On the other hand, Saturn provides a reality check, with the goal of helping us see more clearly what is and isn't possible in practical terms. The Ringed Planet wants us to work hard, to establish concrete agendas, and to learn discipline and patience. Saturn is the "Dr. Phil" of the solar system, always asking, "And how's that working for you?"

This is like trying to meditate while the news is on in the background, or like trying to write an essay when you can barely keep your eyes open. It also reminds me of when I was in college and taking courses in both Spanish and German at the same time -- with the classes back-to-back, I found myself answering in Spanish while I was in German class, and vice versa.

THE MENTAL CONFUSION may be strongest on Tuesday, as Mercury makes challenging aspects to both Uranus and Neptune. With Mercury also in aspect to over-the-top Jupiter, we'll need to watch a tendency to say, "Whatever -- I'm just going to do this crazy thing, even if it makes no sense."

Caution is vital, because on Thursday, Saturn opposes the Sun in Gemini, so we'll quickly see the consequences of any missteps, ill-advised decisions, or miscommunications. A second wave of realism hits on Sunday when Saturn opposes Mercury, and another layer of "inconvenient truth" reaches our consciousness.

CONTRAST those "real-world" concerns with the fact that ethereal Neptune's influence is very strong now. The watery planet is virtually at a standstill this week, and will reverse direction on Friday to begin its five-month retrograde phase.

At its best, Neptune can help increase our intuition, sensitivity to others, and receptivity to the subtle realms. We more easily access higher guidance, travel the inner planes, and trust in the support we receive from nonphysical when Neptune is strong.

But Neptune is also associated with disillusionment, carelessness, escapist tendencies, and being easily fooled due to wearing too-thick rose-colored glasses. Perhaps, though, we can be grateful that Saturn is also strong this week, since a more objective approach may be of benefit.

A PLANET is actually closest to the Earth when it appears to be moving backward, so with Neptune retrograde until November 22, we can consider the planet's influence to be enhanced over the next few months. This effect is pretty subtle, which means it may not knock us over with new spiritual awareness. But it does mean that we can benefit by spending more time in contemplation and creative activities during this period, so that the seeds of spiritual awakening have every opportunity to grow.

Astrologer Bil Tierney writes these words about the opportunities of Neptune's retrograde phase:

"Hopefully, retrograde Neptune enables us to feel more unified and whole from within once we have wrapped up loose ends internally. We are encouraged to dissolve distorted impressions accumulated from our past that have become too crystalized. In doing so, we are able to renew ourselves spiritually.

"On a constructive level, while Neptune is retrograde, we may take the time to explore the fertile world of our untapped imagination, allowing inspiration to lead us to greater awareness about our latent abilities. It can be an excellent time to further strengthen one's powers of visualization and imagery, and therefore can be very beneficial for those who want to advance their creative talents in whatever field they show promise. Self-discipline is still needed where Neptune is concerned if we hope to receive the emotional enrichment this planet can grant us during its retrograde phase."

JUST A LITTLE MORE THAN TWO WEEKS until my teleclass! I'm calling it "Choosing a Star" based on the profound time of personal and planetary decision-making we are entering.

Think of this class as a 90-minute "NorthPoint Journal" that you can use to plan for and navigate the energies that will be working with us over the next six months. I'll start off with an overview of planetary influences for the remainder of 2017 and then spend a good portion of the time walking through the energies week-by-week.

The class will air live on Wednesday, June 28, and will be recorded for replay for those who cannot attend at that exact time. Here's the first part of the class description:

Choosing a Star
Astrological guidance for
July through December 2017

Live Broadcast on Wednesday, June 18
4pm PDT | 5pm MDT | 6pm CDT | 7pm EDT | 11pm GMT

Most of us are aware of the upcoming “American Eclipse” in late August, a Total Eclipse of the Sun that will be visible in a 70-mile-wide path across the United States, from Oregon on the Pacific Ocean to the Carolinas on the Atlantic. This powerful eclipse occurs in the sign of Leo the Lion, activating inner courage and inspiration, and initiating creative action.

But many may not know that this pivotal eclipse is activating the influence of two fixed stars: Regulus, whose name comes from the Latin for “little king,” and Muhlifain, which means “the bright star of the oath” in old Arabic. This dual activation challenges us to make a personal vow as to our intentions going forward. We can commit to expressing the truly regal qualities of Leo the Lion– generosity of spirit, joy, openheartedness, and childlike appreciation. As we hold these energies, we are a part of creating the New Wave that will carry us into a deeper spiritual connection toward the end of the calendar year. On the other hand, if we waver in our daily commitment, it will be easy to be drawn into the drama, power struggles, and childishness characteristic of the lower end of the Leo spectrum.

In this teleclass, we’ll talk about the karmic implications of this Total Eclipse and the many other astrological events in the last half of 2017, and explore how they may impact us on personal and social levels. We’ll also walk week-by-week through each month to see the opportunities and challenges we will be working with collectively and individually.

Before the class, you will receive a pdf of calendars showing planetary aspects for the next six months, so you can print them ahead of time and take notes during class. After the class airs, everyone who registered will receive a link to the replay and access to the slideshow.

If you'd like to learn more or register, here's the link:

I hope you can join us!

IF YOUR BIRTHDAY IS THIS WEEK: Important decisions are on the agenda for you this year, ones that require you to take a good look at your long-term goals and overall expectations for your life. The choices that you make have the potential to open your life to new possibilities, if you are flexible and willing to take an educated risk. Your thinking process will be strongly influenced by your emotions, and family issues will come into play as you determine your best course of action.

In peace,

How to subscribe to the NorthPoint Journal: If you have been forwarded this issue of the NorthPoint Journal and would like to receive it by email every week, please fill out the subscription form on the "Journal" page of Pam's website.

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