Weekly Astrology + Numerology Forecast [December 9- 15]
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A highly sought after spiritual intuitive and personal growth leader, Tania Gabrielle inspires legions of praise from her clients and followers. Tania introduced the merging of two ancient divination arts – Astrology and Numerology – to the Western World, unlocking the codes in the stars, names and numbers to facilitate wealth and well-being with a primary focus on teaching spiritual principles that manifest practical, real-life results.
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#starcodeshow #taniagabrielle #astrologynumerology #weeklyastrologynumerology #numerologyfullmoon
"Gemini, being the sign of emotion, communication, skills, facts, information, curiosity, writing, speaking... it's also the sign of effective listening and teaching. So, understanding different viewpoints ...the Gemini, the twins.. the 2 different versions.. right? Two different ideas, awareness of options, against the twins awareness of options, right? Its variety, it's quick thinking, it's enjoying the moment and having ingenuity about how you live your life, having that fun, the value of fun. Gemini rules relationships based on proximity... so that would be your siblings, your neighbors, your schoolmates, your roommates, the fellow people you work with, right? I mean it is anything that is proximity-related, so it's very important during this time to learn how to step outside some of the complexity that can happen in those relationships, and also the mind games, because of Mercury's impact. So whatever you need to do to not partake in the systems (again this is Saturn Pluto conjunction) that are governing the world, is really important.
So however it is that you commit yourself to stepping outside of that paradigm, those systems, that Capricorn paradigm that's been in play, and impacted your life all this time, and distracting you from your soul, and from what you love, and your imagination.... you need to step aside, whether it's shutting off your phone, or putting it on Airplane mode, or giving yourself just 20 minutes to be outside in nature, do whatever it takes at this point to step outside that paradigm.
And this means also in your language, in your conversation. Do not speak unless you're inspired. So you need to step up, you need to do that at this time to prepare yourself, because after all, you are a living soul, a living human being, you're full of light, you're full of love, you are part of this divine creation, you are divine intelligence. You were born that way as an innocent baby, and you have this amazing ability at your disposal at any time.
So just remember, if you feel darkness in your life, the darkness only wins when you don't shine your light. The darkness only wins when you don't shine your light.
When you shine your light, everyone around you that is masked in those shadows of the paradigm, the old ways, the fears, the guilt, they're released from those fears, and they come towards the light within you. So we all need to do that. We need to spread light and love. We need to let it all flow beyond our wildest imagination, beyond horizons, beyond infinity, and accept those infinite blessings that await you when you strip away that mental anguish, that anxiety, the mind games, the blind control that's been imposed on you since day one, right? And not necessarily consciously, mostly unconsciously, because the people who imposed this on you were also under the impact. And now's the time that we are being given the tools and the energy to break free, to strip away, to simplify our lives, to embrace only the essentials, the spiritual essentials. That is truly a moment that we are entering at this time.
So no matter what happens, turn to the light, turn to love. Be that being that shines your integrity with joy. Remember that the darkness will only win when you don't shine your light...but it will never, ever be able to take over when you reveal your beauty, your joy, your incredible divine intelligence and divine love...which is in you and always has been. When you do that, there is nothing that will stop you. So keep that in mind as we turn the page here this month, and have a beautiful Gemini full moon!"
-Tania Gabrielle
37K subscribers https://youtu.be/NoptGXSdBVs
FREE Excerpt: DECEMBER Premium Wealth Forecast
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2020 Ultimate Yearly Forecast Livestream
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FREE Master Class "Discover Your Divine Blueprint”
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A highly sought after spiritual intuitive and personal growth leader, Tania Gabrielle inspires legions of praise from her clients and followers. Tania introduced the merging of two ancient divination arts – Astrology and Numerology – to the Western World, unlocking the codes in the stars, names and numbers to facilitate wealth and well-being with a primary focus on teaching spiritual principles that manifest practical, real-life results.
Tania's Vlog & Blog
► https://taniagabrielle.com
#starcodeshow #taniagabrielle #astrologynumerology #weeklyastrologynumerology #numerologyfullmoon
"Gemini, being the sign of emotion, communication, skills, facts, information, curiosity, writing, speaking... it's also the sign of effective listening and teaching. So, understanding different viewpoints ...the Gemini, the twins.. the 2 different versions.. right? Two different ideas, awareness of options, against the twins awareness of options, right? Its variety, it's quick thinking, it's enjoying the moment and having ingenuity about how you live your life, having that fun, the value of fun. Gemini rules relationships based on proximity... so that would be your siblings, your neighbors, your schoolmates, your roommates, the fellow people you work with, right? I mean it is anything that is proximity-related, so it's very important during this time to learn how to step outside some of the complexity that can happen in those relationships, and also the mind games, because of Mercury's impact. So whatever you need to do to not partake in the systems (again this is Saturn Pluto conjunction) that are governing the world, is really important.
So however it is that you commit yourself to stepping outside of that paradigm, those systems, that Capricorn paradigm that's been in play, and impacted your life all this time, and distracting you from your soul, and from what you love, and your imagination.... you need to step aside, whether it's shutting off your phone, or putting it on Airplane mode, or giving yourself just 20 minutes to be outside in nature, do whatever it takes at this point to step outside that paradigm.
And this means also in your language, in your conversation. Do not speak unless you're inspired. So you need to step up, you need to do that at this time to prepare yourself, because after all, you are a living soul, a living human being, you're full of light, you're full of love, you are part of this divine creation, you are divine intelligence. You were born that way as an innocent baby, and you have this amazing ability at your disposal at any time.
So just remember, if you feel darkness in your life, the darkness only wins when you don't shine your light. The darkness only wins when you don't shine your light.
When you shine your light, everyone around you that is masked in those shadows of the paradigm, the old ways, the fears, the guilt, they're released from those fears, and they come towards the light within you. So we all need to do that. We need to spread light and love. We need to let it all flow beyond our wildest imagination, beyond horizons, beyond infinity, and accept those infinite blessings that await you when you strip away that mental anguish, that anxiety, the mind games, the blind control that's been imposed on you since day one, right? And not necessarily consciously, mostly unconsciously, because the people who imposed this on you were also under the impact. And now's the time that we are being given the tools and the energy to break free, to strip away, to simplify our lives, to embrace only the essentials, the spiritual essentials. That is truly a moment that we are entering at this time.
So no matter what happens, turn to the light, turn to love. Be that being that shines your integrity with joy. Remember that the darkness will only win when you don't shine your light...but it will never, ever be able to take over when you reveal your beauty, your joy, your incredible divine intelligence and divine love...which is in you and always has been. When you do that, there is nothing that will stop you. So keep that in mind as we turn the page here this month, and have a beautiful Gemini full moon!"
-Tania Gabrielle

Astrology Numerology Forecast
37K subscribers https://youtu.be/NoptGXSdBVs
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