Last week I made a post expressing my enthusiasm for the pending Mike Flynn exoneration, with a link to new information (via a WSJ article) about indications of a plot coming from high up the chain-of-command, Comey and/or Obama. I took a quote from the article and commented that this is just the beginning, as we move into learning more about FISA and #Declass.
A friend I knew in California for over 20 years made multiple visits to the post over a period of several days (unbeknownst to me). He made increasingly nasty comments and personal attacks on me (see description in comments below) that I found shocking and intolerable. I had to unfriend him (while refuting most of his comments point-by-point) in order to prevent him from continuing. I never attacked him or anything he represents. He viciously assigned erroneous beliefs and associations to me that are untrue. We have dozens and dozens of mutual friends. I actually made the article public after that so people could see and for my own protection.
I am a a former Liberal and current Centrist/Independent Patriot, not a Conservative. If Liberals are becoming unhinged and unleashing on people unjustly in May, what's going to happen come Autumn? I did not deserve this, and felt a need to set the world straight on MY OWN PERSPECTIVE. This is not something someone else can or should take liberty to convey. Interesting to note that every day more and more evidence is being declassified that supports the fact that were was a plot against Flynn.~PB
Phoenix Boulay
Apparently some of you missed my post from yesterday, where, in my angst, I mentioned that I have had enough, I am on edge, so don't come to my wall to argue with me about my posts, or intentionally trigger me. Don't like it? Don't read it. Don't like me? Unfriend me. I have no interest in arguing. And for God's sake don't freaking TELL ME what I believe, because chances are extremely high that you're wrong.
My beliefs are fluid because I'm always learning and taking new things into account. My beliefs are not set in stone. Yet some of my beliefs are consistent and ongoing. For example, I still think that most people have good intent, despite the chaos we see in the world. It is a minority of people who cause problems by their attitude of service to self over service to others. Even well- meaning people may seem misguided. Sometimes I'm wrong about things, sometimes I'm right --but that's irrelevant. It's not about being right or wrong, one or the other. It's about discovering who and what we resonate with.
The point of sharing information is to live and learn, to be exposed to
ideas and information outside our experience or normal sphere of
influence. To spark one another to think in new ways. None of us "know
it all". I have friends of all ages, all walks and beliefs. Some of my
truest friends lovingly tolerate my eccentric perspectives (as I do
theirs!), or at least ignore what aspects they don't resonate with. They
do not condemn me nor attempt to define me by it, or 'set me straight'
over it, nor do they try to shame me or shut me up for my
self-expression. (We have family for that
I am not saying you can't engage. You can tell me what YOU believe. I just don't need people coming at me with preset notions of who I am, or what I'm about. So, to have the audacity to tell me WHAT I believe? --that will get you bounced. I won't tolerate that kind of disrespect.
Like many, I work hard to get in to my heart space, which gives me a multi dimensional perspective, and lifts me out of this dualistic battle that too many people appear to enjoy.
Between the daily challenges to stay in our hearts, and the timeline wars and wobbles that give a surreal tint to our gaze, we have enough to contend with, without engaging in conflict, losing hope or giving up on our dreams.
Everything we need to know is not necessarily already inside us, but the key to the door that leads to it, is within. In order to co-create a better reality for all, and to manifest our dreams, we have to have peace, understanding, love and compassion. Inspiration and cooperation. This is not something 'out there'. Yes, it is a current we can tune into at any time, but it is something we cultivate within ourselves. So many of you are better at it than me. We all go at our own pace.
In this moment, let's try to keep an open mind and an open heart. All we ever have, is now. ☮💖☯️~~~
(pertinent comment)
XXXX XXXXXXXXX Well said my dear! And whatever you say and belief, please don’t get upset about what other people say, it might be because they’re narrow-minded or not open to new opinions. You’re the best and I love you for being a true friend! Hang in there! ❤️🌹🎈
(response to comment)
ThanksXXXXXXXYou area a true friend as well and a solutions, win-win, why not, kind of person. I always learn a lot from you. (and drinking wine is fun too! ;)
I do not care what others Believe or say, I DO care about being subjected to personal attack because they didn't like my post, so this person (XXXXX XXXXX) attacked my character, my beliefs, my intelligence, my education, and ascribed thoughts, words and deeds to me that were untrue. It was nasty and enormously disrespectful. fb removed my link to my own post, but here it is again.
I have screenshots of all of it, I was floored.
2 days later:
(The link has a limited audience now.)

I am not saying you can't engage. You can tell me what YOU believe. I just don't need people coming at me with preset notions of who I am, or what I'm about. So, to have the audacity to tell me WHAT I believe? --that will get you bounced. I won't tolerate that kind of disrespect.
Like many, I work hard to get in to my heart space, which gives me a multi dimensional perspective, and lifts me out of this dualistic battle that too many people appear to enjoy.
Between the daily challenges to stay in our hearts, and the timeline wars and wobbles that give a surreal tint to our gaze, we have enough to contend with, without engaging in conflict, losing hope or giving up on our dreams.
Everything we need to know is not necessarily already inside us, but the key to the door that leads to it, is within. In order to co-create a better reality for all, and to manifest our dreams, we have to have peace, understanding, love and compassion. Inspiration and cooperation. This is not something 'out there'. Yes, it is a current we can tune into at any time, but it is something we cultivate within ourselves. So many of you are better at it than me. We all go at our own pace.
In this moment, let's try to keep an open mind and an open heart. All we ever have, is now. ☮💖☯️~~~
(pertinent comment)
XXXX XXXXXXXXX Well said my dear! And whatever you say and belief, please don’t get upset about what other people say, it might be because they’re narrow-minded or not open to new opinions. You’re the best and I love you for being a true friend! Hang in there! ❤️🌹🎈
(response to comment)
ThanksXXXXXXXYou area a true friend as well and a solutions, win-win, why not, kind of person. I always learn a lot from you. (and drinking wine is fun too! ;)
I do not care what others Believe or say, I DO care about being subjected to personal attack because they didn't like my post, so this person (XXXXX XXXXX) attacked my character, my beliefs, my intelligence, my education, and ascribed thoughts, words and deeds to me that were untrue. It was nasty and enormously disrespectful. fb removed my link to my own post, but here it is again.
I have screenshots of all of it, I was floored.
2 days later:
(The link has a limited audience now.)
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