Chickens! yesterday, and today, we have Chickens AND Turkeys! See below for Spirit Animal Totem messages.
Yes, this is in the city..5 miles from downtown Boston, in the Jamaica Plain district.

The chickens live 3 houses over, on the corner, the fence is on the side street. They all come running over...then the disappointment as they realize you are not feeding them...
Chicken Symbolism
Listen before forming any opinions or conclusions today. Pay attention!-Chicken
Chicken Meaning, and Messages
In this case, Chicken symbolism is asking you to take the time for some internal evaluation. In other words, the Chicken meaning reminds you that you must scratch the surface of your emotions to see what lies underneath. Therefore, you must ask yourself if you are responding to the circumstances around you from your heart. Or, on the other hand, is your head ruling and allowing things to spiral out of control. Whenever you find yourself in this place, Chicken symbolism prompts you to take a step back. Moreover, this spirit animal inspires you to make sure that you are grounded in your heart. Only then can you approach your problem from a spiritual sense and see what your next step is – if any.
The Pheasant, Turkey, Quail, and Peacock are all relatives of this bird.
Chicken Totem, Spirit Animal
People with Chicken totem are bold in their approach to life. They dare to accomplish anything and everything they to which they set their mind. Folks with this spirit animal totem are enthusiastic about everything they do. They also know how to balance patience with action. These people have a knack for using currently available resources in new and unusual ways. Therefore, they get amazingly different results than most others would. People with this power animal are highly social and tend to be somewhat territorial with their surroundings. They prefer social situations rather than solitude. These folks also have an uncanny ability to uncover the truth.
Chicken Dream Interpretation
In general, a Chicken dream is a message that you may have to re-evaluate your response to something in your waking life. Are you responding from your heart or out of fear? Are you backing down when you should be standing up for yourself?
Alternatively, the bird may be representative of chatter and gossip. Thus you should make sure that you are listening well enough to others and hearing what they have to say. Conversely, you may be participating in unhealthy hearsay. Therefore, be sure to take the time to work through things and see where it takes you. Usually, you can grow from it!
Notably, one of these fowl in your dream is also a symbol of your vast potential. The vision is letting you know that to achieve your potential, you must find the courage to overcome your fears.
Additional Associations for Chicken

The turkeys are wild and are seen wandering on nearby Sheridan Street from time to time.
Beautiful feathers! There were people coming from every direction, but they never panicked.
Turkey Symbolism
You may need to redirect your energy in a more balanced and efficient way.-Turkey
Turkey Meaning, and Messages
In this case, Turkey symbolism is a good omen. Thus it indicates that great gifts are on their way to you. However, you must also understand that this bird, like the Octopus, is always a symbol of sacrifice for renewal. In other words, this spirit animal reminds you that you have to let go of something for new things to arrive. Therefore the Turkey meaning tells you that generosity will open the doors to growth and rebirth.
Alternatively, Turkey symbolism also reminds you that nothing is an endless resource. Therefore, you must honor and nurture the abundant supplies on offer. Furthermore, you must be sure that you cultivate and care for those renewable resources that benefit your life. Regardless of your circumstances, now is the time to listen to your higher vision. After all, this is the best way to achieve your goals, whether they are spiritual, physical, mental, or emotional.
Turkey Totem, Spirit Animal
People with Turkey totem tend to be the “abundance generator” for their friends, family, and community. In other words, like the Buffalo and the Angelfish, they have a gift for attracting all the bounty of the universe available to them. Plus, they are willing to share. Folks with this spirit animal totem will often take care of the needs of others before they meet their own needs simply because all life is sacred to them.
Additionally, these people easily translate their life experiences into growth and understanding. Moreover, they recognize that what they do for others they also do for themselves.
Turkey Dream Interpretation
When you have a Turkey dream, it may signify an abundant increase in business. Thus, for the farmer, it would symbolize bumper crops for which they will be well-paid. Conversely, this type of vision can also mean that you are being foolish, and therefore not thinking clearly. If you see these birds dressed for the market, it indicates an improvement in your financial affairs.
Alternatively, to dream that you are eating this bird indicates that a joyful occasion is approaching. Thus it may represent a holiday feast. To see these birds flying symbolizes a rapid transition from financial uncertainty to abundance and social position.
To dream that you are hunting or shooting this bird means that you are acquiring your riches dishonestly.
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