Friday, November 23, 2018

Mike Quinsey Message, November 23, 2018 + November 16, 2018

Mike Quinsey Message, November 23, 2018                                        

There are still people talking of the possibility of war between nations, but be assured that all steps are being taken to ensure that it does not happen. The consensus of the people is that they have had enough of war and bloodshed, and that it is now time for Humanity to enjoy the coming together of all people in a worldwide move to broker permanent peace. We in the higher realms are overseeing events on Earth and while we do not interfere with your freewill decisions, at the same time we back those who have dedicated their lives to bring peace to all peoples who are collectively putting out powerful thoughts for total peace to return. There will still be minor skirmishes within countries that are caught up in disputes, but even those will diminish in time. As the realisation comes about that regardless of the nature of the disputes that a peaceful settlement is possible and far better for all concerned. Over many, many years enormous amounts of money have been made by those who trade in weapons of destruction, but it is blood money that could have benefitted the Human Race in so many ways that poverty need not have existed.

Peaceful policies and those involved do not get the publicity they deserve, and the dark Ones who largely control the Press continue to highlight that which speaks of war and the threat of war. They concentrate on keeping the world at large in a state of tension and dissatisfaction. However, there are also those who work hard to break the mould and now that they are at least making headway, and find it not as difficult as previously because the power of the Illuminati has been severely affected. So to say, behind the scenes all progresses well, and far more is happening than you are likely to know in the present circumstances. Even in high places there are notable persons working for the Light, but it is in their interests to protect themselves to largely stay anonymous. Some you know by their actions and they are the new Leaders in waiting and will be found to emerge when it is safe to do so.

The temperature is rising and it is quite a normal occurrence during the normal cycles on Earth. It gives Mother Earth an opportunity to cleanse itself as part of the changes that have come with the new cycle. Your history shows that the Earth experiences considerable changes in the course of time, even in your short history of some 200,000 years. You have ample time to prepare for them and with new technologies should not find it difficult to deal with. You still have difficult times coming but the Higher Forces will be on hand to influence you to take the right action.

On occasions when unusual problems crop up we may help you and deal with them direct, but you will not necessarily know that it was handled in this way. All through your history you have been given help from above, but at the same time there are situations that you have brought on yourselves, and will have the responsibility of making them good. Clearly no one would learn from their mistakes if someone else cleared them up. After all, you are here on Earth to gain experience, to grow in understanding spiritually and to continue to evolve through them. It is at times hard for you to grasp the meaning for your experiences and understand that it is all for your growth and in the long term prepare you for life in the higher realms.

You have been so isolated upon Earth that you are only just beginning to accept that you are just one of thousands and thousands of planets that have intelligent life. All are in the process of evolution and although their path may be quite different to yours, they are nevertheless heading for the higher vibrational levels. You are at a crucial point which is why you are being protected on your journey as no other civilisation is allowed to interfere with your progress. Since you passed the marker the situation has changed, and the Blue Avians have been appointed to guide and protect you, which is why they are now in your Solar System. They will ensure that you not held back by the actions of the Illuminati or any other groups that are presently on Earth, or in your Solar System.

Those who are ready to ascend will go all the way to Ascension without experiencing interference. You have still more to learn and experience before you are ready, but from here on the path will become much easier and enjoyable. You are on the verge of great changes that will see you go forwards in leaps and bounds, and in a relatively short time you will have left most of the old vibrations of harsh duality behind. Life will become more enjoyable and the different Races will come closer together, and still respect those differences that make you unique. It will be the way of things that all be seen equal as in the eyes of God. It will be the beginning of true happiness as you all share in each others experiences. Universal Love will be in action as each soul understands the Oneness of All That Is.

As time passes you will easily get used to the changes as they will uplift the quality of your life. You will spend much less time on the labours of life as you do now, and have ample time to develop your awareness and other skills. Understand that you are a spiritual being and your final objective is to become a Being of Light. It is of course well into the future and it is as well to know where your experiences are leading you.

It may sound strange to some of you but bear in mind that you are, you are travelling back along the path that brought you to your present experience. There is absolutely nothing to be worried about as you will progress at your own pace. It is different now in your present period of evolution where your movements are very slow and restricted, but when you ascend into the “Now” an entirely new vista opens up for you. When you ascend and you are in it your options as to what you want to do or see are limitless, and since you can also travel anywhere by the power of your thought it is instantaneous.

The mundane life you lead now will not keep you much longer and so much more awaits you. The New Age will truly be getting under way in the very near future. The basis for it is already being developed and when the time is right, and that mainly means safe, it will be rapidly introduced. So an exciting time beckons, but please be patient as it is so important that the introduction of so much that is new, is released when it is the “right time”.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. It is certainly needed in the middle of so much confusion and uncertainty, but it will eventually end. This message comes through my Higher Self.

In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey.
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Mike Quinsey Message, November 16, 2018 

You are waiting for what has become to be known as the “Event” and in the higher realms it is seen as in the Now, and it is therefore difficult to put a date on it. At best it is possible to say that there is a probability it will occur quite soon, and within the period of the next 10 years. However, that should only be taken as a guide as things are constantly changing. It is unwise to hold fast to firm predictions even for such a great Cosmic Event, but be prepared for it to occur within most of your lifetimes.

When the vibrations reach the inevitable high point Ascension will take place, and nothing will delay or prevent it. In the meantime it is therefore up to you as individuals to apply yourselves to the task of raising your vibrations so that you are ready for it and assured of going through.

It is wise to follow your intuition as information and news of general happenings is often only partially true or at times completely false. At this stage you do not necessarily need to know in depth as to what is really happening and rather concentrate on your immediate task of getting ready for Ascension. Having come this far it is unlikely that you will waver or lose control, but beware of being dragged into matters that are not in your interests. All kinds of things are happening, as the cleansing that is taking place is bringing matters to the surface to be cleared. It includes bringing the truth to light so that you will eventually truly be enlightened.

The fact is that you have been living in a make believe era where little that is placed before you is the true reality. The dark Ones have for a long time controlled the “News” and hidden the real truth, and fed you distortions or even lies to stop you finding out what was really going on.

You have long had a secret government that has dictated to politicians and big business what they should do, and its main objective has been to keep you in the dark. That way you would not find out the truth and at the same time would be kept in a state of need. However things are changing and it is getting harder for the truth to be concealed and that which was hidden is being revealed, along with the truth of how you have been fooled into believing you were free citizens, when in fact you have been the prisoners of the dark Ones. When the truth starts to come out there will be a time of doubt that such crimes against Humanity could have been concealed for so long. However, the proof will be there for all to find, and those who have been guilty of those crimes will have to answer to everyone for them.

For a long time you believed that you were at the centre of the Universe, but that myth has long been recognised, and in reality you are just one small planet amongst billions. As a civilization you are also in fact relatively new in the Universe, and have been kept from understanding your true relationship to everything else. That period has now ended and you are being given more of the truth about your evolution, in preparation for your coming advancement and upliftment. Be assured that such decisions were made so as to allow you to develop naturally, in the process of which your experiences enabled you to evolve spiritually. Those times ended with the coming of 2012 and the New Age that followed from which time you have gradually been introduced to a greater understanding of the truth. It has been necessary to open your eyes to what has really been happening in your Solar System, and introduce information that would allow you to comprehend your place in it. More importantly you needed to know the purpose of life and that each soul has eternal life.

You have been evolving as a species and helped at all stages to ensure that suitable progress was made. You should by now be aware that you have been given freewill and allowed to experience in any way that you wished. However, that comes with responsibility for your actions which is why some of you still have karmic experiences to clear. They are all the result of negative actions that have to be made good. It is through such experiences that you learn to be positive and express yourself in terms of Universal Love. “All is One” and consequently you must make good your mistakes against other souls who are your Brothers and Sisters.

Understand that over many, many lives you have incarnated into the different Races for specific experiences, so as you see them now realize that you are connected to each other, and in essence are all the same Beings of Light. Even those that are currently experiencing negativity are still One with you, and travelling the same path to the higher dimensions. It may take them longer, but they will be given ample time and help to advance, and there is no reason why they should not be successful.

In the near future you will meet those who have worked with you and closely followed your evolution. Some you now know by name as the Blue Avians who have been connected with the Human Race for quite some time. Also bear in mind that you have connections with Star Systems such as the Pleiades, Sirius and even Andromeda. As souls from many different Star Systems many of you have come to Earth to further your evolution that is always ongoing until you once again become a Being of Light. At this stage it may sound unreal and a strange concept, but you are simply on a path back to from whence you originally came. That is a broad outline of a soul’s journey, but understand you have a most exceptional history and not for the first time have incarnated into a new Universe. As you grow in consciousness your understanding will become that much greater and you will reach your present goal to become a Galactic Being.

So every effort you put in now will be well rewarded and although help is always on hand, in the final reckoning it is up to you. You have already come a very long way and have earned the opportunity to continue progressing towards Ascension. For those of you who have become enlightened there are distractions all around you, but you must stay strong and not be worried about your future. You have made your decision to ascend and you are firmly on that path and supported all of the way by those who have already made it. It is what you have tirelessly worked for, and it is now in your sights. Understand that all souls are given the same opportunities to progress but naturally some take longer than others to wake up to their higher consciousness. Every soul has many helpers just waiting for those signs of an awakening and they will be there for you.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. Anything can be achieved if you put your mind to it, and resolve not to be diverted from your goal. This message comes through my Higher Self.

In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey.

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