I think it's really important to listen to the people who don't agree with your view point. Maybe they know something you don't. I listen to MainStream Media, but I don't generally agree with their perspective. I listen so I can compare it with the insider intel I hear from various sources, some of which I share on social media. The spin generally trails the intel by days, weeks or months.
For whatever reasons, I was in the right place at the right time, in the right circles to follow Q/QANON since Day 1. Q drops clues, the Anons research and speculate. The boards can be a bit rough. I prefer to follow only a few Q Analysts who are calm, clear and straightforward in how they present the material. Why do I follow it? Because so far, it's been accurate and predictive. Q followers know things that eventually transpire in real time, though often it seems to be a long wait. But in general, we know what to expect months in advance. It's like a high-stakes game, and it's important to maintain our sense of humor, because much of the subject matter is dark and intense.
It's a massive rollout of clues, leading to citizen research and discovery of information, along with the orchestrated and well-timed release of intel and investigative reports.
Does this make me a far-right Trumspter? No. Some groups like to label individuals, to isolate and ridicule then in an effort to humiliate them, and thus, to deter others from critical, independent thinking or association with nonconformists. Think CIA MK-Ultra, the tactics are not far off.
I was always a Truther, and that led me to question Official Narratives and take government determinations with a grain of salt. Perhaps one of the great ironies is that I loathed Trump so much, that I voted for HRC, despite knowing she was a criminal. I believed the scandals about Trump and various women, but have since learned how disinformation campaigns can destroy reputations, relationships and leave lives in ruin. It's all about power and control. Discrediting and destroying the opposition, by any means necessary. Hurl projection and blame at them for the things your side is guilty of. Lie, early and often, and shut down investigations before anyone catches on.
Except it isn't working any more. Every day, more and more people are waking up. They are seeing an unfair, biased and bogus "Impeachment" process that denied the accused due process, broke the Rule of Law, and wasted taxpayer time and money. An underhanded Coup attempt to remove a duel elected president. Is it sheer hatred? No. They are trying to avoid being held accountable for their own serious and diverse crimes, some of which are simply horrific and shameful, others of which are treasonous. You can't Impeach someone just because they're an asshole.
But isn't Q a Psy-OP? Snowden said so. Ah, but Snowden was part of the corrupt CIA, spying on the NSA. Currently, small, elite, Deep State factions of otherwise Patriotic FBI and CIA staffers are corrupt, and under investigation by the DOJ/NSA/White Hat Military, who are fighting the D.S./Shadow government/Black Ops Military for control of your consciousness. Things are just starting to simmer. In 2020, it's going to get HOT! I'll make popcorn.
#EnjoyTheShow 🍿 #WWG1WGA

#EnjoyTheShow 🍿 #WWG1WGA

really believe in the Constitution ..when you see them try to bring
someone up on charges by circumventing the normal lawful process and
making it a partisan political process it just makes me want to support
that person more, even if I don't like him, because I believe in
fairness and I believe in the Rule of Law, and I believe in the US
constitution. It was a brilliantly conceived document.
It's just a huge waste of time and taxpayer money. People who aren't paying attention don't realize they didn't actually charge him with a crime. It's just a lot of pomp and circumstance ,because they know it's not gonna fly. They are just stalling because they know they are under investigation, and will be brought up on charges soon. They don't really want it to go to trial, because then they will have to testify under oath and people/ witnesses they don't have control of will be subpoenaed to testify, and that's what they're afraid of. That's why Nancy Pelosi was trying to back off it.
I'm aware of what some of the incriminating evidence might be. There have been hints not just through QAnon, but many Geopolitical analysts and some of the information comes from my spiritual communities. There are insiders I hear through them, you know, intelligence community insiders, White Hats.
The only thing the Cabal still control to a larger extent is the media that's why most people have been duped. Truth is stranger than fiction. However it's pretty obvious things are back firing, people are waking up and they're starting to get angry about what they're learning. That's why we call it #TheGreatAwakening
Patriots are in control...
When people finally realize that conspiracy theorists were right to a large extent, because they will be presented with irrefutable evidence of the crimes by those who sought to destroy the lives of anyone that got in the way of their agenda... When that happens, the paradigm shift will be well under way, and not in the ways they were hoping for.
It's unfortunate that so many people won't listen to or pay attention to ideas that differ from their own, that's how you learn! We were taught that in school, although I don't think they're teaching it anymore.
I see people who express opinions and ideas that differ from the norm being subjected to knee-jerk reactions, criticized, dismissed personally attacked, ridiculed and made example of, just to scare more people into conformity, so that they don't ask questions that might actually get at the truth.
Ultimately, this isn't even about partisan politics, or the us and them game. It's about consciousness, and realizing that we're all in this together.
To label whole groups of people as racist or this or that ...it's a deep state tactic..divide and conquer...and it's wrong to project these things unto people that are only seeking truth, and more accountability in government.
We are in the midst of information warfare and a lot of the information flying around and generally accepted as truth, actually isn't. It has to be a slow rollout, because the so much for people to comprehend and assimilate.
The complexity and darkness of what has been transpiring, and what the control agenda has been on this planet ...and the real reasons why...is mind-blowing.
May Truth come to Light, and may it seal the door where evil grows.
I just want to add that as a former far left liberal, I embraced the perspective that many people still hold today so it was a painful and devastating process to see and fathom the extent of the Control Matrix. I never felt that I was naive but in a way I was because once you know things once you've seen things you can't un-know you can't un-see, So there is a disheartening loss of innocence.
Fortunately I have my spiritual understanding, and communities that helped me reframe it and maintain a positive outlook, despite what I know. As a light worker and a light Warrior I know that some of us came to help liberate humanity and Usher in the Golden Age, not in the afterlife, but here, in this life, in this world. We are anchoring in light and it is lifting us up. And of course, when you bring in light, and shine your light, it exposes the darkness, so things may appear worse than they actually are. It is just part of the unfoldment process, as humanity awakens. We are in the growing pains stage, but it gets better.
Light is information. Information is knowledge. Knowledge is power. Know thyself. You are Love, and Love conquers all. 💓
-Phoenix Boulay
It's just a huge waste of time and taxpayer money. People who aren't paying attention don't realize they didn't actually charge him with a crime. It's just a lot of pomp and circumstance ,because they know it's not gonna fly. They are just stalling because they know they are under investigation, and will be brought up on charges soon. They don't really want it to go to trial, because then they will have to testify under oath and people/ witnesses they don't have control of will be subpoenaed to testify, and that's what they're afraid of. That's why Nancy Pelosi was trying to back off it.
I'm aware of what some of the incriminating evidence might be. There have been hints not just through QAnon, but many Geopolitical analysts and some of the information comes from my spiritual communities. There are insiders I hear through them, you know, intelligence community insiders, White Hats.
The only thing the Cabal still control to a larger extent is the media that's why most people have been duped. Truth is stranger than fiction. However it's pretty obvious things are back firing, people are waking up and they're starting to get angry about what they're learning. That's why we call it #TheGreatAwakening
Patriots are in control...
When people finally realize that conspiracy theorists were right to a large extent, because they will be presented with irrefutable evidence of the crimes by those who sought to destroy the lives of anyone that got in the way of their agenda... When that happens, the paradigm shift will be well under way, and not in the ways they were hoping for.
It's unfortunate that so many people won't listen to or pay attention to ideas that differ from their own, that's how you learn! We were taught that in school, although I don't think they're teaching it anymore.
I see people who express opinions and ideas that differ from the norm being subjected to knee-jerk reactions, criticized, dismissed personally attacked, ridiculed and made example of, just to scare more people into conformity, so that they don't ask questions that might actually get at the truth.
Ultimately, this isn't even about partisan politics, or the us and them game. It's about consciousness, and realizing that we're all in this together.
To label whole groups of people as racist or this or that ...it's a deep state tactic..divide and conquer...and it's wrong to project these things unto people that are only seeking truth, and more accountability in government.
We are in the midst of information warfare and a lot of the information flying around and generally accepted as truth, actually isn't. It has to be a slow rollout, because the so much for people to comprehend and assimilate.
The complexity and darkness of what has been transpiring, and what the control agenda has been on this planet ...and the real reasons why...is mind-blowing.
May Truth come to Light, and may it seal the door where evil grows.
I just want to add that as a former far left liberal, I embraced the perspective that many people still hold today so it was a painful and devastating process to see and fathom the extent of the Control Matrix. I never felt that I was naive but in a way I was because once you know things once you've seen things you can't un-know you can't un-see, So there is a disheartening loss of innocence.
Fortunately I have my spiritual understanding, and communities that helped me reframe it and maintain a positive outlook, despite what I know. As a light worker and a light Warrior I know that some of us came to help liberate humanity and Usher in the Golden Age, not in the afterlife, but here, in this life, in this world. We are anchoring in light and it is lifting us up. And of course, when you bring in light, and shine your light, it exposes the darkness, so things may appear worse than they actually are. It is just part of the unfoldment process, as humanity awakens. We are in the growing pains stage, but it gets better.
Light is information. Information is knowledge. Knowledge is power. Know thyself. You are Love, and Love conquers all. 💓
-Phoenix Boulay
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