The Everyday Astrology Podcast 130. 📞Gemini New Moon 22.07.2020- these are slippery complicated times we are in🌱 The future is yours to create. by Hillory Skott
May 22, 2020
Friday May 22 the Moon is New in fast thinking Gemini. Reality is a shifting kaleidoscope of possibilities. Saturn, Jupiter and Venus all went retrograde between May 10-14. We have entered a phase of review while we forge ahead. Venus is the most notable. Not a great time to start something entirely new, but a wonderful time to get in touch with what won’t work.
Venus retrograde is a great time to find treasures, antiques and old stuff worth more than you have to pay for it. Review is fruitful and revealing. Venus in Gemini seeks the freedom to explore all the options. Former relationships may reappear for review. If they do, don’t get your hopes up. It’s likely to put something to rest. Apologize when you realize you need to.
Venus goes retrograde for 40 days. It travels as an evening star and shifts to a morning star by the time it moves direct June 24. It’s not an easy time. Pleasure is hard to come by. We feel hungry and unsatisfied when we search outside ourselves. Start a dialogue with yourself. Write in a journal. Capture your dreams. Turn within for meaningful answers.
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Much gratitude to Janosh for the Images.
Special Thanks to East Coast Radio Creative
Much gratitude to Janosh for the Images.
Special Thanks to East Coast Radio Creative
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