Some key revelations in this article were discussed by The Unknown Lightwarrior after the Emergency New Moon Meditation Wednesday Night on Blog Talk Radio. I find certain things mind-blowing, as you likely will, too. I have used a somewhat generic headline and my image of choice in hopes that it gets shared widely. Thanks to K.P. for making this full report available just after midnight, EDT ~PB

Full weekly report from Ben.
The so-called coronavirus pandemic has now been definitively traced to 5G electromagnetic attacks, multiple sources agree. In order to stop the hardliners and prevent all-out war, an active hunt has begun for all industry executives and oligarchs involved in the 5G rollout, Western and Asian secret intelligence sources agree. The
targets include the now extinct Bush family and the Chinese Soong family, the sources say.
The hunt is necessary to stop full-scale thermonuclear war because “our analysis of the forensics does show a provocation of war…that is to say we see a full all-out war as highly probable,” MI6 sources say. Chinese hardliners, for their part, are pushing for the destruction of New York in retaliation for the attack on Wuhan, something that could also precipitate a world-destroying war, Asian Secret Society sources say.
There is also new evidence the current pandemic attack on humanity has been planned long in advance. Remember the U.S. dollar bills commemorating 911?
Well now take a look at the money issued in the U.S. and the UK to commemorate this pandemic attack. The first is a fruit-bat (the alleged source of the coronavirus) quarter issued in 2020 by the U.S. mint.
The second is the new UK 20-pound note featuring a picture of a 5G cellphone tower and above it a coronavirus.
This shows how arrogant these people are and how they plan long term, while the rest of us must react to what is immediately happening.
However, that is no longer the case with both the British Secret Service and the Pentagon White Hats now actively targeting the families that own the Federal Reserve Board, the BIS, the European Central Bank and the Bank of Japan.
MI6 sources say:
“We can sum up the current hybrid World War 3 as two camps of belligerents –those who would protect the sovereignty of the traditional nation-state (l’etat c’est moi) and those who would supersede this and impose their will…by way of hybrid advanced technological totalitarianism.”
Pentagon sources for their part say “the death of [George] Bush Jr’s first Treasury Secretary Paul O’Neill may signal the purge of………Wall Street, as the Fed was taken over and the exchange stabilization fund (ESF) diverted from CIA and the Deep State.” Also, “banks may be nationalized and forced to pay a tax on all financial transactions to replace the unconstitutional income tax,” the sources say.
“The Bushes were terminated on collateral intelligence from MI6 following the deep dive on Adnan Sakli and BIS Basel,” European Royal Family sources say.
For those of you who do not know, Adnan Sakli was “the holder of the sovereign titles of all nations, corporations, central banks and currencies.” Sakli did not want this title but was given it and, given the responsibility, he promised to free humanity “from religious, political, economic and corporate enslavement.”
Unfortunately, the Bushes and their Nazi friends killed him and fraudulently took over the accounts. “The Bushes senior and junior were also involved in the theft of Tesla patents. They kill and steal just like all Mafia,” the MI6 sources say.
The aim of the current pandemic engineered by the Bush/Rothschild faction is to centralize control and carry out a eugenic purge of the human population, CIA sources confirm.
In the U.S., 5G is being strongly pushed by Attorney General William Barr and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. Barr has also prevented 911 truth from being disclosed. So those of you who think Barr with his “FISA Gate,” is a white hat, think again. These men need to be removed from the U.S. body politic ASAP.
Before we go further though, let’s explain why this “pandemic” attack on the human race is centered on 5G by quoting a reader comment based on the work of three Nobel Prize-winning doctors:
“5G electromagnetic radiation injures human cellular DNA. The exposed cells (of all kinds within the human target) respond by producing a cascade of immunological protective substances. These substances are packaged in an intracellular structure called an endosome. The endosome is expelled from the cell, becoming an exosome.
The exosome circulates and binds to the ACE 2 receptors of the lung, gut, and heart. The exposed cell response is the same if the exposure is 5G or COVID-19 (the flu). The immunological chemicals in the exosome package attack the ACE 2 possessing cells producing the effect of 5G radiation exposure or the flu, which is being covered up as COVID-19.
The COVID-19 case rate is 96% in 5G areas and only 4% in 4G or lower areas. 5G is being deployed in well-populated areas, so we would expect more cases there. BUT the mortality rate for known outcomes (deaths/(death + recoveries)) is over 2 times higher in the 5G areas. This cannot be just due to COVID-19 and we have statistical evidence of this for over 1.9 million cases!”
The electron-microscopic appearances of the endosome/exosome structure are being incorrectly referred to as the virus particle in the cell/circulation. The Nobel prize for Medicine was won for work on this in 2013 – check this out:
Still not convinced? Well, how about this:
“Professor Yitzhak Ben Israel of Tel Aviv University, plotted the rates of new coronavirus infections of the U.S., U.K., Sweden, Italy, Israel, Switzerland, France, Germany, and Spain. The numbers told a shocking story: irrespective of whether the country quarantined like Israel, or went about business as usual like Sweden, coronavirus peaked and subsided in the exact same way. In the exact, same, way.”
In other words, the current pandemic could not have been caused by a virus or else the quarantines should have made a statistical difference.
The Japanese government confirmed the dangers of 5G when they tested it on the cruise ship Diamond Princess before stopping, at the last minute, a panned nation-wide rollout of the technology. This rollout was being pushed by Bush ally and Soong family representative Son Masayoshi of Softbank, Asian secret society sources say.
Here is what the P3 Freemasons had to say about this:
“Ten percent of the Chinese Communist Party is in the hands of the sister of Madame Soong, a very cruel woman…she is in contact with the daughter of Xi Jinping…they are under the control of the Zionists and the bad side of Israel via the Red Star Foundation using Quanto 49 (Quanto is a derivative used in this case to convert FRB money into Chinese Renminbi).”
If the Soong family has anything they wish to say, on their behalf, they know how to contact this writer.
Remember the attack on Wuhan was traced to a company owned by the Soros Foundation, which is a Rothschild front. The Rothschilds are allied with a Chinese faction that supports the idea of a man-made Armageddon.
OK now let us take a look at some of the other huge changes taking place around the world as this hybrid war rages on.
In the U.S., NSA officials have noted that U.S. President Donald Trump has been replaced by a new Trump. The new Trump has white around the eyes and does not have the jowls of the previous Trump, they say. However, a source in the White House close to Trump says:
“No, same Trump, but he does have an almost perfect double. He has skin cancer and they are doing patches. They cannot do normal treatment because he would be away from business too long and he doesn’t want the public to know.”
In other words, the double is being used for public appearances because of the patches but, the real Trump is still in charge.
However, there is clearly a civil war raging inside an increasingly chaotic U.S. In the latest developments the Pentagon has deployed 10,000 troops each to Washington DC and New York to clean up cabalists, Pentagon sources say. Trump has also called for the “liberation” of Michigan, Minnesota, and Virginia. “The U.S. military is now must mopping up,” is how Pentagon sources describe the situation.
Maybe but the fighting is clearly raging on in this chaotic hybrid war, as prisoners are being released en masse, central bank money is being distributed directly to the people while trade has frozen, and the economy is in a tailspin. There are also attempts to create food shortages in the U.S. by shutting down meat and other food processing plants using this electronically engineered pandemic as an excuse.
To deal with the situation, U.S. troops are being returned from Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Saudi Arabia and other parts of the world. In Asia, the U.S. has withdrawn all of its B52 bombers from Guam.
Of course one must ask why the U.S. still has B52s, which were created in 1952 when they have anti-gravity technology making these planes totally obsolete. The fact the U.S. air force academy graduates are now joining the U.S. Space Force shows the disclosure of hidden technology is imminent and that may be why the B52 dinosaurs are retiring.
Pentagon sources note “Trump signed an executive order to open space to international cooperation on resource extraction, effectively calling for a multipolar world order and an end to wars.”
In Europe meanwhile, CIA sources report German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Emmanuel Macron and UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson have all been replaced. In the UK we were able to confirm via a friend of the family that Johnson’s father has been unable to get in contact with his son.
There is chaos in much of the rest of the world as well. IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva says that 100 countries have asked for emergency financial assistance. However, it seems the IMF itself does not have money because it is “urgently seeking $18 billion in new loan resources.” Sorry isn’t this the same IMF that says it has distributed $8 trillion recently via the G20? If they are handing out trillions why are they begging for billions?
The overall insanity being observed in the West is the result of a broken paradigm collapsing. The IMF, World Bank, the UN and other pillars of this broken system are going to be either radically restructured or replaced with new organizations, according to European Royal Family sources involved in rebooting the system.
It is likely there will be more hardship and chaos because the old system needs to be demolished before it can be replaced with a new paradigm. However, the people involved in this ongoing pandemic should all be rounded up by early May, CIA, MI6 and Pentagon sources say. So hopefully, April showers will bring May flowers.
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