Monday, April 20, 2020

Redefining Truth, Conspiracy and Spirituality

Redefining Truth, Conspiracy and Spirituality
Phoenix Boulay
11 hrs

I do not agree with much of what is in this article (below), although I found the term amusing. I would re-define it and say, I am a Conspirituality Therapist, I will take you to a Deep State where you will join #TheGreatAwakening -but it won't be a sit-back-and-relax journey, it will be a seat-of-your-pants rollercoaster ride. If only I could show you, through virtual reality goggles, take you on a trip, into my world.

The person who wrote the article seems to have gotten their definition of Conspiracy Theorist from Mainstream Mockingbird Media. No critical thinking involved there! He should talk to military personnel involved in human trafficking rescues before casting aspersions on things the MSM dismissed as looney. People are SO afraid to have a conversation about things they clearly know nothing about, perhaps because they might learn something dark that will make them uncomfortable. Easier to dismiss and feel superior. Some of the things the author mentioned are complex and can't be explained in a 30 second soundbite, which is where normal people get their information about such things. If you take everything at face value, you will have a shallow interpretation of what is actually transpiring. I would say there are a LOT of Conspiracy Theorists who utilize critical thinking, including those in the Truther and QAnon movements, which are not at all as they have been portrayed by Mockingbird Media. Trust me, I wish I could unknow some of what I've learned, I wish I could unsee, unhear, some of what I've seen, and heard. But knowing what I know compels me to act.

While it's true that some of the spiritual communities attract misguided souls who can't face harsh realities and want to be "saved" (by E.Ts, Sananda or whoever). Old School New Agers know we are playing the long game and we must take action and be actively involved in planetary liberation, and that it is not about "staying positive" or overnight Nirvana, it is about working in teams, personal and group intention, consciousness, awakening and participation. For example, there are also literally MILLIONS of people that participated in one of several Mass Meditations 2 weekends ago, on April 4th/5th, with the collective intent to shift the paradigm to a positive timeline and wrestle power from the dark (Controller-Dominators /Cabal/Bad Actors) to the visionaries (The Alliance/White Hats/Good Guys).

Just because the average person doesn't see what is obvious to millions, doesn't mean it's not real, doesn't make us crazy, delusional, etc. all the words slung at us. Are we always right? No, but nobody is always right, because humans have free will, thus timelines (potential futures) can shift and play out in a different trajectory. Many of the "conspiracies" turn out to be true or have truth in them. The easiest way to find out is to follow the money. But when you do research, use a different browser than Google, they censor search results. Try it, you'll see.There is a connection to one political party's politicians and relatives who work in media, which partly explains part of why the media is biased. I don't mean a few people, I mean dozens and dozens. Research it. There are also puppet-masters, wealthy individuals who thrive on controlling the masses through fear, and funding chaos and disruption, often operate slush funds under the guise of charities.

It's not my job to educate anyone, I just share things I believe are of value, and those who understand appreciate that. Yet there is nothing more irritating then when someone with limited scope and a closed mind tries to school me on their version of "reality". I am sick of being ridiculed and made an outcast by normal people simply because I am more observant, informed and aware. I have nothing to prove, time will tell, as it often does. The shit is about to hit the fan in this country. You will be shocked when you learn some hard truths. I was, and I'm used to this stuff! You've been seduced by those with their own agenda, who do NOT care about you as much as they care about their own power and wealth. There is a war for your consciousness, so wake up, Neo! It's getting late! We need to take back our sovereignty, liberate the planet (and humanity) and co-create peace on earth!

My rant above was a response to this article  on Medium, which ignores many inconvenient truths:

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