Monday, May 20, 2019

#FullMoon #Reading #EnergyUpdate For Whoever Resonates!🤔 Full Moon May 2019 + more

#FullMoon #Reading #EnergyUpdate For Whoever Resonates!🤔 Full Moon May 2019

Published on May 18, 2019

For whoever feels guided or resonates. Its all signs, any messages, whatever comes through. Focuesd of the Full Moon after- energy.


    Aluna Ash- 9D
    Published on May 15, 2019
    What I speak about may not resonate with everyone... go with how you feel inside.
    ** we all have our different perspective, our different downloads, our anecstors & unique guidance that gives us all the ability to bring pieces of the puzzle together. And I have a feeling that we're all going to be adding to each other's messages more then we ever have before. Seems to be a telepathic linking taking place.

    Realms are merging- clearing of unconscious & "phantom limb" or "phantom pain"

    "We are already here." Is what ive been told. We are experiencing a phantom affect connected to astral potentials and personality aspects individually & with "earth" as an entity or realm/plane/sphere itself.

    I'm speaking about the galactic portals connected to the Mayan cycles- 52 portals dates within a 260 day unit cycle- which correspond to the Ley lines of this planet in different tribes or groups that are here acting as conduits to the Rays that are coming in.

    I spoke about this wave that would be coming at the time of this portal date and opening of the full moon portal on Patreon a few days ago.

    The shifts we are moving into seem like a rapid unfolding of karma that has been "blocked" from our awareness as a collective, along with a rapid evolution and shift in perception.

    The Karma I'm speaking about is collective- through leaders, government, structures, power games. The US seems to have some power struggles or power shifts coming.

    The realms are coming together... the images I've been getting are so vivid. Many are shifting/activating to a new level of awareness.

    I keep seeing what looks like asteroids, creating this massive shift in our energy and in consciousness. It is the most positive experience I've had with a vision...

    A lot of what's happening is at different dimensional levels so the experience has become fragmented and there's memories that can come up in dream state or through the intuition through the unconscious.

    This has everything to do with the end of this galactic year that we're getting closer to and this shift into the balance of the feminine energy which is healing the Phantom limb syndrome connected to the planet and aspects of ourselves that have been used for time space portal manipulation.

    There are a lot of different Sensations that can take place with the body- as things are balancing out for this next Collective activation within different groups. This one is a big deal deal. I've been speaking about this for over the last year consistently and it's getting closer- galactic shift, and for many they're going through the Prelude of this shift that's about to take place now and they're having experiences that are showing them that this is coming.

    When these cosmic rays come in and the planet's frequency shifts, its important to stay grounded and balanced.Take care of yourself, listen to your body, rest when needed and ask for guidance from within when it comes to any issues that come up- now is a perfect time to get answers. Make sure to sleep when your body is guiding you to- this is how we integrate information coming in and heal.

    **pay attention to gas-looking rainbow colored clouds. Near the Sun.

    Love you guys, Thank you for your support!

  2. #DivineMasculine #Twinflame #Tarot DIVINE MASCULINE- 😮THE CHANGE IS HERE. END OF MAY 2019
    Aluna Ash- 9D
    Published on May 15, 2019
    💗This reading is based off groups/people who resonate/energy of the Divine Masculine collective energy- the 11th moon cycle.

    -if you don't resonate, its not for you.

    The extended reading is for those that feel guided & only those that resonate, the messages are for a couple different energies & pretty specific.

    💜For The Extended Reading:

    💗Twinflame readings for each element for Mid May will be posted on Patreon on 5/16
    (I will also be re-doing the astrology live for the Full Moon energy on Patreon as well- due to the buffering and connection issue with the last one - I will go over each zodiac sign again)

    💜Thank you💜

  3. #divinefeminine #tarot #twinflame #may DIVINE FEMININE- THIS IS BEAUTIFUL😭 END OF MAY 2019
    Aluna Ash- 9D
    Published on May 17, 2019
    Sorry its backwards 😂 😔 i'm still learning!! I already put it out to the universe that I could reallyyyy use some guidance with tech stuff, youtube video editing & audio stuff from someone that really knows what they're doing.

    This reading is the divine feminine Collective energy for the end of May that I am picking up on for those that resonate or feel guided to listen.

    💜Extended Reading was beautiful, union/reunion, immediate soul recognition.
    -For The Extended Reading:

    💗Twinflame by element for the end of May is up on Patreon for Patrons.

    Thank you🤗
