Sunday, November 11, 2018

Planetary Alignments November 2018 by Untwine | Recreating Balance

Planetary Alignments November 2018
by Untwine | Recreating Balance

October brought many powerful internal and ‘behind the scenes’ preparatory shifts, and November follows along, bringing a transition into some more action and outer manifestations.

The less we resist, and more we accept and go with the flow with the intense inner transformation and death and rebirth as many have experienced recently, the more it can bring many blessings, releases, happiness and eventually Lightful outer manifestations.
The last ‘New Venus’ on October 26th was the shifting point, rebirth moment of Venus energies of loving connection, sensuality, beauty, harmony.

Before that was more focused on releasing the old, and after that the second half of Venus retrograde cycle invites us to allow and integrate Venusian experiences, in a self-reliant way, from within.

It is a time to allow ourselves to feel, to live with the senses : seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, touching... And feel all the sensations which are within. Integrate our feeling capacity, without over-intellectualizing it, and without over-attaching it on the outer objects and other people.

This doesn't mean to shut out the world, but to go and experience it, and whatever feeling arises, to fully be aware of it, and whatever longing pleasure or happiness we have, to become it, to dive into it until the experience of happiness is integrated within, and no more over-dependant on external objects. Then we can radiate it in every aspect of our lives.

So for example, taste a strawberry, and be aware of the taste and how it makes you feel. And then remember the feeling without tasting any strawberry, integrate and internalize the good energy of it, then it becomes a part of you. And we can do this for any experience, feeling for somebody,
feeling of a music, etc.

So, it's a time to feel, to go slow.
To go in nature, to reflect and express, to enjoy the sensations.
Why the constant rush, to keep the noise and busyness going ?
Because the noise is a mask, and the reflection and feeling is a mirror, reflecting us ourselves.
It's a time to stop pushing and pulling, to stop suppressing.
Feel it all, allow it all to arise and to flow.
Awaken the senses.
This second part of Venus retrograde will last until November 15-16,
which will be a time of big shifts.
Before that, the period of November 6-11 is quite powerful with many alignments.
November 6-7 is actually the time of Samhain, which is the origin of all hallow's eve. Samhain is not a random fixed date, it is the mid-point between september equinox and december solstice. This year it will be on November 6-7 (depending on time zone), and it will be at the same time as
the New Moon in Scorpio.

This is a very powerful alignment, Samhain and Scorpio energies are about thinning of the veils, the merging of different dimensions and merging of polar opposites (male-female, day-night, etc).
This relates to fire energy of rising frequencies (so it is a good time for fire ceremony).
There are several powerful astrological alignments synchronized with this, amplifying the energy of this day. (Neptune trine Moon and Sun, Pluto-Vesta conjunction, Uranus back in Aries, North and South nodes shifting into Capricorn-Cancer)

So this New Moon and the 24h around it, will be a great special time for ceremonies, seeing beyond the veils, diving more into the invisible within and without, merging different parts of us,
merging energetically with our Soul family...

To stop the noise, the constant internet browsing and messaging without awareness,
the automatic pilot living.
To be present, observing, in nature, with meaningful connection with life around us.

Following this, Jupiter will shift into Sagittarius on November 8,
which announces a deeper entry into an upcoming period of more outer action
and manifestation in the coming year.

And then will be 11-11-11 portal on November 11 (2018 = 2+0+1+8 = 11),
which is a time of activations of Oneness energies, supported by galactic and cosmic forces,
with a special focus at 11:11 UTC, to connect with the Source from within our heart, linked with other hearts of creation : Central Sun, heart center of Gaia, our Sun, etc.

And then on November 15-16 will come another powerful alignment and shift of energies
(on the same day, Venus goes direct, Mercury goes retrograde, and Mars finally shifts into Pisces. Mars normally stays in one sign for about 6 weeks, but it stayed in Aquarius for 6 months
because of retrograde.)

Seeing these 3 planets shifting on the same day is a very beautiful and significant synchronicity.
This is a time of personal rebirth, after much inner work, recalibration, transmutation, etc, in this last year, we are shifting into a period of more outer connections and actions, manifesting out in the physical world. The time around 10:51pm UTC on November 15 is especially a good time for ceremony, to set intentions and anchor energies for this shift.
In the days following, several alignments confirm this period of rebirth, action, manifestation.
This is especially strong on the November 22-23 Full Moon.

As Mercury will be retrograde, many of these new actions and manifestations may be in the envisioning and preparing phase, and may become really fully visible from December onwards, yet it is still a good time to move in this direction.

This outwards action, manifestation, expansion may culminate also on November 26-27 with a conjunction of Sun Mercury and Jupiter aligned in the same place in the sky, and Neptune ending its retrograde period at the same time. This is a time of great expansion, blessings, creativity.
So from November 15 until the end of the month, is a great time to work on manifestation,
take actions, make changes, design and organize new projects, etc. To be creative
to help make this world more beautiful, alive and healthy.

Wishing best potential manifestation of this transition to all, to experience beauty
and Oneness all around 💗🐬☀️

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