Dec 11, 2019, 6:52 PM (6 hours ago)
Operations are taking place ... both physical & non-physical. So much so, that I have to keep this very short, as details would make this too long a story to write about.
Operations are taking place ... both physical & non-physical. So much so, that I have to keep this very short, as details would make this too long a story to write about.
Though I will do my best to provide some sort of report on next week's show, where I'll also have Justin Deshcamps on - to discuss the massive 11th/12th of January Energetic Configuration (Mass Meditation & Astrological opportunity).
All I can say for now is that there's a distinct possibility that the:
- black (physical) magicians
- Chimera & Chimera assets
- Archons
my be 'finished off' by the next Equinox - or maybe sooner - IF we all
approach the remaining path to full liberation with the mindset &
behaviour of Agents (of Light) ...
... NOT 3D matrix civilians.
regular listeners of the motivational & supportive Ground Crew
Command Radio bi-weekly broadcasts ... you know exactly what I mean.
So with constant attacks on the above crucial goals, and ongoing experiments for your benefit here at 144k HQ - this email has to be short.
Patreon subscribers can look forward to a guided visualization up to the ships to meet soul family this FRIDAY
A special guided process with me, will be provided for $10/month & up, Patreon supporters.
This is quite important, not just because galactic family & associated off-world military outfits can provide varying degrees of protection (if you work & or contact them on a regular basis) ...
... but it will also help you free yourself of the civilian mindset (that's conditioned into us by darkness - because civilians don't free countries or planets - Agents do!).
If you haven't subscribed yet via Patreon, to help with Operations & accelerate Planetary Liberation, (incl outreach campaigns to reach critical-mass, etc) click here:
12-12-12 Activation is tomorrow.
This is going to be a big deal.
This is going to be a big deal.
Take time to meditate,(even if just 20mins) & prepare.
If you have 'stuff' coming up (being forced up because of incoming Light, especially on 12/12) don't take it sitting down. With enough High-Level support & protection you can CLEAR IT.
You now have all the support that's been missing in the past. But it is crucial you open your adult mind to this reality - in order to ACCEPT & RECEIVE!
This is something else I've spoken about many times on Ground Crew Command. Without the mental acceptance, not much will change. Your mind really is that powerful!
Boy you're missing out if you're not downloading (for FREE) missed episodes of Ground Crew Command, (just click on 'Ground Crew Command' navigation tab in the 144k Member's Area in the link above).
This also serves the critical need for Starseeds to be there for each other and heal each other – and even more healing techniques will be made available here in the coming weeks.
FM144 Confirms:
The need to awaken and activate other Starseeds
the Unconscious Majority of the surface population.
the Unconscious Majority of the surface population.
This has become URGENT & here's
what we're doing about it.
will be sent to something called The Unity Model and The 6 Critical
Elements To A Successful Starseed/Meditation Group (...because it's a
game-changer if enough Starseeds learn about it) short course within the
next week or so, to help facilitate this.
LOT'S of planet-liberating-acceleration stuff coming your way. It's just a matter of being able to do it & finish them! (which takes tons of time & resources - so do consider subscribing on Patreon, as much more help [in the 3D] is needed).
The BIG Build-Up to the
144k Dec 21 Solstice & Dec 25th
Eclipse Mass Meditations
While Cobra has put all emphasis on the Jan 11/12 Mass Meditation (Energetic Event) ... the 144k
Army of Light is leaving no stone unturned by finishing off the year -
& starting the new year on the highest possible timeline ...
... with huge Mass Meditations on the 21st & 25th. Dates which will be taken very seriously by both sides in this "war".
Thanks to the 6 Critical Elements the 144k applies - they can't stop us!
Not now ...
Not ever ...
Yours In Service ...
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