Monday, December 2, 2019

Denise Le Fay: More Light Means More Knowing | High Heart Life

More Light Means More Knowing

Remember how I’d heard some ascended someone gleefully say in October that, ‘We’d need each of our Triple Crowns to get ourselves through the last three months of 2019!’? Indeed.

Like my November 24, 2019 article, this one is also one I was not planning on writing and certainly not now. However, I know to pay attention, discern, stay in the higher flow and trust that this is exactly what I’m supposed to talk about right now. This change seems to have become a theme for me since the second half of November and I feel it has to do with the start of what I’m calling Phase 2 of the Ascension Process with our entrance into 2020.

Also, the last few days of November transition into December 2019 was intense to say the least. Sudden severe structural and spine pains, muscle spasms, vertigo, eyes feeling numb and foreign again, and the need to sleep and sleep and sleep some more which is good because you get out-of-body while it embodies more NEW energies and makes the necessary adjustments and adaptations. If you’re not experiencing these increased physical body pains, great, but do not project your lack of awareness about the whys of this or your beliefs or ego on those who are living it.

Some may need to buckle-up before we get into this while others won’t flinch no matter how multidimensionally freakish it gets. Either way here we go into material I had not planed on delving into at the end of November and shift into December 2019. We are after all in “the holiday season” and this material is anything but festive. Important yes, festive no. Nevertheless, I know to pay attention when I’m suddenly impulsed to go somewhere online and checkout whatever it is I’m supposed to be aware of at that moment. This happened to me again in November 2019 and I’ll get into that in a moment.

This article is not intended to amplify anyone’s fears, only point out that as we embody more and more Light, we become increasingly aware of our multidimensionality and increasingly conscious of more nonhuman, nonphysical plus physical other dimensional beings, beings from other universes, parallel realities, positive ETs, inorganic negative ETs and peculiar inorganic creatures, inorganic creations and some of their Artificial Intelligence (AI) devices etc. Evolution includes humanity consciously realizing that there’s far more fantastical participants—cosmic, universal, multidimensional, interdimensional, parallel realities etc.—than previously believed or aware of before the Ascension Process began. We’re now at this evolutionary point and it’s only going to increase dramatically with the start of 2020. Some call this our re-entry into Universal Society, some call it disclosure, some spiritual disclosure. What it is is humanity evolving and having to realize for themselves that Others have always existed, near and far, and in a variety of states most humans will have a hard time comprehending.

Light is knowing more, a lot more consciously. Higher Awareness is just that, not ego, not fear, not naivety, not gullibility but knowing more and being emotionally neutral about it because one has evolved to a higher frequency and level of consciousness. More and more embodied Light means more and more individual knowing which automatically brings with it greater individual responsibility.

From around 2015, I’ve been increasingly perceiving and dealing with more and more new-to-me nonhuman, nonphysical phenomena and coming from me that’s saying something. I’m used to seeing, hearing, sensing, feeling, being affected by and communicating and interacting with certain nonphysical beings in the physical, astral and elsewhere, but this evolutionary ascension expansion has been escalating this for myself and many each year post 2012. (If interested see A Lightworker’s Mission: The Journey Through Polarity Resolution (2010) for some of my earlier experiences with certain positive and negative aliens, beings, entities, demons and inorganic beings.)

Since the 1970s there’s been lots written and added to the human collective consciousness about ETs. Some of this information has come from people who’ve experienced contact and abductions etc. by ETs but more of this information has come from people who’ve never personally experienced anything with any ETs at all. That information is somewhat distorted and misleading with plenty of speculation, heaping piles of incorrect information and overall lack of Higher Awareness which has made the entire thing far more difficult and in many cases dangerous. Many in the Ascension Community have been experiencing a general multidimensional increase of their Higher Awareness, their knowing over the past twenty-plus years, but very few have talked openly online about it. It’s a vast, complex, difficult multidimensional, multi-universal, multi-reality situation and any interaction with any of the Others is deeply personal and is permanently life, reality and consciousness changing. Positive, negative, shocking, outrageous, beautiful and horrendous, it’s all amazing and instantly alters one permanently.

I’ve lived for nearly 68 years now as a Volunteer physical incarnate human on physical Earth surrounded by about 7.5 billion humans. Every one of those humans are different. They’re all humans yet they’re all very different because of individual development, spiritual development, level of consciousness, level of awareness, or being basically unaware of most everything beyond the physical. Some humans are filled with Light and are now of a very high frequency and consciousness while the majority of humans are not that at all but all of them are human. Point is that just as different as humans are, so too are the positive ETs, so too are the negative ETs, so too are inorganic beings, creatures and Others that exist at and in other levels of Universal reality.

Before the Ascension Process began humanity existed in the old lower Evolutionary Cycle that was about Duality in all ways. With humanities evolution out of that lower level, frequency and Cycle up into what’s called Unity or Trinity, Triality frequency and consciousness, our old concepts and awareness about ETs was pretty black and white. We are however becoming increasingly aware that it’s all different shades of gray really, and to honestly know anything about any of this, you had better excel at being able to discern and read energies so that you personally KNOW whose who and what’s what. If you haven’t developed this natural higher ability to energetically discern and read energies and aliens and all else then I strongly suggest you start working on that immediately. Discerning energies and all else requires expanding feeling and feeling awareness, not using linear thinking. Get out of your head and pay attention to your whole body and whole being Higher Awareness perceptions, feelings and sensing ability.

I’ve never traveled to a foreign country but I know that before one leaves one country for another there are things one has to do first such as get a passport, get certain vaccinations, do some research, educate yourself about where you’re going, the culture(s), the language(s), the weather, clothing of that foreign country and so on. All common sense actions. The same things are necessary now due to our having reached the completion of Phase 1 of the Ascension Process and our entry into Phase 2 of the Ascension Process with the start of 2020. We’re all about to enter a new higher level and phase of the evolutionary Ascension Process and this topic is only one of many that will increasingly be in our awareness and lives in a variety of ways.

Humanity has been and continues to be in transition from one “country”—one dimension, one level of being, one level and frequency of consciousness and reality etc.—to another they’ve never been to before. That alone has been the cause of tremendous increases in ET encounters in the physical and astral with both organic ETs and negative inorganic beings and a whole host of other Others that are so unlike anything we’ve experienced before that it’s difficult to describe them and what it’s like encountering them at this point. Again, honest and accurate discernment is a must-have personal tool from here forward. Our re-entering Universal Society demands it of us all.

At times during the early years of my physical biological Ascension Process—1999 to 2004 specifically—the space between my physical body seated in my chair and my TV about 8–10 feet away was so jam-packed full of nonphysical negative creatures and god knows what all that I literally could not physically see my TV. It was a Team Dark rave party going on all around me back then, so much so that they, those nonphysical negative beings, entities, inorganic beings and certain AI devices and I don’t know what all literally blocked my view of the TV 8–10 feet away from my physical body. There were times I thought I’d lose my mind during that time and I suspect I came close a couple times due to the severity and length of the multidimensional and interdimensional other Others I experienced. Because I was an ascension Volunteer and my pre-incarnational Soul Contracted activation started with the start of 1999, meant I was seen and felt even more by Team Dark than I had been before. When the Light started returning on what’s been a Dark planet for thousands of years, immediate unpleasant repercussions ensued. Whatever, just do what you came here to do and so we have.

Since 1999 when a nonphysical entity, sometimes a dead human, or negative alien and like Others comes into contact with my physical house and space that interdimensional energetic impact causes an audible sound like a bang, pop, thump or hit on a wall(s) or ceiling area of your house. No it’s not your “house settling”, it’s a nonphysical something or someone that has literally entered your space and physical house. And if you’re paying close attention at the time something like this happens, you’ll typically see a simultaneous manifestation of a small ball of light or a moving flash of light, a dead human orb or any number of other anomalies inside your house. Both phenomena are the same event—something or someone nonphysical and usually nonhuman enters your space and when that happens there’s an immediate side effect which is often a physical sound(s) with simultaneous visual phenomena which is typically very fast moving and light or dark thing or things inside your house.

The Embodiment Process

Like so many terms used to describe happenings in the evolutionary Ascension Process, some of them do not do justice to the event. I feel the term Embodiment Process is one of these and I’m sorry I haven’t been able to think of another name for it that’s closer to what it actually is because there’s some confusion about this.

We’ve always been embodied while incarnate in physical human bodies on Earth. It’s just that in the past we were only capable of a very small amount of our Higher Self, Selves and Soul embodied in our physical bodies. Just enough to keep us alive organically in the physical but not much more than that. Let’s say for ease of communication that humanity has had something around 2% of their Higher Self, Selves, Soul embodied in their physical bodies during incarnations. 2% (say) has been the standard base rate. That was all that could be safely dealt with and handled in the old lower patriarchal negativity, density and darkness on Earth and in living human bodies and consciousness. That (say) 2% was always totally organic meaning it originated from Divine Source. You have always been organic Source connected while in physical human form, it’s just been only (say) 2% worth.

All that has been changing during the Ascension Process however. Slowly and steadily the First Everythingers have been experiencing that natural organic (say) 2% connection to their Higher Self, Selves, Soul and Source increased bit-by-bit, energy Wave after energy Wave since 1998–1999. The entire Body and Brain Rewiring has been about this—about evolving, upgrading, expanding through the Rewiring Process so that much MORE than the (say) 2% base rate of higher, faster vibrating Light energies could be embodied while alive and in one’s physical body and not have that constant turning up the heat process fry us alive, drive us mad, destroy our physical body, our CNS and so on. The Inner Body Vibrations you’ve been feeling and living with for however long it’s been for you to date, that inner vibration is you embodying more and more organic Source Light energies that enable you and your physical body to safely embody higher and higher percentages of your Higher Self, Selves, Soul and Source directly. Our pre-ascension base rate of (say) 2% has been steadily increasing all these years so eventually we individually reach 100% connection constantly with organic Source, Higher Self, Selves and Soul in our physical bodies, selves and consciousness. The Volunteers, the First Everythingers, the Forerunners have been in a process of expanding and vibrationally increasing what others have called their ‘Light quotient’ incrementally. This is why.

Hopefully now why some of us have been in a lot of body pain for decades should make more sense to those who haven’t been doing this energetic Pathpaving for humanity. Phase 2 of the Ascension Process starting in 2020 will change that however for the First Wave of regular Humans that will be activated via their pre-incarnational Soul Contracts, to begin their Ascension Process and start to embody more and much higher frequencies. Happy NEW Year First regular Human Wave group. Welcome to the great evolutionary party taking place, finally, right inside your physical bodies and consciousness.

Know that there will be a Second Wave of regular Humans that will be activated a while after the First Wave of regular Humans to begin the Ascension Process in Phase 2, and there will be a Third Wave of regular humans that will be activated after that group to begin the Ascension Process and so on and so on. There were the First Wave VOLUNTEER Groups activated in 1998–1999, then the Second Wave Volunteer Group was activated a few years after that, then the Third Wave Volunteer Group was activated a few years after that and so on during Phase 1 of the Ascension Process. 2020 starts Phase 2 of the Ascension Process and it begins this same process of stair-step activation’s of the First, Second and Third Wave groups of REGULAR HUMANS to begin to live and embody the Ascension Process. Stair-steps, always stair-steps.

The Inorganic Aliens & Others

With the organic Embodiment Process better explained we’re now going to discuss some rather unpleasant and truly strange creatures that are inorganic. Briefly because this is long already, these inorganic aliens and other beings are ones that intentionally turned away from Source long ago. They believed themselves to be greater than Source and intentionally disconnected themselves from IT. That meant these aliens and Others had cutoff their natural organic energy food and fuel supply from Source and to substitute that death sentence they became parasites having to steal energy from humanity, animals and Earth to keep themselves inorganically alive. Some of the things they’ve created to steal life-force energies from humanity, hold it, redirect it and so on is so far beyond the most negative horror movie you’ve ever seen. I know this because I’ve seen some, only some of their etheric creations to capture organic human energies in multiple ways to use for themselves. We are evolving beyond these horrors but there are still some here and there physically and etherically.

Inorganic beings can be negative aliens, human looking creatures, nonhuman looking, physical and nonphysical, interdimensional, from parallel worlds, other universes and who knows what all. I’ve clairvoyantly Seen and physically seen some of these inorganic negative aliens, human  looking creatures and nonhuman things and beings etc.

Due to the natural organic Ascension Process and dimensional shift to a higher level and evolutionary Cycle, not only are the positive nonphysical and nonhuman and human looking aliens and Others highly interested in what’s going on with humanity and Earth, but so too are the inorganic negative aliens and Others near and far. Makes sense when you consider how these organic evolutionary changes are impacting other lifeforms in this and other galaxies, other universes and parallel realities. The great game has changed and the inorganic beings and creatures of the past have been hustling to not evolve but remain as they are. But because so much has already changed, evolved, they’ve been trying to adapt too and have been working on new ways for them use the NEW changes. Some of these are downright terrifying to me because they involve bizarre attempts to insert themselves directly into human bodies; create hybrids so they can use them to more easily enter humans in the physical; damage the organic connections humans have with Source just enough to be able to more fully become parasites off certain humans and so on.

My point is that due to the natural organic Ascension Process it’s gotten even more weird and dangerous if, if one cannot discern energies, people, beings, aliens, ghosts, agendas and so forth. This is NOT the time to be stupid, gullible, naive or blindly trusting of anyone or anything because there’s so much at stake, including your Soul.

In November 2019 I was suddenly impulsed to go to a website I haven’t been to for over ten years. When I’m impulsed like this I know it’s because I’m supposed to discover something specific so I always follow these nudges when they happen. In this case I was sensing something happening at Whitley Strieber’s site and I was supposed to quickly discover whatever it was. It was that he’s written another book about his experiences with certain ETs and it went on the market last month. I bought a copy and read every word in late November.

I’ve read some of Strieber’s ET books long ago and have always liked Whitley and his writings. I enjoy his writing and admire him for sharing with an unaware world what he’s experienced because of the ETs and Others he’s had in his life since childhood. However, I would call the ETs and Others he’s had in his life the Inorganics, the inorganic aliens and human looking Others and more.

To be fair about this I too have had plenty of experiences throughout my life with inorganic aliens or ETS and other creatures, advanced demons and less developed demons and so on. These Inorganics all hail from the same frequency range, be they negative ETs, devils, demons, creatures, human looking entities etc. I repeat, the Inorganics all hail from the same frequency range which is why there’s been so much confusion and incorrect information by many people about ETs. They’re not capable of discernment, of reading energies so they can’t tell whose who and what’s what with the inorganic aliens and like Others.

When I was under the worst demonic attacks I’ve experienced from 2000–2004, I was also repeatedly attacked by negative ETs, had what sounded like an idling diesel engine UFO hovering over my physical house so loudly it repeatedly woke me up during that negative 2:30AM–4:00AM time when inorganic attempted attacks, possessions, physical and astral abductions etc. have typically happened. It isn’t the “witching hour”, it’s busy Team Dark hours! The demon and other negative entities and many aliens I encountered during those years were all basically one and the same in that they all were of and from the same low frequency range, were all parasites and were doing their best to stop me from living the Ascension Process as a Volunteer First Waver assisting to raise the frequency of my physical body and consciousness, Earth, build NEW grids to hold the NEW higher frequency incoming Light etc., transmute density and negativity and much more. There was great objection to all this from them, from what I’ve called Team Dark during the early years of the Ascension Process, aka the Inorganics.

If you want to know what’s in Whitley Strieber’s latest book about his ET and Others experiences, you’ll have to read it. I only mention him and this particular book because it clearly shows a very strong outcome to not being able to discern energies and aliens and beings etc. and to having them in one’s life. As some of us have known for a very long time, the only real antidote to negativity is to keep embodying more and more and more Light into your body and self. Eventually you embody enough of it, enough of the higher frequency energies and Light that you “ascend”, evolve out of range of Team Dark, of the Inorganics.

As always there’s much more but this has gotten long. We have the Comments area to continue this discussion if anyone is interested. ❤

December 2, 2019

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Copyright © Denise Le Fay & HighHeartLife, 2019. All rights reserved. You may share this article so long as you don’t alter it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and this URL and Copyright Notice is included.

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