Monday, December 1, 2014

NorthPoint Astrology Journal December 1 to 7, 2014 by Pam Younghans

NorthPoint Astrology Journal by Pam Younghans
December 1 to 7, 2014
Highlighted Aspects:MON: Saturn sextile Mars; TUE: Chiron semisquare Mars; WED: Uranus sesquisquare Saturn; THU: Jupiter trine Venus, Uranus trine Sun, Mars enters Aquarius; FRI: Chiron square Sun, Uranus trine Mercury; SAT: Chiron square Mercury, Full Moon 4:26am PST

AS WE NAVIGATE the planetary aspects that are working with us over the coming week, we need to keep in mind that the influence of the Pluto-Uranus square is building again. The two planets will be exactly square (90 degrees apart) on December 14 -- just two weeks from today.

Since we've already had five exact squares, we are almost getting used to the instability that corresponds with this Pluto-Uranus combo. I say "almost," because most clients these days are asking "when do we get back to normal life again?"

I do think there will eventually be a new status quo, but if the planets succeed in their work, that new reality will look very different than what we considered "normal" back in 2011, before the Pluto-Uranus square began. But, I'm getting ahead of myself, since that's more of a conversation about 2015 and beyond ...

THIS WEEK is a bit of a rollercoaster, with several easy aspects interspersed with challenging ones. It makes it difficult to speak in terms of an overall theme for the week, so forgive me if today's Journal seems a bit disjointed -- on the other hand, perhaps we can use that lack of focus as a hint about the week ahead.

We start off with a strong sense of our own capabilities on Monday (Saturn sextile Mars), but by Tuesday we can find ourselves reverting to old patterns of insecurity (Chiron semisquare Mars). This leads us into Wednesday, when we struggle between choosing the "safety" of holding on to the outmoded systems of the past vs. being willing to take that risks that are involved in embracing the new (Uranus sesquisquare Saturn).

THURSDAY looks like the most supportive day of the week, both for being open to change (Uranus trine Sun) and for generally enjoying life and other people (Jupiter trine Venus). Mars also changes signs on Thursday, leaving conservative Capricorn and moving into freedom-loving Aquarius. This subtle shift can help us take new roads instead of continuing to follow the same track that we've been on.

Friday is another glass-half-full/glass-half-empty kind of day. Chiron squares the Sun, bringing forward self-doubts that need healing before we can make significant progress. The Uranus-Mercury helps us break free from old thought patterns and opens our minds to receive the gifts of higher consciousness -- but the Chiron-Mercury square on Saturday means we may need to heal our trust in the Universe before we completely allow in the new information.

THE FULL MOON on Saturday is in Gemini, so hopefully will help us find the clarity we've been searching for all week. Mercury, the Sun, and Ceres all oppose the Moon, emphasizing the need to nurture ourselves by choosing thoughts that are positive and supportive.

The Sun is aligned with "the Great Attractor" at the time of the Full Moon. As with many objects in space, there is a lot of scientific and astrological conjecture about what this Great Attractor is and how it affects us.

Here's what astrologer Philip Sedgwick tells us about the Great Attractor in The Soul of the Sky, part of his CD set, The Galactic Trilogy:

    "The enormous gravity of the Great Attractor actually bends light around it. It bends the light so much, that a glimpse of what is behind it can be taken. This quality of gravitational lensing provides clear behind-the-scenes insights, while simultaneously offering other refractive illusions."

In other words, the Great Attractor provides energies of both great insight and great illusion. It is helpful that we have the Moon in Gemini to anchor the logical side of the equation. Perhaps this Full Moon will provide us with just the right balance of higher-dimensional information and concrete, this-world knowing, so that we can utilize the higher-level insights we gain in productive ways.

IT'S FASCINATING, given this information about the Great Attractor, to now read the Sabian symbol for Saturday's Full Moon:

    Two Dutch children talking to each other, exchanging their knowledge: The need to clarify one's experience through actual contacts with like-minded individuals.

Here's an explanation of the meaning of this symbol, by astrologer Dane Rudhyar:

    "Transcendent experiences and supernormal faculties must be tested and clarified through the use of normal and collectively tested means of communication. In old tribal cultures, one person's "great dreams" were accepted as valid and acted upon only if another person had a similar dream. The need for objectivity must be met."

Given all of this, it sounds like our best option now is to be open-minded, but to verify and validate before we take action on the information we receive.


I'VE SPENT this holiday weekend creating the monthly calendars that will be part of the slideshow for my teleclass in January -- which gives me the perfect opportunity to let you know about a new feature for this class!

For the first time, before the teleclass airs, we'll be sending out a pdf of the calendars (with planetary aspects) to everyone who registers. That way, you can print out copies of the calendars and write notes on them when you join us for the class on January 8 (or listen to the replay later).

(My thanks to the class participant who requested that option -- it's a great idea!)

If you're ready to sign up for the class, here's the link:
And, here's the full description if you'd like to learn more:

At the Door of a New Age
Your astrology guide for January to June 2015

A 90-minute teleclass with Astrologer Pam Younghans and Wellness Educator Elsie Kerns

Thursday, January 8, 2015
Live broadcast: 4pm PST | 5pm MST | 6pm CST | 7pm EST
Also available by download after class airs | Fee: $25

THE FIRST 6 MONTHS OF 2015 hold enormous potential for spiritual growth and creative change, as the planets challenge each of us to make a quantum leap in some area of our lives.

We’ve been working with the transformative energies of the ongoing Pluto-Uranus square for 3 years now. By the end of 2014, we will have experienced the exact aspect 6 times. But in each of those exact aspects, either Pluto or Uranus has been retrograde, leaving us to balance the need to resolve issues from the past with a strong desire to leap into the future.

March 16, 2015 is the date of the 7th and final exact square between Pluto and Uranus – and on that date, both planets will be in forward motion. In other words, it’s all systems go, full speed ahead!

In this 90-minute teleclass, I’ll explain more about what this final Pluto-Uranus square means, and how it relates to the title of the class, “At the Door of a New Age.” I’ll also talk about other exciting and potentially life-changing events in the first 6 months of 2015:

  • The highly-energized line-up of planets in mid-March, which sees Mars aligning with Uranus and both planets trine Jupiter, right before the final Pluto-Uranus square – and just days before an eclipse and the solstice
  • The Total Solar Eclipse on March 20 in the very last degree of the zodiac (29 degrees of Pisces), indicating a time of completion and the need to release old definitions of spirituality
  • The Total Lunar Eclipse on April 4 that activates more events related to the Pluto-Uranus-Mars-Jupiter line-up in March
  • The first months of Saturn’s transit through Sagittarius, and its return to Scorpio on June 14

I’ll also cover the significance of the New and Full Moons for each month, as well as Mercury’s retrograde phases, and other highlights of the first half of 2015. As before, the slideshow will include monthly calendars showing the most important planetary aspects.

I hope you can join us, either "live" as the class airs, or by download afterward!

To register:



Photo: Auroras over Russia on November 28, 2014 (credit: Трифонова Любовь, posted on

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