Friday, February 16, 2018

February 2018, So Far by Denise Le Fay | HigheHeartLife

February 2018, So Far


I’ve tried to write this since the first days of February but just haven’t been able to for different reasons. I’ll try again today to get a few things said quickly before the Partial Solar Eclipse/New Moon at 27° Aquarius 08′ on Thursday, February 15, 2018. This eclipse will help produce far better and bigger than what most are expecting.

As has always been the case, not everyone has been or will necessarily be experiencing these current NEW much higher frequency energies in the same ways and/or in the same physical body parts and locations and/or in their personal physical reality and lives. I’m stressing this again now because these NEW energies here now at this level of the Ascension Process and Embodiment Processes have never been experienced by any of us before. Not any of us.

I’ve always been extremely aware that it’s typically not a popular, safe or appreciated move to be honest about what I and many of the other Forerunners of the Forerunners, aka the First Everything-ers, are experiencing physically if it’s painful, difficult, confusing, a struggle at times or what we would call deeply Initiatory. Most people want to be fed AP and EP information about how wonderful, how super-duper fantastic and beautiful, how quick and easy the AP and EP processes are, not told about it being painful or difficult at times. Lesser levels of awareness sees honesty as weakness and/or that you’re doing it “all wrong” so they come in for the kill while claiming their words and actions are based in “love”. Also there are some who sees being honest about parts of our personal Ascension and Embodiment Process experiences that are more difficult and/or more physically painful than others as our human egos interpreting what’s happening to us. This is very true with some people but certainly not true with everyone. The higher truth of the matter is that some of us, I repeat some of us, have been and still are living our personal AP and EP processes ‘backwards and in high heels’ in comparison to most everyone else and there are intentional and positive reasons for this.

Why do some of the First Everything-ers live the ongoing EP backwards and in high heels’ you may be wondering? Because some of us are intentionally stretching ourselves, our physical bodies, our abilities and our Souls during this AP and EP for personal Soul and Higher Selves reasons beyond the mandatory base levels of the AP and EP. We “Volunteered” to do this too for our individual Soul’s ongoing growth and have taken advantage of the rare Ascension and Embodiment Process energies and our being in physical bodies intentionally during it. No one that I’m aware of has talked about this aspect publicly but I feel it needs to be mentioned at this point of the Embodiment Process because the AP and EP is not and never has been a ‘one size fits all’ type process. You are not doing anything “wrong”, nor are you functioning from or interpreting what you are experiencing from your old lower human ego self. You are doing much more and always have been. Don’t ever let anyone shame you into believing otherwise. You know what you are. ❤

Some of you may have experienced new-to-you type physical pains in certain body areas, again recently. Some of you may also have recently been experiencing more new-to-you type anomalies in the world and space around you such as unusual sounds, lights, flashes of lights, movements of energies, perceiving new-to-you multidimensional lifeforms and beings. Some of you may have recently been experiencing a new-to-you level of difficulty in going out into the physical world and having to be close to people with great density, lack of awareness and old 3D level ego and matching consciousness. Some of you may have recently experienced more new-to-you emotions, much higher awareness, greater expanding sense of Self and simultaneous sense of disappearing old familiar self. Some of you may have recently been experiencing more new-to-you levels of being, life, reality, external structure(s), internal structures, patterns NEW and old and so on.

Some of you may have recently been experiencing more new-to-you levels of discomfort each morning when reentering your physical body. The millisecond you’re back in your physical body and awake in it, the pointless constant internal mental chatter instantly starts back up in full-force and volume and is so profoundly amplified from your current level of being and perception, that for a few minutes after physical body reentry, you don’t think you’ll be able to survive in such a low-frequency environment! That low-frequency environment is your own physical body, consciousness and physical world, so what has suddenly changed and amplified so profoundly? YOU have. YOU have Embodied more of YOU into You and you and ALL of you/You/YOU are currently adapting and adjusting to this latest NEW new-to-you all level of physical body living arrangements. In other words, some of you have grown and expanded, evolved and Embodied more quickly and on a more grand scale than you’ve ever been able to before which, as one would expect, has further changed you, your physical body and all that goes with that and your personal current life and reality in highly dramatic ways. Highly dramatic until you and I adapt to it that is, then it’s just the latest Embodiment Stair-step we’re on at the moment until the Process takes another huge step up. And on and on it goes.

Since the late 1990s, I’ve always been able to tell when a bit more of the Higher Selves ME aspects are Embodied into the physical incarnate Denise aspect because for a while “I” don’t recognize certain things and “I” don’t feel fit for duty in a physical body yet because it’s all very NEW to this aspect of ME from an incarnate physical body level I mean. “I” am rather wobbly and mildly uncertain about certain things and procedures etc. during these larger Embodiment phases so I try to lay-low during these periods while all aspects acclimate. The NEW bigger “ME” adapts to descending into Denise in the physical, and, Denise adapts from her side too and over a fairly brief period we become unified and familiar to the latest NEW living arrangements. The Embodiment Process can and often is experienced from not just the incarnate ascending side, but from the higher descending side too, and when YOU/You/you experience the EP from the Higher Self/Selves descending side of the process, it’s weird in a very different way than it is from the ascending incarnate side. The descending side of the EP has been much bigger and more pronounced lately from any other time I’ve experienced this since the late 1990s. Big progress lately, really big.

There’s much more of this to come this month and throughout 2018 and beyond so continue to roll with the NEW and continue to release even more of the old, merge, unify and get acquainted with all aspects of YOU across Source’s many great creative expressions. ❤

February 13, 2018

Donations can be made here and Thank You for the energy exchange.
Copyright © Denise Le Fay & HighHeartLife, 2018. All rights reserved. You may copy and distribute this article so long as you don’t alter it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and this URL and Copyright Notice is included.

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