Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message,
November 09, 2018
Illuminati are now being recognised for what they really stand for
and no longer able to fool the general public or authorities all of
the time. It means that progress can now be made much more quickly
on the path to Ascension. It helps stop the confusion that has
existed for a very long time, and now it is much easier to identify
those who are working for the dark Ones. Those souls who are
unenlightened are still being given opportunities to raise their
vibrations and turn to the Light. For those who have a spiritual
revelation, there is much help on hand and given to encourage
further development. No soul is pressurized to turn to the Light,
and it will be by their freewill choice.
understand that many souls are lifting their vibrations through
self-learning, and leading lives without necessarily attaching
themselves to any specific religion or spiritual group. They are
able to easily accept the truth when it is made known, and
understand the idea of there being a “God Inside” each soul. In
actual fact the most important thing is that a soul acknowledges the
existence of God, otherwise their spiritual progress will stagnate.
As always there is help given as soon as a soul starts to awaken to
the truth. In this new cycle it is easier to evolve because the
real truth is slowly being given out, because as souls evolve they
are more open to it and aware of it. The world you are beginning
to leave behind is in sharp contrast to the one you are heading for
where happiness and well-being are paramount. Where negativity is
virtually non-existent, love and kindness are embodied by every
is setting a course for the higher dimensions, and in your terms
they are not so far away. Your many friends from the higher levels
are keen to make open contact with you again and from their
perspective all is in the now, and they know that a great reunion is
going to take place with wonderful celebrations to acknowledge your
achievement. You have travelled a long path full of experiences
and not all have been by choice. Whatever your life-plan is
intended to achieve, there are always points where you need to be
guided to ensure having the experiences that you have agreed to
beforehand that are essential to clear your karma. Your Guides will
most certainly point you in the right direction and help ensure that
you clear your karmic responsibilities. Bear in mind that nothing
happens by chance, so make the most of such experiences as they help
you to make further spiritual progress.
new Earth that many of you are bound for already exists, and is
ready for you. It is all that you can imagine yet much more, because
you have to experience the peace and blissfulness to fully
understand its power, yet it brings tenderness and gentleness to
everyone. You will find it to be a familiar energy as eons of time
ago it was one that you resided in. You left the Godhead to drop
down your vibrations so as to experience in the lower vibrations and
learn from them. With such experience behind you, you are able to
be a mentor to other souls who follow in your footsteps. The
Universe is like a magnificent school offering all conceivable types
of experiences, and through them you continue to grow as you climb
back up the evolutionary ladder.
Earth has been likened to a Rehabilitation Colony and in a manner
of speaking it is correct, except that you have total freewill. You
must know by now that by your actions and thoughts you create the
pathway that you call your future. It is all happening within a
Master Plan for Humanity’s evolution, a proven path that leads to a
successful conclusion. You must by now be aware that your
experiences are of a cyclic nature and because of it you are
creating your own future. As you are often heard to say “What goes
around comes around” and now you can understand its meaning. So when
you learn of crimes against people realize that it is most likely a
karmic situation. As has been said before, nothing of any
importance happens by chance, and it is not given to you to know the
reasons behind them. The time of death is natural but can be
karmic, and sometimes a soul will leave the Earth at a very early
age having completed its life plan.
are at a stage now when many people are sufficiently evolved to
have reached a point where they are able to grasp the truth about
life on Earth. They are able to plan their experiences and are
intuitively aware of what they need to continue evolving. It helps
you make the correct decisions in your life and avoid un-necessary
karmic situations. Realize that usually many other souls are
involved and all sharing the experiences with you. Sometimes whole
families are involved and help each other to evolve together. The
truth is that you never know who you might meet who has a part to
play in your evolution.
judge a person by their outward appearance as like you they are
only playing a part that is in accordance with the experiences that
they need. Therefore take note of what comes your way and learn all
lessons that are associated with it. If by chance you miss a needed
opportunity to further your evolution, be assured that it will come
around again. In this current cycle Lightworkers will find that
there is less karma to clear, and some of you have already
successfully dealt with outstanding issues. Soon there will be
revelations about the immediate future that will be most acceptable
and uplifting. With the dark Ones now losing their ability to
dictate what happens, it is possible for Lightworkers to be more
open regarding their work.
in your own interests it is wise to keep calm in situations that
are producing negative energies. You do not want to be pulled into
negative happenings, and when it is going on around you try to
lessen their effect by maintaining a high vibration. It does not
require many of you who are giving out positive energies to lift up
those who are around you. By doing so you are helping to maintain
the overall levels to bring about a more peaceful and harmonious
situation on Earth.
around the impression is given that things are getting worse on
Earth. However, in reality what you are seeing is the worst of
humanity being brought to the surface. No longer can criminals hide
their activities out of sight, and they are being revealed so that
their actions can be curtailed and prevented. In time you will
see the results and gradually crimes will lessen in number. It will
help law enforcers who are under such pressure at this present time.
leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your
days and path to completion. It is certainly needed in the middle of
so much confusion and uncertainty. This message comes through my
Higher Self.
In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey.
Please send any questions and/or comments to Mike at
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