Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Jo Jayson: The Greatest Self-Care Is Your Self-Love

The Greatest Self-Care Is Your Self-Love

by Jo Jayson
“Call of the Nightingale” © Jo Jayson“Call of the Nightingale” © Jo Jayson

Self-care is an expression of self-love. It’s impossible to give yourself the care you need if you don’t have some inkling of your own value. Self-care can be as simple as saying “no” instead of always saying “yes,” speaking your truth instead of hiding how you feel, or simply deciding to give yourself a hot bubble bath instead of going out to the party you really don’t want to go to.

However self-care can only be applied consistently and meaningfully if you are practicing the endeavor of self-love. Both men and women spend an inordinate amount of time reaching outside of themselves to fill their hearts up. We go in search of approval and validation from others in our family, our workplace and in our personal relationships. Sometimes we use our success or perceived lack of it to measure our own worth. Yet, no amount of money, work success, material things, Instagram likes or relationships will give you the sense of love you seek.

In fact, you have nothing lacking in yourself. Your very essence is the divinity of unconditional love. The lack of love you feel for yourself has been taught to you, directly or indirectly, as you have grown up from a young age. When you shift your subconscious mind towards remembering your essence, you are then able to fill your own well with the love you have looked outside yourself for.

The quickest and easiest way to experience the vibration of self-love is to spend time practicing gratitude. In any given moment you can seek out that which is around you to feel appreciation for. We can feel appreciation for the comfy chair we are sitting on or the hot cup of coffee we are drinking and the satisfaction it gives us. We can feel gratitude for the person who smiled at us on the train that morning or the light rainfall we experienced that afternoon which fills the air with freshness.

Gratitude fills your heart with love. When you take the time to notice things you are grateful for, you create a daily gratitude practice that feeds your heart with the self-love it needs, making it easier to accept and appreciate yourself. There is no greater self-care than to experience the joy, freedom and bliss of self-love that is your divine birthright.

Jo Jayson is a spiritual and intuitive artist, teacher and author, whose award-winning book Self-Love Through the Sacred Feminine has helped women all over the world find empowerment, healing, and inspiration. Visit

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