It’s tough to keep moving forward after decades of working on the ascension paradigm and for most of us, this has been lifetimes of struggle. We’re closer than we have ever been but we need to stop looking for ‘the end’ and jumping to conclusions about when that happens.
We also need to stop jumping into action mode without listening first for the clues and directions that will guide us along the most efficient and least painful path. We receive lots of instructions and support but if we are looking for the end of this road we will miss the great information that will actually help us move beyond the suffering. Let me explain.
When I moved to my new house in Greensboro I also got new phone service with a new company. Now there’s always a learning curve with technology and phones are no different, even land lines. To record customer sessions I have to flash to a second line and dial into the recording service. For the first few weeks when I dialed in and it took a long time for the service to connect. I thought my phone service wasn’t working and I was getting a little desperate. I needed to have this option to record customer sessions. If it didn’t work, what was I going to do?
One day, while I was waiting for the phone service to switch over, the automated ATT voice came on and I couldn’t dial through it, as I normally did, because I was multi-tasking. This time I heard the entire message, which said, ‘dial the number and press the pound key’. Press the pound key? I didn’t know I had to do that. So I tried it, I dialed the recording service and included the # key and was connected to it immediately.
In my haste to get the recording started I had not been listening to the entire ATT message and had missed an important part – using the #key to start the connection to a second number. Instead, I dialed the number and waited, and waited, and waited, for the connection to begin. Now I do it the ‘right way’ of the time and it works great. The process wasn’t broken, I just had not listened before I acted.

In our haste to be finished with a process, whether that is a personal life challenge, or the current craziness we’re seeing in the world and the spiritual battle it is part of, we do not consider that listening is an important part of taking action.
The more we listen, the easier it is for us to hear important information that will help us. Sure it feels better to keep pushing forward because taking action relieves the stress, frustration, and makes us feel like we’re doing something and moving the energy. We’re taking control while the Universe is missing in action.
But taking action without asking the proper questions and listening for the entire answer means we’re acting on partial information, assumption, conjecture, and missing out on some suggestions that may be very helpful.
I know it’s hard to keep the faith right now and the frustration at seeing so much darkness while we have worked so hard to expand the light is demoralizing. But remember that we’re seeing the dark because of the light and not only are we seeing it, so is everyone else.

Keep those lights shining and listen for all of the instructions before taking action so you make your path easier, your burden lighter, and can takesome time to see just how much light has been expanded in the world and how many people are awakening now.
Copyright (c) 2020 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved. You may quote, copy, translate and link to this article, in its entirety, on free, non-donation based websites only, as long as you include the author name and a working link back to this website. All other uses are strictly prohibited.
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