A string of strange events and announcements has me wondering if some big news is about to drop. It began with the transition from Sean Hannity’s show to Laura Ingraham’s show on Thursday night. Hannity has been wearing a “punisher” lapel pin all week. When Laura Ingraham first mentioned the pin early in the week, Hannity said it was nothing more than a tribute to Spiderman episode #129, (published in February of 1974), featuring Frank Castle—an anti-hero also known as the Punisher.

If you follow Qanon, you know he often posts a punisher image similar to the one Frank Castle has emblazoned on his chest. When Ingraham first brought up the punisher pin, Hannity explicitly denied that it had anything to do with “conspiracies” (a reference to discussions on Twitter about Q, Hannity, and the punisher). Optics are important, and apparently, Hannity hasn’t been given the green light yet to discuss Q openly, so he feigns ignorance when the subject is mentioned.
What has me curious right now is the cryptic warning he gave to the media mob as he asked viewers to tune in Monday night for two big announcements. He told the media to have a nice weekend and told viewers they should set their DVRs to record Monday’s show. My impression from that statement was that a big news story is about to break that involves members of the press, and Hannity has an exclusive on it.
Hannity - Ingraham April 25 2020
•Apr 25, 2020
Friday morning, the New York Times published a story explaining that U.S Attorney John Durham is investigating leaks of information from the Obama intelligence community to the press. Included in the investigation is the leak of transcripts of General Mike Flynn’s phone calls to former Russian Ambassador Kislyak. This won’t come as a surprise to those who are following the Spygate investigation, but it is a significant event. The Times would not ordinarily publish a story like this unless they were trying to create a narrative ahead of another news story that they know will cast them specifically, or the anti-Trump press in general, in a bad light.
On a side note, according to a court filing by General Flynn’s attorney Sidney Powell, the Flynn transcripts were leaked by Colonel James Baker, who works in the Pentagon’s Office of Net Assessment. David Ignatius of the Washington Post broke the story on Flynn’s phone calls to Ambassador Kislyak. That story led to increased media speculation that President Trump was colluding with Russia. (Baker is on my list as one of the first people likely to be indicted as a Spygate conspirator.)
Immediately after The Times article was published Friday morning, it was announced that the DOJ had filed under seal, exculpatory evidence in General Flynn’s case. In December, Q suggested that evidence which would exonerate Flynn could not be presented in his case (yet) because that same evidence was before a grand jury that was about to indict the people who illegally spied on him.

General Flynn’s Twitter account has been silent since September of 2017. (Coincidentally, General Flynn went dark one month before Q first posted). Last night, the General finally broke his silence, posting a tweet that included a link to his motion to withdraw his guilty plea.
I’ve never spoken to General Flynn. I don’t know why he has been silent on Twitter. I would assume it was a precaution taken to limit liability as he navigated the pitfalls of the Mueller investigation. The fact that he broke his silence on the day the DOJ turned over evidence in his favor is a positive sign.
Hannity seems to have a scoop. We’ll know more about Monday. I may be wrong, but I suspect it will expose some part of the media’s role as a Spygate conspirator, and perhaps, reveal how General Flynn was set up by the deep state.
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