Monday, December 9, 2019

NorthPoint Astrology Journal: Your weekly guide to planetary influences December 9 to 15, 2019 by Pam Younghans

Aspects of Note This Week
All times listed are Pacific Standard Time. For Greenwich Mean Time, add 8 hours. 
MON: Mercury enters Sagittarius
TUE: Mercury trine Chiron, Sun sesquiquadrate Uranus
WED: Venus conjunct Saturn, Mercury quincunx Uranus, Full Moon 9:12 p.m. PST, Mercury semisquare Saturn
THU: Chiron stations direct
FRI: Venus conjunct Pluto, Mercury semisquare Pluto, Mars sesquiquadrate Chiron
SAT: Venus square Eris
SUN: Jupiter trine Uranus, Mercury semisquare Venus

WHEN CHARLES DICKENS penned A Tale of Two Cities in 1859, he began his novel with these now-famous lines: "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times ..." This text has been quoted endless times over the decades, especially when manifestations on the physical plane have seemed especially polarizing.

With the upcoming Saturn-Pluto alignment gaining strength with each passing day, we feel the truth of Dickens' words quite poignantly nowin particular, the closing lines of that first sentence of the novel: "... it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity."
MOST OF US have felt those extremes very deeply in 2019. We've experienced the highs and lows, the optimism and the pessimism, the faith and the despair. One day (or even one moment), we may have the sense that All Is Well, while the next minute we may swing to the opposite end of the spectrum, fearing that nothing is ever going to be OK.
This week, planetary interactions focus our attention once again on the contrasts of the physical plane. While we may not be able to completely ignore the sharp spines of the cactus, we can choose whether to dwell on the potential for injury or to focus on the incredibly beautiful flowers that can unexpectedly bloom.
THE PLANET MERCURY, representing our logical, thinking minds, leaves truth-seeking Scorpio and enters idealistic Sagittarius on Monday. Other influences aside, this sign change indicates a shift on the mental plane that encourages more optimistic thinking. Plus, a Mercury-Chiron trine early on Tuesday reinforces the positive natures of both planets, helping us have the confidence and courage to express our beliefs.
But, if we're not careful, some of that self-assuredness can veer off into self-centeredness with a hard Sun-Uranus aspect also in effect on Tuesday. We have a similar influence on Wednesday, when a hard Mercury-Uranus aspect fuels our impatience with anyone who has a different opinion about how to effect necessary changes.
VENUS is strongly aspected this week; now in Capricorn, the goddess of Love aligns with karmic Saturn on Wednesday, conjoins powerful Pluto on Friday, and is square disgruntled Eris on Saturday.
Relationships, values, and financial situations are undergoing deep shifts with these aspects. Saturn helps us make decisions and commitments in these areas midweek, while Pluto empowers us to make changes or to deepen our connections by week's end. The fly in the ointment is the Eris aspect on the weekend itself, when we can tend to overreact to perceived slights or threats.
In essence, Venus is activating the influence of the Saturn-Pluto alignment and bringing its effects into our relational and financial worlds. Any issues that arise are part and parcel of the bigger package that we fully unwrap in January.
A FULL MOON perfects midweek, occurring at 9:12 p.m. PST on Wednesday (5:12 a.m. GMT on Thursday). The lunation occurs when the Moon is at 19°51′ Gemini, and the Sun is at the same degree of Sagittarius.
A part of the importance of this Full Moon is that it precedes the solar eclipse that occurs on December 25/26. This means there is an even stronger emphasis on the usual advice to do a cleansing/release process during the last half of the lunar cycle. Over the next two weeks, we will want to focus on literally and figuratively clearing our closets of debris.
NEPTUNE is square the Sun and the Moon at the time of the Full Moon, forming a configuration called a mutable t-square in the lunation chart. A t-square indicates tension that is looking for release, and the planet at the apex (Neptune) is especially significant.
Neptune's involvement gives a mystical/spiritual/creative overlay to the Full Moon. We can gain much by accessing deeper levels of compassion and understanding at this time, while letting go of blame and victimization. Under this t-square influence, we may have to deal with disillusionment when something does not live up to our ideal; and yet, as we rise above our expectations, we learn a new level of surrender to a higher agenda, letting go of limiting beliefs and mindsets.
There is also a strong healing element to this Full Moon: Mercury, ruler of Gemini and thus an important player in the lunation, is still in helpful trine aspect to Chironand with Chiron stationing direct on Thursday, the Wounded Healer is especially strong right now. This aspect helps us to trust more fully the intuitive insights that come from within, and to tap into our higher guidance more confidently.
THE MOST EXCITING astrological event this week is the Jupiter-Uranus trine that perfects on Sunday, December 15. Since these are two slower-moving planets, we will feel the effects throughout this week and next.
Any time we get Jupiter and Uranus working in harmony together, there are opportunities for positive changes that alter the landscape of our lives. This is especially true with both planets currently in earth signs, which are focused on manifestations on the physical plane.
JUPITER is the planet of Expansion and Meaning, while Uranus is the planet of Higher Consciousness and As-Yet-Unknown Realities. The greater potentials of their interaction include greater spiritual understanding, opening to new dimensions, going on exciting adventures in consciousness, and having the faith to make major life changes. Intuitive knowing is enhanced, and it may be hard to stay focused on the mundane.
To receive greatest benefit of this Jupiter-Uranus trine, we will want to keep our feet on the ground, even while our consciousness may be traveling to distant realms. Insights, when received, are meant to be utilized in our physical reality—otherwise, like dreams, they can quickly fade into oblivion, only leaving a soft imprint on our memories.
IF YOUR BIRTHDAY IS THIS WEEK: This year, you tap into your inner wisdom in new ways. Insights come unexpectedly, leading you on new adventures that you may not have conceived of a few months ago. You may not always have great clarity, as certain ways in which you have perceived yourself and your reality are dissolving. If you feel untethered, remember to have faith, and know that your lessons are very Neptunian now. Throughout the coming year, your challenges are to develop greater trust, to live intuitively instead of from old beliefs about reality, and to surrender to the callings of your Soul. (Solar Return Sun conjunct Pallas Athene, square Neptune)
In Gratitude and Light,
Copyright NorthPoint Astrology 2019. All Rights Reserved.
 About the NorthPoint Journal

Astrologer Pam Younghans writes this NorthPoint Astrology Journal based on planetary influences and insights received. Her hope is to offer perspectives to assist you in utilizing current energies to enhance your life experience and accelerate your spiritual and personal growth.

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Copyright NorthPoint Astrology 2019. All Rights Reserved.

NorthPoint Astrology, 15000 Block 75th, Kenmore, WA 98028, USA

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