Monday, May 20, 2019

Aluna Ash- 9D: #TheEvent #TheShift #GalacticAlignment Galactic Shift 2020 Golden Age

#TheEvent #TheShift #GalacticAlignment Galactic Shift 2020 Golden Age

Published on May 18, 2019

** the pregnancy was 4 yrs ago, so this message began at that time- 4 yrs ago. And that's when my relationship fell apart & started seeing these beings of light around me and traveling with me. Then a year later I had a similar experience while driving and it was the most protected I have ever felt. recently I started having the same experience in dreams & meditation.. almost like I was taken back. Very strange feeling.

Sorry if this is scattered- I was just trying to make a quick video about this & I will talk more about all of what I've been getting w this... I'm just trying to piece it together in a way that I can explain it fully. When I get a lot of visual stuff it can be hard to put them into words sometimes. I've been holding this back for the last few weeks and one thing after another keeps showing me confirmation. One synchronicity after another. It feels like we are finally here. What im being told is it will be "dissolving paradigm amnesia or blindness" and This is "a rare galactic alignment anchoring a the new harmonic grid." "Some have reached a level of completion/self mastry in this realm at this point."

2020 Galactic Year of White Magnetic Wizard- DF which is tone 1, (we are in the harmonic year tone 13) tone 1 means unity, unconditional love, New Beginnings, becoming one, merging as an individual aspect of Source with Source. This is like the energy of the Magician & Empress & High Priestess(in tarot) all mixed together.

Also Solar eclipse on 21st of June 2020... what stood out to me is Saturn at 0 degrees Aquarius it seems like the gateway to the Aquarian age manifesting in the material Realm or physical the beginning of the crystallization.

Magnetic Sun 2021 "flip" 2022
New Timing Frequency
Age of Aquarius
Mayan calender
Vortex points S
oltice Astroid Showers

The Shift As I've been looking into this it's making much more sense I found this
( I've mentioned in past videos over the last year or more that this is the end of a 13,000 year cycle connected to the masculine energy- now we're going to this magnetic sun divine feminine Energy new Galactic Year and new 13,000 years cycle connected to the divine feminine energy that we have not experienced in 13,000 yrs) along with a bunch of other stuff, and different things with my cycles & charts w the Sun & Mayan astrology.

The experiences I had in the dreams that I had was the reading reason I started getting into the 13 moon cycle in the first place yrs ago.

💗 I'm only sharing my own perception of my experiences & the things I talk about me not resonate with everyone- trust how you feel.

1 comment:

  1. #EnergyWave #CosmicRays #Awakening INCOMING WAVE! 5/19 #portals
    Aluna Ash- 9D
    Published on May 19, 2019

    I was planning on going to bed and just making this video tomorrow but I got a very clear message to do it right now.

    Very clear message about the elements being "stirred up" with this wave and we also have a galactic portal activation on the 23rd and 24th!!

    Remember that we have all the elements within our body, it's important to know that when these elements are being "stirred up" in our planetary field it's also being stirred up within our individual field... balancing all the elements within you is important. Especially if you have one element more prominent than others in your natal chart or your vibrational signature. What this is doing is stirring up any imbalance and duality within in order to balance the yin & yang energy. And then externally- As within so without.

    It's like everything is being stirred up in the Ether right now.

    Timeline "folds" will be taking place for many... you'll start seeing or feeling like you are outside of time and viewing reality differently. New paradigms are being accessed. Synchronicities tend to spike up quite a bit way beyond numbers when the ethers shift like now. Or shift back vetween certain number codes- these are connected to paradigms

    Even if it feels tough at times, which I have felt myself too, it becomes easier. What we are going through is a new life but within the same body... incarnating to higher paradigms while still physical. Aspects of our personality is being stripped away and we are awakening to new aspects.

    There is a huge shift this summer solstice because it is towards the end of this Galactic Year but the message Ive gotten is the galactic alignment to activate the new frequency is June 2020 Soltice.

    ***Try not to feed into other's irritability- save your energy for you. Spiritual boundaries are a must. Don't allow your reactions to set off a chain reaction of events... it's better to deal with things or people when you feel that they or you both are in more of a neutral position. Many people right now are not aware of how much they are unconsciously projecting- and if you're a person that can feel that and need to detach yourself from it, do what you need to.

