I can't say I ever thought of a virus as an spirit Animal Totem, but it is a living organism, and I agree that a virus has something to teach Humanity.
It is time to regroup and let go of your target.
There is something better waiting for you.
Nothing organic on this planet has been left untouched by the virus.
All of the world’s living entities are susceptible to this
micro-organism. The virus totem is a very difficult spirit animal and
primarily deals with our shadow aspect of the self. However, there are
redeeming qualities in all creatures, and this organism is not exempt in
this category. If a virus dream or power animal of any kind appears in
your life, I strongly suggest that you do some research into the origins
of the virus. Many times, it has transferred to us from another animal
species. If this is the case, then that species should be incorporated
into our self-analysis of why we have brought this virus meaning into
our lives.
Meaning, Symbolism, and Messages
In this case, virus symbolism is giving you notice that some
things in your life are getting out of hand. Thus, it’s now time to let
go of your preconceived perceptions of things and allow for new things
to take their place. Make a note of all the small irritations in your
life right now and make an effort to resolve them before they entirely
overwhelm you.
Alternatively, the virus meaning is letting you know that you can no
longer postpone your healing journey. Thus, you must find the inner
strength to step up and face your fears and resolve festering issues.
Often it is the fear that is making things larger than they are. In
fact, there are many ways and many paths, find one that works for you.
Occasionally, virus symbolism will enter your life when you
are feeling small in the world. Therefore, it is reminding by allowing
yourself to shine forth in all of your glory. Thus, you will let
yourself to be accountable to the universe. In doing so, you will
practice the art of self-truth and do your part in this world.
Virus Totem
Like the bee and the ant,
people with the virus totem are excellent workers and good at setting
goals and accomplishing them. They are often crusaders and protesters.
Moreover, they love to work in large groups that align with their
principles and will work tirelessly to achieve their visions. Folks with
this spirit animal totem sometimes struggle with negativity and
negative thought processes. Therefore, they will have a hard time
protecting themselves against others who tend to be negative around
In some cases, the virus totem can be a particularly tricky spirit.
These folks will have to be aware of their parasitic tendencies and can
also be quite toxic to others. However, their virtues far outweigh these
shadow aspects. Virus people are knowledgeable, share information
readily, do not pretend to be experts on subjects they do not know of,
are truthful, ambitious, and trustworthy. They do not pretend to be
anything other than what they are and are comfortable with themselves.
People with the virus totem have no issue with letting go of control or forcing others to let go. They also healthily express grief and are unafraid of their emotions.
Virus Dream Interpretation
Like the parrot,
when you have a virus dream, the symbolism insists that you examine the
patterns in your life that you have inherited from your ancestors.
Thus, by reviewing these reoccurring events and delving deep into why
they happen, you can heal the past as well as the presents. It is time
to release these karmic patterns and move on.
Alternatively, if you dream that you are under attack by these
micro-organisms, then you must look closely at the people with which you
are surrounding yourself. These people are toxic to your well being in
some way, and you will have to figure out precisely what it is. Perhaps
these people are making you feel small or forcing their negativity on you. In other words, find ways to protect yourself from this negativity.
Occasionally, a virus dream can herald a particularly tumultuous
period in your life. Perhaps an illness or upheaval of some sot is in
the works. Take the time to research all of the aspects of this dream
and act accordingly.
This particular virus meaning is an expression of grief and soul
sorrow. In other words, it embodies the belief that our planet is
doomed, yet we do nothing about it. Coronavirus reflects the collective
conscious thought that we are entitled to everything in this world
without balancing the requirements of this planet. Yet our soul knows
that this is not in keeping with our spirit. Therefore this flu forces
us to shift from selfishness to selflessness. It also requires a
near-death experience to enforce the change. This virus feeds off
futility and brings back hope to those who care enough to search
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