THE ORACLE REPORT: Sunday, September 3, 2017
Gibbous Moon Phase: trust
Moon in Aquarius
Sun: 12 Virgo - "a bride with her veil snatched away"
Earth: 12 Pisces - "an examination of initiates in the sanctuary of an occult brotherhood"
We continue the path toward the Full Moon on September 6 with Mars, Mercury, the Sun, Neptune, and Uranus highly active. (See yesterday's report (below) for more information or look at it again to see how it reads in the light of today.)
In yesterday's report, I wrote that the Sun was making conjunction with Neptune. I made a mistake -- kind of. The Sun is opposing Neptune. Conjunctions and oppositions are basically the same.
Astrological conjunctions make revelations or insights that are "newer," and astrological oppositions make revelations or insights that are "fuller." Conjunctions are equivalent to a New Moon phase (beginnings); oppositions are equivalent to a Full Moon phase (clarity about those beginnings).
The correction of the error brings us two valuable pieces of information about the Sun-Neptune opposition that occurs early Tuesday (Tuesday, September 5 at 1:26 am ET/5:26 am UT, just before Mercury stations direct at 7:30 am ET/11:30 am UT):
1 - "A powerful statesman overcomes a state of hysteria" - The Sun will be located at this degree, 13 Virgo, at the time it opposes Neptune. This adds the energetic of being able to turn something around. As the symbol tells us, it is powerful energy. It brings equilibrium. (Keep in mind all of this is already in effect, though the exact aspect happens Tuesday - energy moves in waves).
2 - The time around March 1, 2017, is reactivated. This is when the Sun and Neptune did actually make conjunction (and begin a new cycle.) Things that were in place, intended, "imprinted" at that time return for a visit. The status of those things has likely changed -- they have come into their FULLEST expression now with the opposition of the Sun and Neptune (again, oppositions being like Full Moon phases -- with the accompanying Full Moon Fever). The next stage of evolution of those things begins, like a spiral.
On March 1, 2017, the Sun and Neptune came together to start a new dance at 12 Pisces -"an examination of initiates in the sanctuary of an occult brotherhood" - where the Earth is located today.
(I leave you to make your own assessment of these two pieces of information.)
Mars has moved past exact conjunction with Mercury (at the degree of the Total Solar Eclipse), but it still strongly in effect today. Did you get the message from your higher self yesterday? I highly suggest re-reading yesterday's report. The information in that one is for several days.
As the Sun discharges the energetic of "a bride with her veil snatched away," the clarity continues today. Sometimes this is painful. Things that are sudden and strong usually are. Sometimes this energy is very liberating. Remember that things are being shown to us so that we can move into better alignment with the unfolding renaissance. Things come to light when the "bride with her veil snatched away" is activated. What does the wisdom of this symbol mean to you today?
Unless something changes, I will be giving my brain a break tomorrow. These energetics are heavily activated in my own natal (birth) chart, which makes writing the reports a little more difficult (because I am naturally correlating with my own chart and then begin to make errors). When I write the reports, one half of my brain is with the Mahavidyas and the other half is looking at data and trying to construct sentences that are ordered in some sort of reasonable construct. Well, that's the goal anyway! :)
Happy Sunday to you, and the sanctuary you find within your connection to the Divine.
THE ORACLE REPORT: Saturday, September 2, 2017
Gibbous Moon Phase: trust
Moon in Capricorn - moves to Aquarius 4:08 pm ET/8:08 pm UT
Sun: 11 Virgo - "a boy molded in his mother's aspirations for him"
True Alignments: getting a clear picture, reflection, care and support of others and their dreams/goals, breaking free of limitations, seeing through illusions and intrusions, appropriate expectations, good boundaries
Catalysts for Change: projection, guilt trips, control issues, spoiled, arrested emotional and cognitive development, lacking insight, let downs, allowing others to make our choices in life
Earth: 11 Pisces - "men travelling a narrow path seeking illumination"
True Alignments: the hero's journey, spiritual search, dedication regardless of cost, promise/potential, wise choices, seeing truth, group efforts, finding a higher understanding
Catalysts for Change: blinded by the light of insight and revelation, gaslighting, obstacles, confusion, insincere
Today, tomorrow, Monday, and Tuesday bring circumstances and conditions that enable us to see very, very clearly.
This is due to the Sabian symbol energetics in effect and the build up toward the conjunction (CORRECTION: OPPOSITION - see report for Sunday, September 3, 2017 for amendment) of the Sun and Neptune. (Exact conjunction Tuesday, September 5 at 1:26 am ET/5:26 am UT. Mercury will station direct a few hours later at 7:30 am ET/11:30 am UT. Tuesday is a big astrological day.)
When the Sun conjuncts Neptune, the fog and mist lift. Our minds clear. We see what we need to see. (Sometimes it is stark.)
As expected, since the eclipse, things have been moving at a rapid clip. A lot is happening - too much with which to even keep up. When this happens, it means a higher power has taken the reins and is rectifying. (We do best as "wise owls in a tree" -- watching from a higher perspective, and moving as needed.)
Is your higher self trying to tell you something?
If you find yourself falling into the "Catalysts for Change" lists above, understand that whatever is going on is a catalyst for change. Understand this, and you have the key to ending the issue and the struggle. Make the change. Surrender to wisdom and ease.
The notion of "surrender" to achieve (inner and outer) peace is the primary theme, as the Sun and Neptune will make conjunction at 13 Pisces, "a sword, used in many battles, in a museum." It's time to put down a battle.
Is your higher self trying to tell you something?
The message we need has a good deal of energy to get to us, as Mars (The Activator) is making conjunction with Mercury (The Messenger) at the degree of the eclipse - "a mermaid emerges from the ocean ready for rebirth in human form." Mars and Mercury are in trine to Uranus, which means surprises and changes from out of the blue. When things come from out of the blue, they often have a silver lining. Sometimes it takes a while for the silver to shine through; we rarely understand that disruption "saves" from something that is not in our highest and best when the disruption is occurring.
In the tzolkin, the Mayan Sacred Calendar (a calendric of the Sun), today is 4 Cib or 4 Owl (also known as 4 Vulture). 4 is stabilization. Owl is wisdom, the ability to see in the dark, and rebirth.
Let's stabilize our wise owl selves today as we travel the paths of illumination that the Sun, Earth, and Neptune are offering us. Let's answer the call of the higher self.
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