Saturday, May 25, 2019

Aluna Ash- 9D: ENERGY UPDATE 5/21

It's been quite windy, and as an Empath, I was feeling what she describes very intensely, in waves.  Yes, holding dense energy for myself, and others, projections, etc. physical symptoms, triggers, waves...fog/exhaustion and clarity/exhilaration,,crying jags, laughter...Being an Empath is not the easy path! ~PB

#EnergyUpdate #SolarActivity #PoleShift

Published on May 21, 2019

💗Today is the last day of one 13 day unit, tomorrow is the start of the next 13 day unit- Red Magnetic Moon, which is linked to this current Galactic Year & the Next Galactic Year White Magnetic Wizard 2019-2020 which is starting a new 13,000 yr cycle connected to the Divine Feminine archetype- also balance & unity of the Masculine/Feminine archetype as one. Also Saturn entering Aquarius in 2020 during the DF galactic yr represents the Golden Age. During this last week of the 11th moon cycle we have 2 galactic portal activation dates- 5/23 & 5/24 and it is also during the beginning of new 13 day Red Moon wavespell. These Portals activation dates are shifting energy from the last yr to the next yr beginning end of July. During Galactic portal activation dates time and Cosmic intelligence is integrated into this realm. Be kind and patient with yourself... and if you haven't started doing this already, start paying attention to your body during these waves & cycles- you will see the patterns. It gets easier & more clear what needs to be released over time. Another thing that I've been experiencing during these waves, is I'm able to directly see where projections are coming from unconsciously from others... which is nice. People can be very triggered around these times. Remember, it's only your light triggering their darkness or vice versa. That's just the duality of this reality. We are clearing, and have been clearing, to anchor more stability for the planet and for others. The weather at times, is a direct reflection of us internally, the elemental energy & the cosmic energy.

I will speak more about the 12th moon cycle and some of the experiences ive been having, messages, etc.. during the live stream Wednesday at 9pm EST


💗Pluto going back to the 22nd degree during this time is really shifting a lot of energy with the poles of the planet and the Soul. (Patreon Full Moon livestream we talked a little bit about the Pluto energy) I link this degree to death & where realms beyond this realm collide as one.. I also link Pluto here to the connection to inner realms, the Soul & the poles of the planet connected to the BioSolar body of Earth. To me, Pluto is the most transformative of all the planetary spheres/realms. It is always to help us grow... As Pluto starting conjuncting my natal moon in my 8th house, after the eclipse, my mom passed (Pluto, death/rebirth, 8th house is connected to the colon/private parts- she had colon cancer, and moon represents the mother) My mom gave me the biggest gift- allowing me to understand the process of death spiritually through her death and face fears of loosing her that I had since my childhood. Pluto taught me death is beautiful & has purpose. The we are here on purpose with a purpose. We will all be going through the extreme transformative catallactic energy of Pluto in different ways. Embrace it...Pluto fuses the Soul with the personality by removing aspects of the personality that are hindering expansion, and sometimes this is through a big life event, trauma or some kind of unexpected change. It all has a purpose & YOU are here with a purpose.

💗Everything I share is based off my own perception, my own experiences, my own guidance & understanding along with the patterns I see & feel from those around me & collective energy. You choose what resonates. Thank you for your support to those that are here for the right reasons. Even If you do not resonate but still continue to watch me & listen to my every video, thank you for your support as well💜

💗💗If you feel guided to, please share how you are feeling and what patterns you have noticed within yourself during these waves and cycles so we can all see how it relates. And please feel free to share your positive experiences, synchronicities & realizations as well!! I have felt inspired, a new level of trust/faith, excited for my life & direction, the downloads have been amazing, intuition/inner knowing/senses have been so heightened, synchronicities have been out of control and I have developed some new friendships through the synchronicities. Im also learning more & more about the unfolding of the next stage of my path.

#theshift #awakening #synchronicity #divinemasculine #divinefeminine #unconscious #conscious #newearth

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