Tuesday, February 20, 2018

NorthPoint Journal:  Your guide to planetary energies for ​February 19 to 25, 2018 By Pam Younghans

By Pam Younghans
Highlighted Aspects this Week
MON: Venus semisquare Uranus
TUE: Mercury semisquare Pluto
WED: Venus conjunct Neptune, Mercury sextile Saturn 
THU: Saturn quincunx Ceres
FRI: First Quarter Moon 12:09am PST (8:09am GMT), Mercury semisquare Uranus, Sun semisquare Pluto
SUN: Venus square Mars, Mercury sextile Pallas Athene, Mercury conjunct Neptune, Neptune sextile Pallas Athene, Venus square Vesta, Mars conjunct Vesta, Sun sextile Saturn

LOOKING OUT MY WINDOW as I write the Journal this morning, I see hail pellets falling from what appears to be blue sky. As the ground quickly becomes littered with the cold white confetti while sunlight still dances in the trees, it feels symbolic of the paradoxical and often perplexing times we are moving through. 

Our inner and outer weather continue to be variable in the aftermath of the storm that came in with last Thursday's Solar Eclipse. Planetary aspects for the coming week reflect times of conflict and uncertainty, but also opportunities for us to make progress in how we choose to deal with those fluctuating conditions -- specifically through opening our hearts and expanding our ability to trust when outcomes are unknown. 

WE BEGIN the week feeling at least somewhat out of sorts, thanks to semisquare aspects on Monday and Tuesday. These are known as "nuisance" aspects, when we become aware of areas in which we overreact to minor irritations and unexpected detours.

Astrologer Bil Tierney writes that the semisquare aspect "may reveal willful attitudes that tend to keep us rut-bound, unadaptable, and uncompromisingly resistant to needed changes." This aspect "serves as a psychological warning flag, indicating where we are becoming congested in our attitudes and unwisely stubborn concerning the need for personal change."

In other words, we can benefit from taking a step back from our mental or emotional responses early in the week, to observe ourselves and the issues that have triggered the frustration. As we do this, while also breathing deeply into our bodies, we access the ability to release and forgive, freeing us to move on without carrying the energy of frustration into the rest of the day.

WEDNESDAY provides good support on both spiritual/creative and mental/physical levels. The two planets associated with love -- both human and divine -- unite in Pisces to open our hearts in compassion and understanding. This Venus-Neptune alignment is especially needed now, when it's easy to judge and condemn those who are clearly "wrong."

At the same time, Mercury and Saturn are in harmonious sextile aspect, which means our heart-centered intentions do not need to stay unmanifest, but can take form on the physical plane. This aspect enables our minds to conceptualize and implement new plans -- but since Mercury is in Pisces, those plans are inspired and supported by loftier ideals.

THE SATURN-CERES ASPECT on Thursday is another crunch time, when we're very aware of time limitations. Commitments and obligations get in the way of our equally-important task of creative self-nurturing, and vice versa.

With this aspect, we must find a way to be both mother (Ceres) and father (Saturn) to ourselves. These two inner voices can seem to be at odds, one reminding us of our duties and the other telling us it's OK to play. The challenge is to know which voice to heed and when, and to be aware of when we've ignored one of the voices too long. The long-term effect of closing our ears to either voice is that it interferes with both our productivity and our fulfillment.  

SEMISQUARE ASPECTS again dominate on Friday, so we'll want to remember to once again use the mindfulness methods we practiced early in the week. This is also the day of the First Quarter Moon, when we come face-to-face with issues that were unleashed at the time of the New Moon/Solar Eclipse.

The Moon is in early Gemini (at 4°39′) at the time of the First Quarter, indicating that communication and information play important roles in moving us forward. With Mercury, planetary ruler of Gemini, in tender-hearted Pisces, our challenge may be to know how be compassionate and understanding without falling into rescuer, martyr, or victim roles.

THE PLANETS are very active on Sunday morning -- all seven aspects listed on the highlights list occur before 10 a.m. PST (4 p.m. GMT)! Two of the aspects are alignments, marking this day as a time to release the past and initiate something new.

The Mercury-Neptune alignment in Pisces asks us to let go of old self-defeating attitudes and disillusionment that are interfering with our ability to clearly access intuitive knowing. With both planets sextile the asteroid Pallas Athene in Taurus, those intuitive insights can be applied to practical problems to improve our lives in concrete ways.

At the same time, the Mars-Vesta alignment in Sagittarius compels us to take a leap of faith based on our highest ideals -- but first, we must leave behind self-righteousness and other ego-based anger. Both Mars and Vesta are in square aspect to Venus, so we will also face the challenge of our need to please and appease others. Can we stay true to our beliefs, even if others are not on board the same train? And how do we stay openhearted when others express opinions that conflict with ours?

The Sun-Saturn sextile on Sunday is our grounding pole for the day and perhaps for the week. This aspect helps us find ways to satisfy both our spiritual/creative needs and the requirements of our worldly aspirations.

IF YOUR BIRTHDAY IS THIS WEEK: Life moves quickly this year, as you feel inspired to dedicate your energies to a higher cause. You have access to heightened intuition and the ability to create new heart connections as you discover how and where you want to dedicate your effort and resources. Your capacity for practical reasoning may not be strong, however, so find a trusted friend to provide an objective view of your choices. Maintaining an awareness of this-world concerns and applying discernment will save you from situations that might result in self-sacrifice and disillusionment.

In light,
Copyright NorthPoint Astrology 2018. All rights reserved.

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