My friend,

Thank you for meeting with me again in this way. Your presence is felt and deeply honored.
When we check in with ourselves on a Soul level, there is a part of us that already knows exactly what is about to be revealed to us in this Energy Forecast.

For a while now, the forecasts have revealed to us how the Divine Feminine is pouring Herself into the heart and mind of every living, breathing being in existence.

Our mind would like to think that it’s only happening to our planet, since that is what immediately impacts us the most. However, our Spirit knows that the resurgence of the Divine Feminine is touching every facet of existence.

The Healing of the Masculine

One of the most important roles for the Divine Feminine in the third dimension is to heal and alchemize the aspect of the masculine that long ago forgot its divinity.

For eons of time in our third dimensional reality, humanity has been influenced primarily by the aspect of the masculine energy that separated from its divine source.

What has remained is the aspect of masculine energy that represents the illusions of fear and survival.

It is quite clear that this aspect of masculine energy that long ago forgot its divinity is trying hard now, exerting a big push to keep its controlling grip on humanity.

This can be seen easily in many branches and sects of religious organizations, governments, and corporations that rely heavily on using fear to promote their agenda.

It’s through the Divine Feminine that this forgotten divine aspect of masculine energy will heal and return to its patterns of pure perfection.

It’s through the Divine Feminine that the Divine Masculine will return to our third dimensional experience.

The Divine Feminine represents Divine Love.

The Divine Masculine represents Divine Action. 

Divine Love is the most powerful energy in all of existence. It’s where everything comes from. It’s the sacred heart and womb from which everything is birthed.

Divine Love knows no judgment. It only knows wholeness and completion.

Divine Love expressed, is compassion.

For eons of time, humanity was led to believe (through the teachings of the aspect of masculine energy that had released all connection to its divinity) that the Source of all existence was a man—a powerful male energy that lived up in the sky somewhere.

This type of conditioning lent itself perfectly to fueling the fear and survival-based patterns that led humanity to give its power away to a select few.

But now, something tremendous is happening.

The fear bubble of humanity has popped, and the collective mind (though scrambling a bit) is now able to fully drink in the Divine nourishing Love of the Divine Feminine.

This is allowing the part of masculine energy that has ignored its divinity to heal, and to remember its divinity once again, within all of humanity.

For many who were steeped in the fear and survival patterns, there is a learning curve taking place, as they adjust to a new way of being that is in line with their I AM presence/Spirit self—the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine aspects of themselves.

It’s important for us to give those who are finding it challenging to transcend their old fear and survival patterns, the space to integrate and to heal.

When fear no longer has a hold over the consciousness of humanity, freedom ensues.

We can contribute to the healing of the masculine, so that we can set ourselves free from its old paradigms.

We can do this by choosing to be a compassionate presence for ourselves and for humanity as a whole, as we all adjust to the changes that are shifting us out of the old, fear-based patterns.

Compassion is the ability to observe humanity’s resistance to change, without judging that stance, or trying to fix or save it.

From this space of compassion, we can embody and express unconditional love toward ourselves and humanity.

When we and humanity receive deep and nourishing love through compassion, we see that the collective mind and our own minds are much less likely to resist the healing and transformation now occurring in our world.

Through compassion, we can support the Divine Feminine with Her healing of the masculine energy that had forsaken the beautiful divinity that it is a part of.

Freeing Ourselves