Excerpts from
The Quantum Awakening
& Newsletter
by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
I am a reflection of all of your faces. I am a light that exists through space and time, not to be shackled, not to be corralled, and not to be pegged into any one spot. As I peer out through the clouds, I ask you to wink back at me as you see in fullness with eyes beyond the optic. The un-doing of you is what you have been born for. Allow this un-doing to be completed, as you are unraveled from the very epics of self that have so long been your truth. You will now experience new chapters with endings different than you ever imagined and ever pondered in the past.
I am where light bends. I have the ability to help you see around the next corner of your experience, the next corner of your thought, the next corner of your day. Look ahead – but not in a straightened fashion. For the world as you know it, bends to the left of itself. It is at that point of intersection that history may or may not repeat itself. It is at that bend in the refraction of life that you all sit. Perception influences all. If your perception shifts in accordance with your light encodings, with your heart-felt understanding and love, then your world cannot run astray. That is how and where you bend in space and time at this appropriate intersection. Truth only exists when it has a host. If you do not invite another’s truth into your den, it will have no place to slumber. Be aware; be very aware of the truths that you allow to spend the night in your heart.
Listen for the truths that speak to you that do not come from human lips. Listen as all life embeds itself within your cellular structure. Listen as light from the stars whispers to you in your sleep with words that you spoke hundreds of light years before. At this intersection of time and space the light bends.
The light that shines behind the light, peers out through its reflection, initiating to those who are willing to see, what is yet to come. The gifts unfold as mummified wrappings, layer by layer. What is seen is not real. What is real can only be felt with the senses and not seen as a solid object. Much moves about in your day that you bump elbows with, but know not that it exists. Much moves about in your heavens, but you see it not with the bold blue backdrop.
I am the essence that is known as the Great Attractor. I call back to myself, all that has been created. As Creation is pulled back into itself, it changes form over and over again until ultimately it is pure energy. This is the same ability that you hold inherently. As you call back to you all light and life, it changes form in accordance with your perceptions. Formlessness only requires form when it is needed. If your world feels as if is collapsing upon it self, know that the form is calling itself back home into formlessness. Do not hold on to what wishes to become light in your thinking, in your world, and in your expectations. I leave you with these thoughts.
Mighty I AM Presence, Beloved God, My Heavenly Source, Please make manifest in me now the Sacred Violet Flame of Transmutation. Bring the Violet Flame into every cell, molecule and atom of my body filling me totally and completely.
Blessed Violet Flame blaze into my Heart and expand out and around all of my bodies, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual, surrounding my entire Being with your Divine Grace, Love, Mercy and Forgiveness.
Transmute all karma, negative thoughts, actions, deeds and energy that I have ever created at any time, in all dimensions, on all levels, in all bodies, through all time and space, past, present and future, for all Eternity. Transmute everything that no longer serves me in body, mind and spirit; including false beliefs, lower emotions, and physical challenges.
Violet Flame transmute this current issue I wish to change in my life (describe issue). . . . turn it into (state desired result). Transmute anything and everything that stands in my way of embodying the Ascended Christ Being of That I AM.
Beloved Violet Flame turn all that has been transmuted Into the Gold and Platinum Light of God, the Christ Consciousness, The Light of God that never fails. Send this Gold and Platinum Light to me now, filling and surrounding my entire body with its Divine Radiance. Raise my vibration and frequency to the highest level possible for me at this time.
So Be It and So It Is. Thank You God. Amen.
Great Invocation
From the point of Light within the Mind of God
Let light stream forth into the minds of men.
Let Light descend on Earth.
Let light stream forth into the minds of men.
Let Light descend on Earth.
From the point of Love within the Heart of God
Let love stream forth into the hearts of men.
May Christ* return to Earth.
Let love stream forth into the hearts of men.
May Christ* return to Earth.
From the center where the Will of God is known
Let purpose guide the little wills of men –
The purpose which the Light Masters know and serve.
Let purpose guide the little wills of men –
The purpose which the Light Masters know and serve.
From the center which we call the race of men
Let the Plan of Love and Light work out,
And seal the door where evil dwells forever.
Let the Plan of Love and Light work out,
And seal the door where evil dwells forever.
Let Light and Love and Power
restore the Plan on Earth.(3 times)
In the Name of the Almighty Presence of God “I AM”.
Beloved Elohim, Arcturus, and Lady Diana, Archangel Zadkiel and Holy Lady Amethyst,
Beloved Master Saint Germain and Lady Portia,
all the Masters serving the Seventh Ray of Violet Fire to our Earth.
Great Powers of healing Purification and Spiritual strength serving on all the Twelve Rays…
come forth now with the Angels of Transmuting Fire to intensify the Violet Fire for our sweet Earth.
(9x, quick tempo)

From your Hostess of Light
For the Full array of articles, see:
The Quantum Awakening
The Quantum Awakening Newsletter, May 2020
(9x, quick tempo)
From your Hostess of Light
Lately I feel like I’m enacting an old Hogan’s Hero
TV rerun. Where the German guard Schultz says ‘I know nothing’ when
questioned. I can totally relate because these dimensional sands are a
shifting. I consider myself really tuned in to all aspects of life,
energy and Light and still ‘ I know nothing’ of how this episode ends.
Each time a new layer of truth is caught mid-flight only a single
feather falls to the Earth, as the rest of the flock takes off in
directions unknown.
Every day I open my body mind spirit
and heart to the Future, to what is to come, to what we are creating,
and what is divinely decreed. And yet the incoming image is fuzzy and
distorted like a floating mirage seen, But unseen. So many people seem
to be fading as they lose their true reflection of who they are amidst
the chaos and misperception. They seek a peaceful time, a time that no
longer exists within this paradigm. They seek who they once were in all
their Fanfare and Glory. As time progresses most of those happy
holographic images become like an ancient cave drawing that fades in the
summer sun. Just like a newly designed kids Lego set we are
streamlining, reconstructing and Re-sculpting every inch of our
perception, Building new DNA and life from the Ashes of the Phoenix. We
were born to be the Sons and Daughters of Light of Hope and of a fuzzy
future. We were born to believe when no one else does. We are the
champions of Light.
Physically, psychically emotionally and
virtually it is time to grab the hand and the heart of those you love
and that which loves you. Hold tight and encircle your Heart
encampment. Do not break The Circle of Love No Matter what comes at you
in all of its misleading forms. Like a living life raft that moves
consciously through a biblical flood, hold tight to the humanness and
love within each other. Like a swarm of bees that encircle a New Young
Queen, hold tight to each other creating a protective matrix of love
that neither man, nor thing can take asunder.
As the energy of Gemini dances with the
big ole Taurus Bull we feel pulled in every direction, stretched like
tanned cow hide rough and harden, strewn about like Styrofoam packing
bubbles on a gusty day. The dark and the light of the mischievous
Gemini twins demands that we make peace with the pushy Bull energy
within self. Everyone is a little more sensitive, a little grouchy, a
lot preoccupied, but mostly confused and unclear. We seek the council
of our own heart because we do not want to burden friends and family yet
all we hear is static. Our moods and thoughts change like the emoji’s
we send trying to show what lives deep within. We do not feel like we
fit in our skin, our life or our thoughts. Like invasion of the body
snatchers are we becoming the zombies? We look at life eye to eye and
wonder what the heck happened?
In this place of many bowed mirrors
there is a new reflection and a need to understand and love that new
reflection. The fork in the upcoming planetary road will lead us down a
jarring path of choice and belief, A place where compasses no longer
work and the landscape breathes, shifting and pulsing with all
possibilities. Yet at this point of intersection nothing seems cemented
in time. The teachings of a fluid airy mercury and Gemini are animated
and unpredictable just like the movement of liquid mercury itself, life
and time move in counter directions by passing all cosmic law.The Gemini
inner twins are both identical and fraternal of nature. They mirror
each other but they also bend light and rebound each other.
Unpredictable is the word for this season of fluid restructure.
Everything seems turned upside down floating in the opposite direction
of the flow. Who we once thought we were is no longer viable in this
dimensional flux of planetary change.
Earth does not keep the same shape or
color or sound on a daily basis, she breathes in and out, expands and
contracts, huffs and puffs and usually blows her stack at least once a
day. Due to this time periods spatial needs earth drifts like Gilligan’s
island moving ever so slightly with the changing light. We all know
where we should be, but the head-winds of mandatory change are powerful
and they push us off course, we find our self in a new land with new
rules. It is best to no longer be attached to any outcomes, as they
have taken flight and now soar on the upper level holy winds. A doorway
of fruitfulness opens this summer on June 21st, we will have
a magnified summer solstice with a solar eclipse. A seeded future
awaits all of us. Like the land after a devastating fire the seeds that
are birthed are unknown of destiny. The light quotient increases every
day from now to the summer solstice when it reaches peak saturation.
This summer asks us to delve down the
rabbit hole of self and see what our soul is made of pushing us into all
facets and fissures of self. Mirrors and reflections are portals of
transport to places that cannot be seen with the naked eye. The place of mirrors
that lives within comes to reveal what needs to be seen, loved and
healed and released. Time doors open and close faster than the blink of
an eye. Truth and time are individual, and do not present a singular
view. The eclipses of June 5 and June 21 give us back missing
pieces/peace of ourselves. Like tying a yellow ribbon around the old oak
tree we celebrate little victories. That which has appeared emptied now
becomes full, freeing itself from past outlines and description. A
transferal of realms occurs escorting you into the connection
cornerstone where time lives. All limitations are transmuted in this
expanded version of reality. Do you have the courage to leap open-eyed
into the fluid point of possibility that is now being birthed? Relax
into the Shifts look at them eye to eye. See beyond what is shown.
For the Full array of articles, see:
The Quantum Awakening
The Quantum Awakening Newsletter, May 2020
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